方案成果展示Results Presentation


华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(牵头单位)、AAUPC CHAVANNES & ASSOCIES(法国 AAUPC 建筑规划事务所)、赣州市国土空间调查规划研究中心

规划借力高铁新城打造为“赣深合作示范区”, 建设青年科创、深圳科技园等,创造一个对湾区新一代年轻科技创新人才深具吸引力的魅力城市。规划在原有两条视线通廊基础上,再架构一条山水人才轴,形成“谷山桃江、山水架构”的总体格局。核心范围塑造“城市厅堂、三轴定芯”,通过网红商业轴、科技活力轴、生态休闲轴三条轴线,打造充满魅力的公共空间。

△ 核心区鸟瞰效果图

△ 一江两岸鸟瞰效果图

△ 青创城效果图

△ 总平面图

△ 展板照片 ©有方

1. 方案对信丰的发展条件、优势分析比较透彻,在产业、城市功能布局、发展模式方面提出了有亮点、适宜于信丰的策略。
2. 北岸作为赣州都市区副中心的定位基本准确,对南岸片区提出了较为明晰的产业发展导向,并留有一定的拓展空间。
3. 外部快速交通的组织提出了简单有效的巧妙转化方式。
4. 山水格局与城市的关系处理得当,城市风貌和尺度控制节制。





△ 总体鸟瞰(远期)

△ 江北城区(近期)

△ 详细城市设计-产业走廊

△ 总平面图(近期)

△ 展板照片 ©有方

1. 城市的能级定位较为准确,“双芯驱动”和“三条廊道”规划结构布局可以作为另一种思路方向。
2. 桃江北岸站前区域的空间尺度把握较好,开发模式具有一定弹性。




△ 概念性整体规划鸟瞰图

△ 概念性城市设计效果图

△ 详细城市设计-桃江北岸“围屋工坊”

△ 总平面图

△ 展板照片 ©有方

1. 方案以“围屋工坊”的形式提出了站前区域以高品质的科技园区作为门户形象的发展模式。
2. 每个片区的核心形象有一定特点。




△ 整体鸟瞰图

△ 展板照片 ©有方



△ 整体鸟瞰图

△ 展板照片 ©有方



△ 整体鸟瞰图

△ 展板照片 ©有方

项目背景Project Background

International Competition for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town is now open for application.

Xinfeng is the largest county with the most population in the area adjacent to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter the Greater Bay Area) in Jiangxi Province. It is known as the merging area among the three provinces of Jiangxi, Guangdong and Fujian. Now it acts as the frontier communicating with the Greater Bay Area, an important junction node of Jiangxi and Guangdong the Grande Canale (planned), occupying an important strategic position.

The opening of Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway in 2021 brings an enormous historical opportunity for Xinfeng County. Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway is an artery that connects the North and the South. Its opening is of great significance to promote a deeper integration of the Greater Bay Area, extend the radiation-driven function of Pearl River Delta region, and implement the national strategy of "The Rise of Central China".

In order to fully integrate into the Greater Bay Area and play the role of an integration forerunner, the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China of Xinfeng County proposed that Xinfeng should integrate into the south and communicate with the north. It should also make good use of the enormous historical opportunity of the opening of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway. The future development of Xinfeng should rely on the green hills and clear rivers including Gushan Mountain and Taojiang River. Advantages of Xinfeng should be fully taken, including its proximity to the Greater Bay Area, its large population and territory, strong developing energy and good industrial base. Xinfeng County aims to deeply integrate into the business environment and modern industrial system of the Greater Bay Area, and become a bridgehead city of the integration. It shall also connect with the main urban area of Ganzhou, and depict a new page as "the hometown of oranges in the world, the source of Beijiang River, an example of merging into the Greater Bay Area, a city with ethical citizens and abundant resources". The goal is to make full use of the policies for the revitalization of Central Revolutionary Base Area, and become one of the cities with the best business environment merging into the Greater Bay Area in the central and western regions of China.

In this context, hosted by Xinfeng County Natural Resources Bureau, co-organized by Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd., International Competition for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town will be launched soon.


信丰区位图 ©有方
Location of Xinfeng County ©POSITION


高铁新城区位图 ©有方
Location of High-Speed Rail New Town ©POSITION

场地视频 ©有方
Site Video ©POSITION

竞赛目标 Competition Objectives

1. 对标湾区的产城融合示范区,打造融湾新引擎和创新高地:在规划上依托谷山、桃江等青山绿水的生态环境,有序完善产业结构、公共服务和商业等配套设施,发展现代商务、总部经济、人才培育、创智创业、生态旅游。瞄准大湾区规划,建设高科技创新区、高端要素集聚区、“一江两岸”滨水生态区、谷山休闲度假康养区,打造湾区产业转移首选地。
Take the demonstration area of industry-city integration in the Greater Bay Area as a development goal, and create a new engine to integrate with the Greater Bay Area as well as an innovative highland: With the planning combining with the superior ecological environment of Gushan Mountain and Taojiang River, the city will improve the industrial structure, public services and commercial facilities and develop modern business, headquarters economy, talent cultivation, creative entrepreneurship and ecological tourism. Combined with the planning of the Greater Bay Area, it will construct a high-tech innovation zone, an area gathering high-end elements, a waterfront ecological zone with "one river and two banks", and a leisure and recreation zone in Gushan Mountain to create a preferred place for industrial transfer from the Greater Bay Area.

2. 打造“一江两岸”特色景观带,建设山水生态美城:推进桃江两岸旅游综合开发,发掘“一江两岸”山水人文资源。以桃江为中轴线,打造“一江两岸”特色景观带,形成旅游中轴线,打造现代化的山水生态高铁新城,为导入产业和人才营造高品质的山水城市环境。
Construct a landscape belt with the characteristic of "one river and two banks" as well as a beautiful and ecological city with mountains and rivers: Promote the comprehensive development of tourism and explore the landscape and cultural resources on both sides of Taojiang River. Taking Taojiang River as the central axis, designers need to create a landscape belt with the characteristic of "a river and two banks" and finally form a tourism axis. A modern ecological High-Speed Rail New Town needs to be planned to create a high-quality urban environment with mountains and rivers for introducing industries and talents.

3. 规划未来产城一体化,构建站-水-城交融的高铁新城新典范:规划需考虑与现有城区空间、产业以及未来远期发展空间的衔接,通过区域融合、水城融合、站城融合来营造高铁新城。
Improve the future integration of industry and city, and construct High-Speed Rail New Town as a new model of transit-oriented city: The planning needs to consider the connection with the current urban space, industry as well as the long-term development space. High-Speed Rail New Town shall be planned by means of regional integration, river-city integration and transit-oriented development.


信丰西站 ©有方
Xinfengxi Railway Station ©POSITION


信丰西站 ©有方
Xinfengxi Railway Station ©POSITION


桃江北岸的湿地公园 ©有方
Wetland park on the north bank of Taojiang River ©POSITION


桃江南岸 ©有方
The South Bank of Taojiang River ©POSITION


谷山景区 ©有方
Gushan Mountain Scenic Area ©POSITION


桃江上的嘉定老桥 ©有方
The Jiading Old Bridge on Taojiang River ©POSITION


谷山及老城区 ©有方
Gushan Mountain and Old Town ©POSITION

项目概况Project Overview

Xinfeng is known as “the Hometown of Navel Oranges in China”, with a beautiful natural ecological environment and the superior ecological structure of "three mountains and two rivers surrounding the city". The 8-km-long ecological shoreline along Taojiang River is an important ecological showcase area of the city. High-Speed Rail New Town is located in the south of Xinfeng County, which will be an important area for the future development of the main urban area of Xinfeng.

Conceptual Planning Scope: The total area is about 2064.08 hectares. The area is enclosed by Nation Highway 105 (East) in the east, Daqing-Guangzhou Expressway in the west, Nation Highway 105 (South) in the south and Gushan Mountain Area in the north.

Urban Design Scope: The total area is about 1095.86 hectares (including 117.55-hectare water body area of Taojiang River). Urban Design Scope includes the ecological shoreline of about 8 km on both sides of Taojiang River, the reservoir area within Gushan Mountain Area, the area north of Taojiang River enclosed by Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway, Xinxiong Avenue, Yingbin Avenue and Yanjiang Avenue, the area within about 0.5 km from the south bank of Taojiang River. Design teams need to specify a core area of 1-2 square kilometers as a key urban space to be designed.


项目范围图 ©有方
Conceptual Planning Scope and Urban Design Scope of the Project ©POSITION


高铁新城分区图 ©有方
Partition Map of High-Speed Rail New Town ©POSITION

The project site includes Taojiang River and its ecological shoreline on both sides, the area north of Taojiang River, the area south of Taojiang River and Gushan Mountain area. The spatial structure and infrastructure of the site need to be improved. The ecological wetland on the northern bank of Taojiang River has been completed. A number of important landmarks, transportation buildings and cultural buildings have been put into use in the area north of Taojiang River, but there is still a large area in need of planning and construction. The area south of Taojiang River is currently undeveloped and remains as a long-term development site. Currently the area south of Taojiang River is dominated by a large amount of farmland, private houses and national public welfare forests.

高铁新城全景(信丰大桥,上方相对地面约250米高度) ©有方
Panorama of High-Speed Rail New Town (Taken at an altitude of about 250 meters above Xinfeng Bridge, Xinfeng County) ©POSITION

场地全景图 Panorama
Click to view Panorama

用地内地块现状分布图 ©有方
Construction Situation within High-Speed Rail New Town ©POSITION


用地内建筑项目分布图 ©有方
Location of Construction Projects within High-Speed Rail New Town ©POSITION


用地内交通图 ©有方
Transportation Planning within High-Speed Rail New Town ©POSITION

竞赛规则Competition Rules

The competition adopts the method of open solicitation, divided into three phases: Open Application Phase, Schematic Design Competition Phase and Final Presentation Phase. (During Schematic Design Phase, the co-organizers will organize a mid-term presentation, in the form of online presentation. The shortlisted teams need to submit their design proposals and make a mid-term presentation to the host.)

Open Application Phase

Each applicant should submit only 1 concept proposal. Pre-qualification Review Committee shall review application materials submitted by the participating teams including the concept proposal, experience of the chief designer and the team (Open Review), and comprehensively determine 6 shortlisted proposals without ranking to enter the next phase by voting. 2 alternative proposals with ranking will also be determined.

Design Competition Phase

The shortlisted teams submit complete conceptual design according to relevant requirements. Only 1 design for each team (consortium) shall be submitted. Scheme Review Committee shall evaluate the design schemes (Open Review), and fully listen to opinions of the host, then determine 3 ranked winning proposals and 3 unranked Excellence Awards by voting. (Before the scheme review meeting, a mid-term presentation will be organized in the form of online presentations, in which the shortlisted teams will submit their design proposals and make a mid-term presentation to the host.)

Final Presentation Phase

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd teams will enter Final Presentation Phase. The host shall choose one of the teams to be responsible for follow-up work to optimize the planning and design scheme.

The competition results will be announced on project homepage and other platforms after confirmation by the host, for 3 working days.

报名要求Application Requirements

1. 申请人须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构;法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人、母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,视为同一申请人,不可同时报名。
Applicants must be domestic or overseas legally registered companies or organizations. Two or more legal persons, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies with the same legal representative shall be regarded as the same applicant and shall not apply for the competition at the same time.

2. 报名不设资质要求。鼓励设计团队融合城市规划与设计、景观设计、建筑设计、定位策划等不同经验的专业人员。
There is no qualification requirement. Design teams composed of professionals in urban planning and design, landscape design, architectural design, positioning strategy are encouraged.

3. 接受联合体参赛,联合体成员数量不超过3家(即1个牵头方+2个成员方)。联合体各方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位、各方工作内容及工作量分配等。联合体各方不得再单独或以其他名义与其他企业或机构组成其他联合体报名。
Consortium is accepted, with no more than 3 members (1 leading member+ 2 members). Consortium members shall sign the Consortium Agreement legally and specify the leading member and work distribution. Each member in the consortium shall not apply for the competition alone or participate in another consortium in other names with other enterprises or institutions.

4. 境外企业或机构如在中国境内无分支办公室或在职员工的,必须与境内设计机构,组成联合体参加本次国际竞赛。
Foreign enterprises or institutions that do not have branches or staff in China must form a consortium with domestic design institutions to participate in the international competition.

5. 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。
Individual or team of individuals are not accepted.

6. 参与本次国际竞赛的设计人员应为其所属设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目的设计师担任,且必须真正负责本项目,参与本次国际竞赛全过程,包括但不限于踏勘答疑会及方案汇报等(含视频会议)。如在本次国际竞赛过程中,发现主创设计师与报名材料所提交人员不符,主办方有权取消其参赛资格。为保证设计人员对本次国际竞赛背景和相关要求有准确理解,主要设计人员中应至少有一名以汉语为母语的成员。
Designers participating in this international competition should be the registered staff of the application company. The chief designer should be a designer who has led several projects of the same type and must be truly responsible for the project. The chief designer should participate in the whole process of this international competition including but not limited to the site visit, Q&A sessions and scheme reporting (including video conference). If it is found that the chief designer does not match with the person submitted in the application materials during the international competition, the host has the right to cancel the qualification. In order to ensure that the designers have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of this international competition, at least one of the main designers should be a native Chinese speaker.

奖金及后续整合深化工作Bonus & Follow-up Work

For each shortlisted applicant, if the deliverables are determined by the Scheme Review Committee as meeting the design requirements of the competition, according to the ranking results determined by the Scheme Review Committee, the corresponding bonuses will be paid as follows:

1 Winner, award of RMB 3,600,000 (tax inclusive), including 300,000 for the service fee which shall be paid by the winner to the co-organizer (tax inclusive) 1 Second Prize, award of RMB 2,300,000 (tax inclusive)
1 Third Prize, award of RMB 1,800,000 (tax inclusive)
3 Excellence Awards, each award of RMB 1,300,000 (tax inclusive)

Content and Design Fee of Follow-up Work

The winner will serve as the technical consultant for the "International Competition for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town", and will be responsible for further development and integration of conceptual planning and urban design of the High-Speed Rail New Town.

The winner is required to fully absorb the advantages of other awarded designs, develop and adjust the design according to experts' evaluation opinions and relevant management departments' opinions, The depth of the design scheme should be up to the standard of regulatory plant, then form formal reports and planning guidance documents, and submit them to the host for acceptance.

At the same time, the winner is responsible for any scheme revision arising from the review, assist in adjustment of the regulatory plan and provide related supporting services.

The fee for follow-up integration and optimization work is RMB 2,000,000 (tax inclusive).

预审报名方式Application Procedure

Applicants must submit email application and paper application before the deadline. Those who fail to submit email application or paper application will be regarded as invalid application.

Email Application

Applicants should send the scanned Application Letter (PDF) to the email address before 17:00, June 16, 2022 (UTC+8).Email: competition@archiposition.com

Paper Document Submission

The applicant must ensure that the package arrives at the designated place before the deadline. Paper documents can be submitted on site or by mail. Deadline: before 17:00, June 23, 2022 (UTC+8). Late arrival materials will not be accepted.

Content of Pre-qualification Application

Design teams shall submit application materials according to the requirements of the Work Rules and the Design Brief, which include company profile, credit files and concept proposal. Both paper documents and electronic documents are required. If the application documents do not meet the requirements, they will not be reviewed. Please refer to Work Rules for details.

Only 1 design for each team (consortium) shall be submitted.

1. 概念提案应能完整、清晰地表达规划设计思路,提炼亮点,制定总体目标。内容建议如下:
1. The design works of pre-qualification phase should be able to fully and clearly express the planning and design ideas, refine the highlights and formulate the overall objectives. Design works content include:
(1) Proposal name;
(2) Proposal of overall planning function;
(3) Analyze and interpret site features;
(4) Overall planning and functional layout;
(5) Overall conceptual rendering;
(6) Other content that the design team believes expresses the characteristics of the proposal;
(7) Reference case and its analysis related to this project;
(8) The contents that can be learned from the design team's past projects.

2. 展板必须包含总体规划及功能布局草案、总体意向图。其余内容参照文本内容。
2. The presentation boards must contain the overall planning, functional layout and overall conceptual rendering. The rest of the content refers to the booklet.


The shortlisted teams should participate in site visit. Any personnel coming to Xinfeng County should meet epidemic prevention requirements in Xinfeng and make preparations in advance. The schedule might be adjusted according to the epidemic situations and subject to the follow-up notice.


答疑补遗Addendum and Q&A

Release Date: May 25, 2022

The Addendum 1 of the Design Brief of International Competition for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town is as follows.The addendum 1 contains photos of the site. Please refer to the annex

补遗1下载链接 The Addendum 1 Download link:

Release Date: June 6, 2022

The Addendum 2 and Q&A of the Design Brief and Work Rules of Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town are as follows. If there are items that are not clarified in former Design Brief and Work Rules or differences between former documents and addendum and Q&A, the information of this addendum and Q&A shall prevail. The content of this addendum and Q&A is subject to the Chinese version.

This document includes Addendum 2 and Q&A part which consists of Design Brief Q&A and Work Rules Q&A.

补遗2及答疑文件下载链接 Downloading Link of Addendum 2 and Q&A

Release Date: June 6, 2022

The Addendum 3 of the Design Brief of International Competition for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Jiangxi Xinfeng High-Speed Rail New Town is as follows.The addendum 3 contains Land Use Planning in Reg ulatory Detailed Planning of the Urban Area of Xinfeng (2022) and the red line of the land . The addendum is attached as addendum Annex 6.

补遗3及答疑文件下载链接 Downloading Link of Addendum 3 and Q&A

资格预审结果Pre-Qualification Results












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主办单位 Host
Xinfeng County Natural Resources Bureau

组织策划 Co-Organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.

咨询邮箱 Inquiry Email

咨询电话/微信 Phone/WeChat
陈女士 Ms. Chen +86-19129915597
*咨询时间:工作日 9:00—18:30
*Consultation Hours: Weekdays 9:00-18:30

深圳SEO优化公司清徐seo网站优化推荐锦州网站建设设计价格达州网站优化按天扣费价格信阳SEO按天收费哪家好桂林百度seo价格茂名网站推广系统哪家好泰安品牌网站设计推荐醴陵百度标王多少钱漳州网站seo优化哪家好桐城百度关键词包年推广推荐菏泽建站报价衢州营销网站报价南通网站搜索优化公司坪地seo优化通辽网站推广方案报价哈尔滨百度竞价温州网站推广方案公司延安SEO按天扣费汉中优化哪家好马鞍山seo优化多少钱西宁seo报价迁安百度竞价公司吉安网站优化推广推荐廊坊seo优化报价盘锦百度关键词包年推广公司赣州SEO按效果付费哪家好金昌seo网站推广哪家好石岩seo排名哪家好资阳网站优化推广林芝网站搜索优化推荐歼20紧急升空逼退外机英媒称团队夜以继日筹划王妃复出草木蔓发 春山在望成都发生巨响 当地回应60岁老人炒菠菜未焯水致肾病恶化男子涉嫌走私被判11年却一天牢没坐劳斯莱斯右转逼停直行车网传落水者说“没让你救”系谣言广东通报13岁男孩性侵女童不予立案贵州小伙回应在美国卖三蹦子火了淀粉肠小王子日销售额涨超10倍有个姐真把千机伞做出来了近3万元金手镯仅含足金十克呼北高速交通事故已致14人死亡杨洋拄拐现身医院国产伟哥去年销售近13亿男子给前妻转账 现任妻子起诉要回新基金只募集到26元还是员工自购男孩疑遭霸凌 家长讨说法被踢出群充个话费竟沦为间接洗钱工具新的一天从800个哈欠开始单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警#春分立蛋大挑战#中国投资客涌入日本东京买房两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账新加坡主帅:唯一目标击败中国队月嫂回应掌掴婴儿是在赶虫子19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声清明节放假3天调休1天张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?开封王婆为何火了主播靠辱骂母亲走红被批捕封号代拍被何赛飞拿着魔杖追着打阿根廷将发行1万与2万面值的纸币库克现身上海为江西彩礼“减负”的“试婚人”因自嘲式简历走红的教授更新简介殡仪馆花卉高于市场价3倍还重复用网友称在豆瓣酱里吃出老鼠头315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了网友建议重庆地铁不准乘客携带菜筐特朗普谈“凯特王妃P图照”罗斯否认插足凯特王妃婚姻青海通报栏杆断裂小学生跌落住进ICU恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴湖南一县政协主席疑涉刑案被控制茶百道就改标签日期致歉王树国3次鞠躬告别西交大师生张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运

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