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Kato USA - 106-0031 - MP36PH + Gallery Bi-Level Commuter Train Starter Set - Metra - Chicago Metra

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N Scale - Kato USA - 106-0031 - MP36PH + Gallery Bi-Level Commuter Train Starter Set - Metra - Chicago Metra
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Stock Number 106-0031
Brand Kato USA
Manufacturer Kato
Body Style Kato Passenger Boxed Set North American Prototype
Prototype MP36PH + Gallery Bi-Level Commuter Train Starter Set - Metra
Road or Company Name Chicago Metra ( Details)
Road or Reporting Numbermulti
Paint Color(s)Blue, White, Orange and Black
Coupler TypeKato Operating Knuckle
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Multipack Count4
Multipack ID Number 106-0031
Release Date 2014-03-01
Item Category Starter Sets
Model Type Diesel
Scale 1/160

Model Information: Kato boxed sets for North American Prototypes come in various shapes and sizes. These may contain complete train sets with locomotive, track and power pack or may be as simple as a pair of passenger coaches. Many of the sets use "bookshelf" boxes with cardboard sleeves and carefully cut foam inserts.
Road Name History:
Metra (reporting mark METX) is a commuter railroad in the Chicago metropolitan area. The railroad operates 241 stations on 11 different rail lines. It is the fourth busiest commuter rail system in the United States by ridership and the largest and busiest commuter rail system outside the New York City metropolitan area. There were 83.4 million passenger rides in 2014, up 1.3% from the previous year. The busiest day for Metra ridership occurred on June 11, 2010?the day of the Chicago Blackhawks 2010 Stanley Cup victory rally?with over 429,000 passengers.

Using Chicago's rail infrastructure, much of which was created in the 19th century, the Illinois General Assembly established the RTA, and later Metra, to serve commuters by rail. Metra's creation was a result of the anticipated failure of commuter service operated and owned by various private railroad companies in the 1970s. Freight rail companies still operate some routes; however, these operations are guided by contracted service agreements. Metra owns all rolling stock and is responsible for all stations along with the respective municipalities. Since its inception, Metra has directed more than $5 billion into the commuter rail system of the Chicago metropolitan area.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
KATO U.S.A. was established in 1986, with the first U.S. locomotive model (the GP38-2, in N-Scale) released in 1987. Since that time, KATO has come to be known as one of the leading manufacturers of precision railroad products for the modeling community. KATO's parent company, Sekisui Kinzoku Co., Ltd., is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

In addition to producing ready-to-run HO and N scale models that are universally hailed for their high level of detail, craftsmanship and operation, KATO also manufactures UNITRACK. UNITRACK is the finest rail & roadbed modular track system available to modelers today. With the track and roadbed integrated into a single piece, UNITRACK features a nickel-silver rail and a realistic-looking roadbed. Patented UNIJOINERS allow sections to be snapped together quickly and securely, time after time if necessary.

The Kato U.S.A. office and warehouse facility is located in Schaumburg, Illinois, approximately 30 miles northwest of Chicago. All research & development of new North American products is performed here, in addition to the sales and distribution of merchandise to a vast network of wholesale representatives and retail dealers. Models requiring service sent in by hobbyists are usually attended to at this location as well. The manufacturing of all KATO products is performed in Japan.

Supporters of KATO should note that there is currently no showroom or operating exhibit of models at the Schaumburg facility. Furthermore, model parts are the only merchandise sold directly to consumers. (Please view the Parts Catalog of this website for more specific information.)
Item created by: gdm on 2016-05-13 17:52:06. Last edited by George on 2024-01-26 20:29:02

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