Our SEO Services Accelerate Your Business Growth

Are you ready to take your business growth to the next level? Top Lead Marketing is a leading global SEO and digital marketing agency that consistently delivers results. But you don’t have to take our word for it – you can see for yourself with our client testimonials.

Our search engine optimization service is a powerful way to generate high quality, relevant traffic to your website. We tailor our SEO strategy to your unique business and marketing goals. Regardless of your specific objectives, we help you improve your revenue and profits by giving you the best results for your SEO and marketing spend. Start attracting more relevant, qualified leads today with our SEO services!

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. The main objective of SEO is to increase not only the quantity but more importantly, the quality of the people who visit your website. Website traffic is largely driven by where your website ranks in top search engines, like Google.

You can pay to appear at the top of the web results for specific keywords, but these paid methods are not part of search engine optimization.Instead, the goal of SEO is to have website rankings that are the result of unpaid, or organic, methods.These listings, which appear below the ads at the top of a search engine results page, are known as organic search results.

There is a science to SEO. It begins with understanding how search engines detect, read, and rank the web pages on the internet. This knowledge is paired with an understanding of what and how the target audience(s) are searching. However, ensuring potential customers find you is only part of the equation. Part of SEO is also ensuring that your webpage itself is set up to encourage

those viewers to become paying customers for whatever product or service you offer.

There are many SEO agencies out there, Top Lead Marketing isn’t just any SEO company. Read on to understand what makes us different and why our clients love us, or just give us a call to get started!


If you’ve been researching internet marketing, you have likely come across the term search engine marketing, or SEM. You may be wondering how this is different from search engine optimization.

SEO is all about optimizing your website or specific pages to rank highly in an organic search. Meanwhile, SEM relies on both organic and paid search traffic. Both methods can be effective and have their place in an overall digital marketing strategy.

Even if you were never aware of it, you have seen SEM in action. At the top of web search results, you may have noticed results that say Ad or Sponsored. Well, that’s SEM at work! In this case, that specific method is a form of pay per click, or PPC, advertising.

The truth is, both SEO and paid methods, collectively known as search engine marketing, can play an important part in a successful online marketing campaign.

At Top Lead Marketing, we tend to recommend focusing on SEO. However, there are instances when paid results are the most appropriate and possibly the first option a company should consider.

Unsure of where to begin and what methods are best for you? Contact us now to speak with one of our online marketing specialists.

Research & Keyword Selection

– This is the first and possibly most important part of SEO. If you’re targeting the wrong keywords, your SEO will not work. You must fully understand what and how your potential customers or clients are searching. Once the top keywords are narrowed down, they need to be thoroughly researched to weigh relevancy with competitiveness to get you the absolute best results.

Unique, Readable, Valuable Content

– Your content must be all of these things. If your content is duplicated, it will negatively impact your SEO, so you have to make sure it’s unique. Your content must also be readable to keep the reader engaged. The way to do this is through headings, bullet points, and using common language for your audience. Your content must also be valuable. Whether internal or external, your writer should be someone with experience and expertise in your area of business so they can provide real insights.

Content is Not Just Words

– Now more than ever, end users – aka: your potential customers – are demanding content in multiple formats. Video has been surging and continues to become more important than ever. Things like photos and infographics are other popular ways people are consuming content these days. It’s not just about posting quality content but also posting content in the right formats that will engage your customers.

Consistent Publishing

– SEO optimization also takes into consideration how recent your content is. It’s not necessary to always reinvent the wheel. This can be as easy as updating existing content. Frequent publishing, over time, leads to more and more content being out there with the relevant keywords, which is part of what helps raise your web search ranking over time.

Earned & Strategic Backlinks

– Focus on creating content that is so good, other people will want to share it. Backlinks, or when other websites have a link back to your site, help build your reputation as an authority in your area and boosts your rankings considerably.


– The goal for most brands and companies is to keep eyes on your content. Interlinking is a way to point visitors to other relevant pages and resources that are part of your own website. When used correctly, it not only helps improve SEO factors but also helps with customer conversion rates.

Outbound Links

– These should be used with caution but can have an important impact. Often, the purpose of your site is to capture the attention of your clients or to get them to voluntarily give you their information. So, it makes sense that directing them away from your page isn’t ideal. However, linking to authoritative, high-quality sites shows you are offering your readers true value, not merely producing content and links for the purpose of high web page rankings and information capturing.

Maintaining Responsive, Error Free Websites

– Besides bad SEO practices, linking to broken sites can impede your rank pretty quickly. So can load times. The slower your page loads, the lower the conversion rate and the less time people will spend on it. These can be factors that aren’t always considered but are very important for SEO.


– Having mobile-friendly content is key as more than half of all web searches now happen on a mobile device. However, it doesn’t just end there. Content and pages also need to be optimized for all the ways people search – including voice and visual search – as well as the way search results are returned, such as featured snippets.

These practices are just the basics of how we execute a flawless, successful, stable search engine optimization strategy that will have a lasting, positive impact on your internet marketing.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

– PPC ads are the fast lane to appearing on the front page of Google. This is one of the quickest ways to get your website seen before your competitors’.

Display & Retargeting Ads

– These ads are one of the best ways to keep your product or service at the forefront of potential customers. If a potential client clicks on your ad in one location, it will begin to appear in other interfaces.

Social Media Ad Campaigns

– The audience on popular social media sites continues to grow. This is one of the best places to capitalize on eyes on screens. This form of advertising tends to have a very high rate of return (ROI) when managed well.

Social Media Marketing

– The world of social media is constantly evolving. It’s no longer enough to be on the right sites. You also need your pages to be custom, unique representations of your brand that use the best methods for attracting organic engagement. We help make sense of the analytics so you can understand your core clients and how to better reach and engage with them.

Content Creation

– The best digital marketing often relies on good content. Whether your goals are enhancing your SEO, receiving valuable advice regarding your client base, or improving your written content, we have you covered. We have a network of content writers in multiple specialties that will represent your brand well and give you exactly the content you need.

Marketing Consulting

– You tell us your goals; we help you figure out the steps to get there. We evaluate your existing practices and help you understand what you’re doing well and what areas need improvement. We work with you to create a winning internet marketing strategy and develop a step by step plan so you can meet your goals. Then, you take it from there.

Do you have other digital marketing needs that are not listed here? Contact us for more information.

Why Choose Top Lead Marketing? What Makes us Different?

  1. We’re challenging the way digital marketing agencies are run. You need one cohesive strategy to be truly effective and strategic and that is how we approach our work with every client. Even if you only hire us for one or a few services, we do everything we can to ensure the services we provide integrate seamlessly with your other internet marketing efforts. It is paramount in business to have one cohesive brand and we help ensure that’s what you have, regardless what parts of it we handle.
  2. Our well-rounded team has expertise in every aspect of digital marketing. Well beyond marketing strategy itself, we have the best content writers and graphic designers. It’s not enough to have the right marketing strategy, the content also has to appeal to your audience and capture their attention. This includes being well written and beautifully designed. Collectively, our team merges together all of these aspects to not only help you reach your perfect customers but to give them a highly engaging experience that will make a positive impression from the first click.
  3. The only way to remain an expert in any field is to constantly be learning. We translate that deep core belief to every business we work with. At Top Lead we not only adjust our SEO efforts based on your specific analytics. Digital marketing and SEO best practices are constantly evolving. As things change, we implement new tactics and practices to give you the best results possible.
  4. Our Customers Love Us – One of best ways to choose a good company is to hear from past and existing clients. Check out our Testimonials.
  5. Customizable Services – We don’t oversell you. We work with you, your budget, and your business goals to give you the exact service that you need. Although we do believe these services work better when they all are used together, we understand the realities of running a business and needing to manage your cash flow.
  6. We Are Passionate About What We Do – At the end of the day, we truly believe that marketing, especially digital marketing, is one of the most important aspects of business success. Businesses used to be able to rely on word of mouth and foot traffic. In today’s global world, that is rarely the case. The quickest path to new customers and clients is good marketing. We make this our passion, so you can focus on your passion.
  7. We See the Big Picture – Not only do we focus on integrated services that create fully cohesive marketing plans, we also offer marketing consulting. This gives us a chance to work one on one with you or members of your team to ensure everyone understands marketing and what the best strategy is for your business. Ultimately, what keeps us going, is seeing our clients’ businesses thrive.
  1. Know How You’ll Track Progress

    – Does the company you’re considering regularly track SEO performance? How often? How do they communicate these results? Do they use these results to adjust and continue to improve the SEO efforts? Proper SEO management and growth is a process, so make sure you understand an SEO consultant or firm’s process and know they are aiming to constantly improve.

  1. Understand it Takes Time

    – If anyone tells you they can offer nearly instant SEO results, run! That is not how SEO works, and these companies are likely practicing what are known as black hat practices. While these sorts of practices can sometimes work in the short term, they will not give you results in the long run. As soon as web crawlers detect these practices, your site will be downgraded and this can be very difficult to recover from, so beware of unrealistic promises.

  1. Check References

    – Testimonials can tell you a great deal about a company. It gives you an idea of what it’s like to work with the SEO company you’re considering, and the type of results other clients have experienced. Both factors can be very helpful when choosing the right company for you. However, remember, testimonials can be faked or bought. So, also do your due diligence to ensure the testimonials are from real companies.

  1. Talk to Them

    – Once you’ve narrowed your options to a few companies, don’t be afraid to talk to them. Often, prices aren’t published on websites or the pricing listed on a company’s website isn’t all-inclusive. This is understandable since SEO strategies should be customized to your company, your goals, as well as your budget. Beyond pricing, this is the best way to determine which company you are going to feel most comfortable with and how to have all your questions answered.

Why Hire Us When You Can Handle SEO Yourself?

To answer this question, it is important to first understand how search engine optimization has evolved over time.

The History of SEO:


It’s hard to imagine but, once upon a time, Google did not exist. It may even be appropriate to refer to this as the dark ages in terms of search engine optimization. It was fairly easy to manipulate. As a business, if you used the right key words enough times throughout your website, you could almost guarantee you’d get eyes on your page.

However, for end users, this unfortunately led to a lot of quality discrepancies between the sites that were returned in a search engine. You’d often have to go to at least the second page before you’d find something relevant. Thankfully, there would soon be a new company on the scene that would change that.

Early Google

When Google came on the scene it changed everything. What started as a university project, quickly became the world’s leading search engine. One of the initial ranking factors was how many websites linked back to your website. This practice, which still carries some weight today, was a considerable improvement.

However, as can be expected, businesses quickly learned to rig the system. Which ended up leaving users with a mix of quality in terms of results returned.

Google Quality (Revolution?)

At the beginning of the last decade, after Google had established itself in the market and became wise to the ways businesses were cheating the system, they started rolling out updates that changed SEO forever. Two in particular changed really changed the SEO landscape.

The Penguin Update – Although Google began to penalize low quality sites in early 2011, this update, in April 2012, further extended and solidified that effort. Most importantly, they started to ding entire websites, as opposed to individual pages, who used techniques that were considered spam. This includes practices like keyword stuffing.

The Fred Update – This update focused on improving the user experience. Many websites became backdrops for aggressive marketing, such as advertisements that would take up entire pages. Although not confirmed by Google, others also believe this update targeted sites that had a great deal of backlinks that were highly similar and, therefore, perceived as rigging.

In short, SEO is constantly evolving. Now updates to the algorithms and ranking factors happen all the time. You can’t optimize your SEO if you don’t understand the details of how it works.

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