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A Brief Introduction To Beijing Shangyuan Art Scene


Categories: Art Scene (Art Museum, exhibition hall, Literature Museum, library)

Telephone Number: 010-60635299/60635757

Fax: 010-60635299

Website: www.syartmuseum.com

E-mail: ssyuan@126.com

Permanent Secretary: Cheng Xiaobei

Shangyuan art exhibition room(click on direct access)


Some Chinese poets and critics speak of Shangyuan Art Scene as a utopia of art, which is to say  that in a standardized, uniform society, Shangyuan Art Scene is in search of a certain kind of difference, whereby each individual, each creative self, every creative living entity is honored for the way in which they seek their value and meaning of life.

This utopia of art is the achievement of poet Cheng Xiaobei and a group of artists, poets, writers and architects. Beginning in 2000, they raised funds by themselves and searched for a suitable location north of Beijing, at the foot of the Yan mountains. After 7 years spent in site-selection, organizing, planning, and actual construction, the first stage of this modern architectural complex, with over 19,700 square meters of total floorage on 30,000 square meters of land was finished in late 2007. This complex, comprising 21 works of original modern architecture, includes a salon space, library, exhibition hall, open-air platform (from which you can see Yan mountains), video room, Liang Sicheng Memorial Exhibit Hall, cafe, writers’ apartments, artists’ studios, etc.

The Purpose of Shangyuan Art Scene: 

1. Organizing communication among different art fields: To restore the tradition of Chinese intellectuals in which regular communication was held among poets, painters, calligraphers and musicians. We want to improve the situation in present China in which artists are addicted to their own art fields and often have little communication with people from other professions.

2. Operating a Residency Program: To outstanding artists from different fields we offer free studio and apartments with peaceful surroundings for their creative activity.

The Principle of Shangyuan Art Scene:

We encourage and promote art which 1) is done in an independent creative spirit, 2) possesses characteristics of creativity and poetic language, 3) relates to the artist’s ‘present’ existence, 4) is stimulated by the artist’s genuine life experience. We emphasize mutual encouragement and cooperation among artists from various art fields; we also attach importance to helping and supporting the growth of young artists.



Shangyuan Art Scene / The ‘Uninterrupted Art’ Support Program:

1. Residency Program: Outstanding artists are selected from various art fields—painting, architecture, literature and poetry, music, performing arts, and film—and provided with a studio and apartment. At the same time, Shangyuan Art Scene has established a ‘Shangyuan art criticism’ writers’ group, who have an opportunity to develop along with the artists.

2. Exchange Program for Art Teachers: This will give art teachers with creative aspirations a place to show their works and get stimulation.They can inspire each other by interacting with other artists at Shangyuan Art Scene, with its rich gathering of musicians, poets, critics, painters and film makers. By expanding our horizons, stimulating our senses, and allowing introspection, we can mutually raise our level of understanding; at the same time, we will have a chance to exhibit excellent art works by teachers of art.

3. Support Program: Shangyuan Art Scene wants to help outstanding artists, for as long as they are in residence, to carry out continuous development of their art concepts, to tap the deep reserves needed to create serial works, and to keep exploring their artistic path. Our atmosphere of ongoing interdisciplinary exchanges can help them actualize a genuine qualitative leap.

4.  Organizing and Facilitating Worldwide Art Activities: Creative Projects, Academic Exchanges, Thematic Dialogues, Exhibitions and Displays, Discussion of Works, Concerts, Poetry Readings, visual and auditory cross-boundary collaboration, etc.

Shangyuan Art Scene is the only museum in present China that: 1) raises nongovernment funds to operate ongoing art activities; 2) promotes individuality of modern Chinese architecture, to give architecture a sense of effectiveness in present reality and a sense of vestige in history; 3) helps young artists at a time when they most need a helping hand...

In a modern world that is lost in fame and wealth, this is a peaceful place where our souls can have a rest.









The Great Wall, near the art museum, is where the artists love to go. Photography - Dora-Lutz- (Hungary)

The Great Wall, near the art museum, is where the artists love to go. Photography - Dora-Lutz- (Hungary)










Tel:010-60635299 60635757 Postcode:102212
Address:Shangyuan Village, Changping District, Bejing, China.
Support: 9oao Studio  

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