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图片 Image: © Youngwoo & Assoicates


Radio Tower& Hotel, MVRDV’s first high rise project under construction in the United States, has topped out

MVRDV在美国的第一个高层建筑项目现已封顶。瑞迪欧大厦+酒店(Radio Tower & Hotel)项目呼应了纽约华盛顿高地现有肌理和社区的多样性和活力。这座22层高的多功能高层建筑位于阿姆斯特丹大街180号和181号之间,集酒店、零售和办公功能于一体。建筑采用砖砌外墙,借鉴了华盛顿高地内一个小街区的传统结构,将其拆分后,以不对称的方式重新组装,形成堆叠的彩色“盒子”,并设置了开窗和屋顶露台

MVRDV’s first high rise project under construction in the United States has topped out. Radio Tower & Hotel reflects the diversity and vibrancy ofthe existing fabric and communities in New York City’s Washington Heights neighbourhood. Located on Amsterdam Avenue between 180th and 181st Street, the 22-storey mixed-use high rise combines hotel, retail, and office functions. The brick-clad design takes the typical composition of a small block in the neighbourhood, pulls it apart and then reassembles it into an asymmetrical stack of colourful boxes with openings and roof terraces.


图片 Image: © Youngwoo & Assoicates


Renders ofthe final project in situ show the seven boxes that make up the building, each finished in a different colour ceramic brick

这座名为瑞迪欧大厦+酒店的建筑由MVRDV为开发商Youngwoo&Associates设计,独特的结构解决了项目所面临的主要挑战, 既满足了建筑多功能、大体量的要求,同时也充分融入了周围街区的肌理。设计灵感来自现有社区的多样性和活力,容纳了不同形态的群体,包括普通住家、创意人和专业机构。

Designed by MVRDV for developer Youngwoo & Associates, the distinctive massing of Radio Tower & Hotel resolves the project’s main challenge to accommodate a large volume of program while fitting the surrounding context. The building’s design draws inspiration from the diversity and vibrancy of the existing neighbourhood, which is home to a mix of families, creative professionals, and institutions.

图片 Image: © MVRDV


The building’s design draws inspiration from the diversity and vibrancy of theexisting neighbourhood

图片 Image: © MVRDV


建筑整体由七个“盒子”堆叠而成,每个“盒子”都采用不同颜色的陶瓷砖砌外墙,精致的彩色立面从一层的零售店铺一直延伸到顶层。 建筑整体成为华盛顿高地独特城区结构的缩影。其中的酒店包含212间客房,填补了原有街区酒店空间的短缺,成为社区、附近的纽约长老会医院(New York Presbyterian Hospital)和叶史瓦大学(Yeshiva University)举办活动的重要集合区。

Each of the seven boxes are being finished in a different colour ceramic brick to create carefully detailed and beautiful façades that draw hues from street-level storefronts up to the sky. Combined, the building’s external elements form a condensation of the characteristics unique to Washington Heights’ existing urban fabric. Filling a local need for hotel space, the 212-room hotel will serve as an important hub for events hosted by the local communities and for those travelling to the New York Presbyterian Hospital and conferences hosted by the Yeshiva University and, both of which are located nearby.

图片 Image: © Youngwoo & Assoicates


Radio Tower & Hotel provides an answer to the area’s need for a diverse range of hotelrooms, work spaces, event spaces, and retail units

我们希望瑞迪欧大厦+酒店能够融入它所在的社区,甚至能够强化社区原有的丰富色彩、多样性和生活氛围。”MVRDV的创始合伙人Winy Maas说“目前建筑已经封顶,我们能够直观地看到不同大小的‘盒子’堆叠在一起,‘垂直村落’的概念由此成形。华盛顿高地是纽约第五大居民区,拥有15万人口,瑞迪欧大厦+酒店是该区域内第一座综合体建筑,它展示了一种新型的高层建筑,它既不突兀、也不会与周围环境断裂;相反的, 它可以充分融合现有的城区肌理,成为一种亲和友好的存在。在曼哈顿岛土地最薄的部分创造一个欢快活泼的地标。”

“Our intention with Radio Tower & Hotel was to become a part of – to strengthen, even – the character of a neighbourhood that is wonderful in its colour, diversity, and atmosphere”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “Now that the structure has reached its highest point, we start to see the ‘vertical village’ coming together, with the blocks of different sizes. Washington Heights is the fifth largest New York neighbourhood with a population of 150,000 inhabitants, a mixed-use building like Radio Tower & Hotel is a first for this neighbourhood. Our building shows that new high-rise developments don’t have to overwhelm their surroundings and be disconnected from their neighbourhoods. They can be a good neighbour, a friendly neighbour, instead. And it makes a welcoming colorful sign on the thinnest part of Manhattan.”

图片 Image: © MVRDV


Inside, Radio Tower & Hotel provides an answer to the area’s need for a diverse range of hotel rooms, workspaces, event spaces, and retail units. The event space located in the building’s blue volume will add a facility that did not previously exist in the neighbourhood, offering the community a space to host weddings and other parties. The ground floor functions are positioned to support an active street level, and the hotel entry leads to a publicly-accessible ground-level courtyard, recognizing the importance of high-quality outdoor space in neighbourhoods and communities.

图片 Image: © Youngwoo & Assoicates


The topping-out of the building offers a glimpse at the spectacular views itcommands of lower Manhattan

瑞迪欧大厦+酒店封顶之后,我们得以从屋顶饱览曼哈顿下城的壮丽景色。待整体竣工后, 几个彩色“盒子”的屋顶露台将成为户外活动空间,为使用者们(包括酒店住客、办公租户和活动空间的访客)提供绝佳的城市景观。瑞迪欧大厦+酒店自2018年11月破土动工,预计将于2021年完工。

The topping-out of the building offers a glimpse at the spectacular views it commands of lower Manhattan. Upon completion, several roof terraces will provide space for outdoor events and offer users – from hotel guests and office tenants to visitors making use of the event space – the chance to enjoy the views for themselves. Construction of the building started in November 2018, and completionis expected in 2021.

图片 Image: © MVRDV

MVRDV 建筑事务所与执行建筑师 Stonehill & Taylor 以及专家团队共同合作,包括室内设计工作室 APD事务所、负责建筑系统的 Cosentini Associates事务所。项目的结构设计顾问为 GACE公司、外观工程由 CANY 技术服务公司和 Filament Hospitality 公司负责。

MVRDV is collaborating with executive architect Stonehill & Taylor and a team of experts including Workshop APD for interiors, Cosentini Associates for building systems, GACE for structural consultation, CANY Technical Services for façade engineering and Filament Hospitality.

图片 Image: © Jonathan Lopes

民间乐高艺术家Jonathan Lopes 搭建的瑞迪欧大厦+酒店乐高模型 :)

a LEGO model of Radio Tower & Hotel by LEGO artist Jonathan Lopes

MVRDV建筑规划事务所由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries创立于荷兰鹿特丹,致力于为当代的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV的创作基于深度研究与高度协作,各领域的专家、客户及利益相关方从项目初期一直参与设计的全过程。直率而真诚的建筑、都市规划、研究和装置作品堪称典范,让城市和景观朝向更美好的未来发展。

MVRDV的早期项目,如荷兰公共广播公司VPRO的总部,以及荷兰阿姆斯特丹的WoZoCo老年公寓,都获得了广泛的国际赞誉。MVRDV250余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV采用BIM技术,公司内拥有正式的BREEAM和LEED顾问。MVRDV与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。


+86 021 6288 0609 或 china@mvrdv.com



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