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SEO Trends for 2021

March 1, 2021 by Mit Thakkar

If you have an online presence, you already know the importance of SEO. Search Engine Optimization is undoubtedly the most effective way to attract potential customers or clients to your online platforms or businesses-only if you use it the right way.

Did you know, statistically speaking, there are over 3.5 billion searches on Google each day, meaning people are constantly searching for answers to their queries or looking for services or products to fulfill their necessities or requirements? However, only 0.78% of Google searches click for results from the second page. This means that to generate organic traffic, you will need to rank on the top page of SERP. It is where SEO will come in handy.

In this constantly evolving world, SEO is constantly changing too. Therefore you'll need to keep with the latest trends to be in the game. Today, we'll discuss the top 10 most important trends you can leverage in 2021 for SEO success.

It's essential to modify your SEO strategy per Google to rank higher. Google's algorithm keeps changing and evolving to maintain your rankings, and you will need to change up with its trends. These strategies listed below will be most significant for SEO and Google trends that you need to prioritize in 2021.

Keyword Research

2021 will be all about relevant and robust keyword research. Over 50% of the searchers on the internet are zero-click searchers meaning more than half of the total Google searches end without any click.

Google business listings include:

  • Menus and contact information.
  • Featured snippets with logical answers.
  • Related questions with the most appropriate answers.

It enables customers to get the answers they need without even having to click a result or, better yet, to finish typing out their query. It's incredibly crucial to invest in keyword research to find keywords that can drive your business's sales and traffic.

Voice Search Optimization

Over 27% of the searchers use voice search on their mobile phones whenever they have a query. Voice Search Optimization is growing, and it is likely to grow in 2021 as well. So it's an absolute necessity that your SEO includes Voice Search Optimization in its serving menu.

Video Marketing

After Google, YouTube stands as the second-most popular search engine with more than 1 billion subscribers. So it's high time to optimize your SEO for video marketing. You can start with optimizing your video channel name and description. For starters, provide a user-friendly description that fits your channel content well and don't go overboard with too many keywords.

Core Web vitals

Google announced three new matrices in May 2020 that came to be known as the Core Web Vitals. These apply to measure user experience or UX that includes loading, visual stability, and interactivity. All three metrics come down to one thing- page speed. It determines how fast the page loads, how fast it is when it's loading, and finally, how soon it get interactive. Google ranking in 2021 will include Core Web Vitals, which means you have to pay closer attention to these metrics to secure a position on the first page.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and it is even dominating the SEO and marketing industry. Google uses AI to provide the searchers with the results they are searching for. SEO experts can help you understand the search engine algorithms by using strategies and utilizing AI and machine learning to your SEO. It will prove efficient in terms of deciding the algorithms and creating profitable strategies.

Influencer SEO

Influencers have millions of followers, and their followers may become your potential customers if you can get your business in front of them. The ROI from investing in Influencer SEO is enormous.

You will, however, have to be quite specific while choosing influencers to supplement your SEO strategy.

Original and Genuine Content

Great content plays a vital role in SEO and rankings. Genuine, authentic, and original content is most important for business. There is similar content everywhere on the first page of the SERP. Chances are Google will rank your piece if it's an original piece over the content that is very similar to the existing content on the web. To have this in your favor, you need to produce unique content that includes case studies, experiments, company milestones, and customer testimonials.

Google's BERT

The BERT in Google's BERT algorithm stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Google's BERT algorithm uses marching learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand search intent better. This BERT algorithm works in more than 70 languages and up for almost every query in Google English.

The Google search engine robot has become more conventional with the update of Google's BERT algorithm. Now, Google can understand the searcher's intent, meaning the bot can think like the human brain. It means that no matter how long-form content or high-quality content you post, if it does not satisfy the user intent, BERT will ignore your content and replace yours with another preference that satisfies the search intent. It will negatively impact the content-intent mismatches. So your SEO needs to be BERT-friendly that satisfies the user search intent.

Branded SEO and EAT

EAT principle stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Brands are the future of SEO, and the SEO is shifting to branding and authority. If your brand is famous and authentic, you will get higher rankings frequently on Google Ranks. That's why it's crucial to make efforts to establish your brand's reputation. The brand reputation should be a priority in your 2021 SEO strategy.

Featured snippets and Position Zero appears on the top of the SERP. Snippets are beneficial for both searchers as well as the website. The exact method to get your web page in the Featured Snippet is still a mystery. However, SEO experts and marketers use different tools and strategies that prove helpful.

These are the top ten SEO treads you need to know about and include in your strategy in 2021. These trends will prove extremely useful in driving relevant traffic to your website throughout the year and many more years to come.

Tags: SEO SEO Trends 2021

CEO & Co-founder at Searchonic & Midas Touch Infotech. I help Businesses To Increase Traffic & Leads with the Help of SEO.

Mit Thakkar

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