What is Ongoing SEO? Why You Need It

Gilbert SEO Company

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard about SEO to some extent. Despite its importance, there’s still some confusion surrounding its elements. For example, ongoing SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search engines on an ongoing basis. It involves continually refining and improving all aspects of your website to ensure that it continues to rank highly in organic search results.

But how does it work? Is it important? How do you get started?

What is ongoing SEO? Ongoing SEO includes activities like keyword optimization, content optimization, link building, and other technical improvements. The goal of ongoing SEO is to improve your website’s visibility on search engines and increase traffic to your site. It involves actively monitoring your SEO performance, researching keywords, optimizing content for target keywords, building quality backlinks, and more.

Why do you need it? Ongoing SEO is necessary to make sure that your website remains competitive in search engine results. Without ongoing SEO, your website may fall behind and lower in rank, resulting in a decrease in organic traffic. Additionally, you can use ongoing SEO to stay ahead of competitors by creating content that is more optimized than theirs.

Ongoing SEO also helps you to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape. As search engines like Google constantly update their algorithms, it is essential to stay on top of the latest changes and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

Ongoing SEO involves a few main steps: optimizing for keywords, building quality backlinks, improving website speed, and monitoring your progress. To start optimizing for keywords, you need to research which words or phrases are most relevant to your business and its goals. Once you have settled on the right keywords, you can then begin to optimize your content for those phrases.

Building quality backlinks is another crucial part of ongoing SEO. You can do this by submitting articles to authoritative directories, guest blogging on relevant websites, or participating in forums and comment sections. All of these activities can help boost your website’s visibility in search engine rankings.

Improving website speed is important for SEO, too. If a page takes too long to load, potential customers may become frustrated and leave the site. To improve website speed, you can compress images, reduce unnecessary code and scripts, or upgrade your server. These simple steps can have a measurable positive impact on your website’s rankings. By improving loading times, Google spots the improved performance and the fact that people stay on your website offers further improvements.

Finally, ongoing SEO involves tracking and measuring results. This is done using analytical tools like Google Analytics. These tools help you monitor the progress of your website, what keywords are most effective, and who is visiting your site. You can use these metrics to optimize your website further and monitor the return on investment of any changes you make.

Ongoing SEO is an important process for any business with a website, and it’s important to note that you don’t have to go through it alone. With a Gilbert SEO company, you can have a knowledgeable and experienced team of professionals working with you to ensure that your website is performing optimally. They will work with you to analyze the data that you have, formulate an SEO strategy, and help you to implement it. With their help, you can get the most out of your website and ensure that your customers can find you in the search engine rankings. Ultimately, that can lead to increased traffic and more conversions.

Start your ongoing SEO journey today!

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Graham Ashe
Graham Ashe
Our business needed more visibility in the Scottsdale market, and after dealing with a few underperforming SEO agencies, I came across SDARR Studios. Jordan and his team got us more traffic in the first six months than we had in the previous 18 months. Highly recommended!!
Jaime Weatherby
Jaime Weatherby
SDARR Studios are amazing when it comes to SEO, we working with them for all of our client needs. They generate great results but are also patient and great partners when it comes to explaining what's happening with our client's SEO so everyone feels comfortable and supported.
Mark Veleski
Mark Veleski
Working with SDARR Studios, we found they excelled in delivering outstanding results with professionalism and creativity at its core. Cheers guys!
Joshua Fletcher
Joshua Fletcher
I’ve been looking all over for a company and preferably actually a person who can articulate search engine strategy and what they can do for my business here in Phoenix. Totally worth the short drive over from central Phoenix. Jordan really knows his stuff (he is who I met with). He had a look at the website and asked the questions I haven’t gotten elsewhere. Feels like I have a good grasp of what he does and how he approaches these projects. It’s totally worth the time I spent with him getting a better idea of what to do with my digital marketing and online strategy and how all the different stuff fits together.
Burton Johnson
Burton Johnson
This team is awesome! Have delivered on multiple projects over the years.
Matt Cernik
Matt Cernik
I've worked on several projects with SDARR Studios over the last 8 years and have had nothing but excellent results. Their attention to detail is fantastic, their customer service and communication is unmatched, and most importantly they have always delivered what they said they can deliver: long-term business growth. If you're on the fence about working with Jordan and the rest of team at SDARR Studios, stop wasting your time and just do it!
Patrick Hotchkiss
Patrick Hotchkiss
SDARR helped my SEO efforts for my Scottsdale based company. Thanks guys!
Rachel DuPaul
Rachel DuPaul
Jordan and his team are incredibly timely, communicative, and helpful in their goal of increasing your business' online visibility. I have greatly enjoyed working with them for the past year!
Debra Ferguson
Debra Ferguson
I worked with at least half a dozen SEO companies in Scottsdale before I was introduced to Jordan about 5 years ago. Anyone in the industry knows there are lots of shady characters on the SEO side of marketing. I was SO RELIEVED when I began working with SDARR. They earned my trust, loyalty, and referrals immediately. The quality of service they provide is unparalleled. The company is comprised of people that are not only great to work with but passionate about what they do. Jordan has always gone above and beyond for me and I'm grateful 🙏🏻. Highly recommend!
sharon kitroser
sharon kitroser
We have been working with Jordan and his team for about 3 years. They are terrific. They are on top of everything and have become an extension of our business.


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