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How to easily get a 562 area code phone number

Long Beach, a city with an ocean of opportunities within your reach

Although often overshadowed by the star cities in California, Long Beach is a city with its own charm. Located within Los Angeles County, it forms part of the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area and is one of the Gateway Cities in the region. Pleasant weather, great local culture, and waterfront attractions like the Aquarium of the Pacific are only some of the reasons the city is famous. Long Beach is also home to one of the world’s largest and busiest ports, making it a center of commercial activities.

At the heart of the city is downtown Long Beach, a major hub that houses over 1,500 businesses. Proximity to the bustling L.A. is another reason why small businesses and start-ups prefer Long Beach for their business. Trade, transportation and warehousing, leisure and hospitality, and healthcare are some of the sectors that flourish in the city.

You can discover the ocean of opportunities offered by Long Beach by getting 562 area code phone numbers from Ringover. With these cloud-based numbers, you can build a rock-hard local presence in the city and its surrounding areas.

Long Beach, a city with an ocean of opportunities within your reach
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Why choose a 562 area code for your business?

Reach a population of over 2 million with a 562 phone number

Get a Long Beach phone number with a 562 area code to display your local presence in the area of 2 million people. With this number, you can increase your access to over 460,000 people residing in Long Beach city. The 562 area code service areas also include cities like Downey and Norwalk, each with over 100,000 residents. It caters to many other thickly populated cities the counties of Long Island and Orange, such as Whittier, Lakewood, Bellflower, South Whittier, Pico Rivera, and more.

Reach a population of over 2 million with a 562 phone number

Easily setup your Virtual Company in Long Beach

California is a dreamland for businesses. Long Beach area code phone numbers give you access to two major counties in the state – Los Angeles and Orange – from anywhere in the world. While 562 area code phone numbers establish your virtual presence in Long Beach and its environs in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, you can further increase your reach in the region by purchasing more neighboring area codes, including 310/424, 747/818, and 213/323.

Easily setup your Virtual Company in Long Beach

Increase the performance of your local advertising in Long Beach

Since the Long Beach area houses millions of prospects, local ad campaigns are a great way to market your business. Ringover offers cloud-based 562 area code phone numbers for running and tracking ad campaigns in all corresponding localities. Want to extend your campaigns to the neighboring L.A. or other Californian cities? We offer California area code phone numbers covering all cities in the state and the country.

Increase the performance of your local advertising in Long Beach

Improve cold calling campaign results by using a 562 number

Using local numbers to reach prospects in a locality is a tried-and-tested cold-calling strategy successful businesses use. Experts are of the opinion that it helps improve call pick-up rates and, as a result, boosts sales. Why wait to equip your Long Beach sales agents with 562 area code phone numbers? Let them establish connections with the local population, generate better leads, and close more deals using El Paso local phone numbers.

Improve cold calling campaign results by using a 562 number

3 easy steps

To get a 562 area code phone number
and use it for your Business


Choose your number


Receive and make unlimited call instantaletly from any Desktop, Laptop or Mobile


Use great feature for your business like custom greetings, IVR, call forwarding, call recording…

Practical ways businesses use
562 area code numbers

For a single business phone line

For a single business phone line

Use your 562 business phone number as a direct phone line so your colleagues, partners, or suppliers can reach you directly.

As a customer service number

As a customer service number

Promote strong proximity to your customers- Let your customers in Long Beach, Downey, Norwalk, Whittier, Lakewood, Pico Rivera, Bellflower, South Whittier, and many other places in the Los Angeles metropolitan area call their local 562 number to reach you.

For your sales department

For your sales department

Make call campaigns to find new customers? Use a local 562 number to maximize your pick-up rate in the area and improve your cold calling results.

For Marketing

For Marketing

Use a number with 562 area code to launch highly effective local marketing campaigns.

Get a 562 area code phone number


A 100% integrated cloud solution that empowers team management and support


A friendly and flexible cloud phone system for your company’s everyday needs


A 100% integrated cloud solution that empowers team management and support

$44 $ User / Month

Try it for free

All SMART features, plus:

  • Local number from 65 countries
  • Advanced IVR (smart routing, call groups, call queues…)
  • 2 integrations
  • Advanced statistics
  • Coaching (double listening, whispering…)
  • Access to our webhooks


A friendly and flexible cloud phone system for your company’s everyday needs

$21 $ User / Month

Try it for free
  • Unlimited calls to 110 destinations
  • Local number from 43 countries
  • Mobile, web, and desktop applications
  • IVR and call forwarding
  • Call logs and recordings
  • Call and voicemail transcription and summary
  • Click-to-call
  • Video conference, instant messaging
  • Access to our API

Access Powerful VOIP Features with your Long Beach Business Phone Number


Multi Devices & Apps

Receive and make business calls from any device


Custom Greetings

Personalize your greetings with Ringover’s online studio

Call Forwarding

Forward incoming calls to any device from your Long Beach phone number

Video Conferencing

Easily launch video conferences and screen sharing for your business meetings

Call Recording

Record all the business conversations from your 562 number

Power Dialer

Make more calls, faster from your 562 number with a simple auto-dialing system

Other California area codes

Long Beach and other places secured by 562 don’t have any overlay codes. However, the Los Angeles metropolitan area they are part of is served by multiple California area codes. For instance, area codes 213/323, 310/424, and 747/818 cater to various parts of the neighboring L.A city, while 626 is the code for portions of Los Angeles County. Area codes 714 and 657 secure portions of Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. Additionally, area codes 442/760, 661, and 840/909 also serve the metro region.

Area Code 562 Phone Number FAQ

  • Where is area code 562?
  • What time zone is the 562 area code located in?
  • How to make a call to the 562 area code?
  • Do I need to have an address in Long Beach to purchase a phone number with a 562 area code?

Where is area code 562?

The 562 area code is a major California code that serves two counties – the southeastern parts of Los Angeles County and northern portions of Orange County. The most prominent place in its service territory is Long Beach, in Los Angeles County. Downey, Norwalk, Whittier, Lakewood, Pico Rivera, Bellflower, South Whittier, etc., are a few other 562 area code cities in the same county. Brea, Buena Park, Cypress, and Fullerton are the major Orange County cities covered (partially) by 562.

What time zone is the 562 area code located in?

Located in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), the 562 area code localities are eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC−08:00) during Standard Time.

How to make a call to the 562 area code?

If a caller is calling locally within the 562 area zone, they can use a 7-digit dialing code where they do not need to add the area to make the call. They can simply dial the 7 digits making up the phone number, usually presented in this form: XXX-XXXX.
If a caller is calling from outside the region and still within the United States, they use 10-digit dialing consisting of the 3-digit area code and the 7-digit phone number, usually presented in the following form: 562-XXX-XXXX.
If a caller is calling from outside the United States, they use an 11-digit dialing format consisting of the US country code (+1), the 3-digit area code (562), followed by the 7-digit phone number. The structure is usually presented as: +1 (562) XXX-XXX.

Do I need to have an address in Long Beach to purchase a phone number with a 562 area code?

No, you can purchase a 562 code area number wherever your company is located, whether it be the US, Canada, or the rest of the world.

Other US Phone Numbers

Get a 562 area code phone number in Long Beach

Area code 615

Increase your customer base in the Music City with a 615 area code phone number

Get a 562 area code phone number in Long Beach

Area code 916

Give your business a local identity in Sacramento

Get a 562 area code phone number in Long Beach

St. Louis
Area code 314

Arch your business over St. Louis with a 314 area code

Get a 562 area code phone number in Long Beach

San Bernardino
Area code 909

Grow your business in San Bernardino with a 909 area code phone number

photo stephane

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