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UP 9444 sits in the row of power stored at OSR's shop.
Copyright Notice: This image 漏Brian Bui all rights reserved.

Caption: UP 9444 sits in the row of power stored at OSR's shop.

Brian Bui [128] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/01/2017 (search)
Railway: Union Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: UP 9444 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Salford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=30342
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Photo ID: 29173

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  1. Todd Steinman

    What on earth is a monster of a UP unit doing on the little old OSR?

  2. BradKetchen

    Good question. I know the owner of OSR likes his locomotives..but this UP ‘monster’ as Todd puts it? I didn’t know they even ran 6 axels!

  3. Stephen C. Host

    These engines are not OSR’s – they are owned by UP/CITX respectively, and are on the premises on behalf of ZTR Control Systems (google for more).

    OSR shops are being used under contract by ZTR locally to install/test their latest developments, and every once in a while these locmotives are moved into the shops and out for ZTR to access them for work.

    It’s unknown if they will ever test on OSR in live service, but never say never, ZTR locomotives did test in 2010-2012 period when they were installing on CPR locomotives.

  4. Todd Steinman

    Thanks for the information Stephen. It seemed like a ‘monster’ of an engine because it looked out of place on the OSR. Such modern power in amongst MLW’s and F units of the like! Knew there had to be a reason!

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