Dili City Sign Timor Leste

Day Trips And Things To Do In Dili, Timor Leste

A World Away in Timor Leste

The backpacker trail in South East Asia usually includes countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Despite the fact that Timor Leste and Indonesia share a physical border not divided by the sea, this ex-Portuguese colony is left largely unexplored by the backpacking and traveling community. Therefore you can forget about seeing your average weekend warrior tourists.

Just a short plane ride over from Darwin in Australia and a grueling bus ride from Indonesia’s Kupang, Timor Leste is not located on some far off island in the middle of the Pacific. Even though the country has virgin white sand beaches that compete with even the most famous islands in Thailand and the Philippines. Tourists fly right over the country to more commercial destinations without giving it a second thought.

Wanting to travel to Dili overland from Kupang? Read on how to do it here!

Moving On From The Revolution

Throughout Timor Leste’s history, the island nation has been occupied by foreign powers. The colonialist empire that left the deepest impression on the culture and the people were the Portuguese. Despite building a few forts and spreading Christianity to East Timor the colony was nothing more than a small outpost and the people were left neglected. World War II brought even more hardships to the island with newly arrived Japanese occupiers and Australian servicemen assisted by local Timorese.

Following the Second World War and a revolution in Portugal, Timor Leste was blindsided with an almost immediate transition to independence. As political parties began to form, the left-leaning Fretilin began growing in popularity. It wasn’t long until Indonesia, with the help of the United States, stepped in and led a full-scale invasion of the newly formed country.

It took over thirty years of protests, revolts, and battles to finally shake Indonesia off the backs of the Timorese. After a long and bloody revolution, East Timor was finally liberated in 2003, making it one of the newest countries in the world.

You can read about what to do in Kupang, West Timor here!

Exploring Downtown Dili

East Timor’s revolutionary past has left a large impression on the country’s present. Being a mere 2 decades since independence, Timor Leste’s wounds are still fresh and the country is largely ignored by the world. With the blood still not fully washed away from Timor’s beaches and the lack of development, the country is left in a state of limbo. This, more than anything, makes Timor Leste one of the world’s least traveled to countries in the world.

Much of the sites in downtown Dili revolve around the long bloody road to independence. With the revolutionary museum at the Chega! Exhibition and Comarca Balide Prison to the dramatic statues depicting dramatic scenes from conflicts throughout Timor’s history, you won’t be able to find a street corner in Dili’s downtown without finding something dedicated to the martyrs of the revolution.

Wanting to get off the beaten path in Bali? Check out the Ghost Palace!

The Watchful Eyes of the Cristo Rei

Despite the coals of revolution still burning red hot in 1996, the Indonesian government in Jakarta attempted to extend an olive branch to the people of East Timor in the form of unveiling a massive statue of Jesus Christ overlooking the harbor. With arms outstretched to the west, many think that the statue is actually facing the capital city Jakarta. Despite the statue doing little to pacify the guerillas and protestors, the site is arguably the most popular attraction in Dili.

Located 11 km outside of the downtown, the best way to get to Cristo Rei is by Bus. Hop-on bus number 101. It is without a doubt the best time to climb to the peak of Cristo Rei is during the cool evenings to catch the sunset. But if you decide to take this option you will probably miss the last bus into Dili and will have to hoof it back downtown.

If you are wanting more island living, be sure to check out traveling to Coron in The Philippines!

Remembering Pope John Paul II

The only thing more important than the revolution in Timor Leste is their religion. With Jesus standing on one end of the harbor, you have a massive statue of Pope John Paul II waving at Christ from the other side of the inlet. Built-in 2008, nearly 20 years after the pope visited Timor Leste, the statue was erected in memory of John Paul II and his support for the Timor people.

Located in the protected national park of Tasi Tolu, the statue of Pople John Paul II is surrounded by a beautiful coast, wetlands, and several saline lakes. The statue is a tad bit closer to downtown Dili, being only 8km away from the center of town.

Wanting to experience traditional Balinese culture? Check out this Balinese wedding here!

Dili’s Maubara Fort

With the Timorese people caught in the middle, both the Dutch and the Portuguese scrambled to snatch up various portions of the Island. While the Portuguese moved into Dili, the Dutch built a fort along the coast in 1756 to further secure their claim to East Timor. Nearly a century later, the Portuguese negotiated with the Dutch to exchange the fort for the island of Flores. To this day, the Maubara Fort still stands at attention, overlooking the sea.

For better or worse, the Maubara Fort has been left unkept. While this signifies that the grounds are not maintained, it also means that practically every part of the fort is original. From the cannons to the actual walls of this Dutch fort, most of the structure has not been touched since its completion nearly 250 years ago.

You won’t want to miss Borobudur, Indonesia’s largest Buddhist temple!

The Timorese and the Crocodiles

The most sacred animal in all of Timor is the crocodile. Throughout the island, in the mangroves and lakes, you will find signs advising people to be aware of these local beasts. According to legend, a boy and a crocodile became friends and traveled the world together. Once the crocodile became old and died, its body became the island of Timor.

Despite locals believing the crocodiles are their kin and that they will only feast on those who have done evil in their life it is important to remain cautious when exploring some of the national parks throughout Timor. You never know when one of these modern dinosaurs may decide to emerge from the depths of the swamp.

Having second thoughts about traveling to Bali? You can read about how touristy the island really is here!

Ai Pelo Prison

Although the Ai Pelo Prison is one of the best examples of colonial Portuguese architecture that you can find on the island, this jail is also well known for the horrors and mistreatment inflicted on its inmates. The lower bowels of the complex was a dumping ground for prisoners coming as far as Macao and for crimes ranging from refusing to be used for forced labor to murder. Knee deep in saltwater, these prisoners were forced to eat glass and sleep in appalling conditions.

Although closed in 1939, the Ai Pelo Prison was also used by the Japanese occupiers as a command post. The war and weather further destroyed parts of the prison, leaving it in ruins. Recent efforts have been undertaken to restore the jail and add a museum but for the moment you will have to settle for the beautiful ruins of the Ai Pelo Prison.

Wanting to hike to Mount Bromo without a tour? Read on how to do it here!

The Town of Liquica

Roughly 30 km outside of Dili you will find the small town of Liquica. This small seaside town has some of the best beaches in all of Timor Leste. Unfortunately, it is not the breathtaking sands, turquoise waters, and lush palm trees that put Liquica on the map, but its dark history during the East Timor revolution.

When tensions were at a breaking point in 1999, pro-Indonesian militiamen and plainclothes Indonesian soldiers descended on the home of the priest and opened fire. This massacre took the lives of nearly 200 Timorese, although Indonesia claims as little as 5.

The wounds are still fresh in this beach town. At one time there were many resorts and guesthouses lining One Dollar Beach. But for now, the ghosts of this dark period in Timor Leste’s history continues to haunt the residents.

If you are in Yogyakarta on Java, you won’t want to miss the Prambanan Temple!

Reviving the Beauty of Timor Leste

With over 450 years of being occupied by foreign powers, Timor Leste is just now beginning to see the clouds break and a new sun rise over the country. The sad reality is that many of the ghosts of the past have not been laid to rest. While the nation continues to heal, one can hope that they can achieve their full potential as a tropical paradise on earth.

While the Indonesians occupied East Timor, they built many resorts, villas, and hotels along the coast. But due to decades of conflict and the final withdrawal from the country, these manors and guest houses have been left to rot. For those who enjoy exploring abandoned places, you will find Timor to be a goldmine. But as much as one may love wandering through deserted halls, we all hope Timor Leste will once again lift its head up high and reveal its beauty to the world.

Want to check out some volcanoes? Be sure to travel to the Ijen Crater in Indonesia!

Exploring the Unexplored

On paper, you may not find much to do in Dili or East Timor as a whole. This is not because the country lacks towering mountains, lazy beaches, and cultural sites, but that the country is largely unexplored. The biggest thrill of travelers venturing to Timor Leste is finding places that are literally off of the map and are only known to the locals. It is up to you to blaze a trail and uncover the hidden beauty that Timor has to offer.

Traveling through Timor Leste is not easy. Even if you manage to rent a motorcycle for 17 USD a day at DaTerra Hostel, you will be up against some unforgiving pot-hole riddled roads. Traveling to Dili is merely scratching the surface of all the gems Timor Leste has tucked deep into its jungles and mountains. To Explore East Timor properly, you are going to have to travel well off the beaten path.

If you are looking for more information on traveling to Timor Leste be sure to check out Richard The Travel Tramp and his travels throughout all of East Timor!


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