Why socializing is so important



Human beings are inherently social creatures. As far back as we can trace, humans have traveled, hunted, and thrived in social groups and for good reason. We have been socially isolated for some time and reconnecting with others and society in general may take some readjustment.


Most of us are extremely excited to go back to the old norm and get connected again, whereas others might feel the opposite. The simple explanation for those who are feeling that way is that they may be suffering from loneliness or it’s the fact that social isolation has led them to feel lonely.


Social isolation

Lack of connection is more common than people realise, as social isolation can affect nearly every aspect of mental health in some way. Research shows that feelings of isolation can be linked to less restful sleep, increased stress and attention difficulties.

It is important to reach out to someone we trust and let them know how we feel, or schedule time to talk to a professional for guidance.


 Tips to stay connected

Staying connected to other people is good for your health and wellbeing. It’s important to nurture relationships with others in order to maintain good social connections. Here are some tips on how to avoid feelings of social isolation and stay socially connected to others.


  • Pick up the phone: Surprise someone with a phone call and if they don’t answer, leave a message and check in on them another time. Go through your phone book and make a list of whom to contact and spend an afternoon simply chatting and catching up.


  • Plan for a gathering at your place: Create a fun idea and send letters of invitation for a gathering at your place. Keep it simple and invite a few people so you get the chance to talk and catch up with each other’s news and updates.


  • Develop friendships at work: Work relationships can help you feel more connected to others. Ask a colleague if they would like to go for a coffee, or if you’re working from home, make the effort to give them a call rather than an email and share some casual chit-chat.


  • Find ways to participate in your community: Social groups like book clubs and sporting groups are a great source of social interaction. Having conversations about shared interests are great for boosting confidence, knowledge and connectedness.


Stay connected and stay healthy. MyNextcare app is at your fingertips to assist you whether in checking your symptoms via Symptom Checker, having instant video consultations via See A Doctor, or booking an appointment via Appointment Booking. Nextcare members can download and register in this link.








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