
私家车报废 标准




2、 年检未通过或者未按时年检









其次,新标准明确了私家车报废的具体条件。包括机 动车辆“全车污损严重”、“重大事故、火灾、水淹等不可逆因素严重影响机动车辆正常使用”、“车身变形或构件脱落、变形与变质过度”,以及出现“车辆诈骗后终止使用”的情况。


【英文介绍/For English】:

The scrapping standards for private cars are as follows:

1. Vehicles with a mileage of 600,000 kilometers

Family 5-seat sedans and 7-seat SUVs, and non-operating small and miniature cars have no service life. However, if the normal driving mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers, the state will guide it to be scrapped.

2. The annual inspection has not passed or the annual inspection has not been completed on time

If the annual inspection fails or is not carried out within the specified time, the vehicle will be forcibly scrapped. The current regulation for private cars is to test every two years from 1 to 6 years, once a year from 7 to 15 years, and once every six months after 15 years. If the vehicle fails to pass the annual inspection within 3 inspection cycles or fails to undergo the annual inspection on time, the vehicle will be automatically forcibly scrapped.

3. The emission exceeds the national standard limit

In addition to the annual inspection restrictions, whether the vehicle emissions meet the standards is also related to whether private cars will be forced to be scrapped. According to the latest regulations, from January 1, 2017, the country has started the National V emission standard.

Legal basis:

The "Standards for Compulsory Scrap of Motor Vehicles" clearly stipulates the cancellation of the driving years of non-operating cars, and at the same time limits the mileage of private cars to 600,000 kilometers (more than 600,000 kilometers will be forced to be scrapped).