

面包长霉点了不能吃。美国普度大学食品微生物学和 霉菌专家卡森指出,大部分长在面包或水果上的霉菌都是无毒的,除非有些人对霉菌有过敏性反应,否则只要切掉发霉的部分,剩下的部分仍可食用,对健康不会有影响。








【英文介绍/For English】:

The bread is moldy and cannot be eaten. Carson, a food microbiology and mold expert at Purdue University in the United States, pointed out that most molds that grow on bread or fruit are non-toxic. Unless some people have allergic reactions to mold, just cut off the moldy part and the rest Parts are still edible and will not affect health.

However, some nutrition experts still believe that food mold is caused by mold. There are many types of mold, and the mold on different foods is also different. Ordinary people cannot identify which are harmful and which are harmless with the naked eye. And no moldy place does not mean that it is not affected by mold, it is just that we can't see it. When the conditions such as temperature and humidity that are conducive to mold reproduction are mature, we can smell or see the signal of moldy food.

Therefore, experts suggest that if bread, fruit or vegetables are found to be moldy or spoiled, it is best to throw them away, rather than "wasting" them for health's sake.