
浙江财经学院地处经济发达、风景优美的浙江省 杭州市,是一所教学严谨、管理规范、学风良好的高等学府。学校筹建于1984年,其前身是建于1974年的浙江财政银行学校,1987年经国家教委批准正式成立浙江财经学院。1991年获学士学位授予权,1996年顺利通过国家教委组织的教学评价,2003年获得硕士学位授予权。经过三十多年的建设,学校已经发展成为一所以经济、管理学科为主体,经、管、文、法、理、工多学科协调发展,办学特色明显,教育竞争力不断增强的省属财经院校。所培养的省内财经管理类人才(本科)的数量和财经管理类专业的覆盖面均居浙江省属高校首位。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics is located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province with developed economy and beautiful scenery. It is an institution of higher learning with rigorous teaching, standardized management and good style of study. The school was established in 1984. Its predecessor was the Zhejiang Finance Bank School established in 1974. In 1987, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics was officially established with the approval of the State Education Commission. In 1991, it was granted the right to confer bachelor's degrees. In 1996, it successfully passed the teaching evaluation organized by the State Education Commission. In 2003, it was granted the right to confer master's degrees. After more than 30 years of construction, the school has developed into a provincial finance and economics center with economics and management as the main body, economics, management, literature, law, science and engineering with coordinated development, distinctive school-running characteristics, and increasing educational competitiveness. colleges. The number of financial management talents (undergraduate) trained in the province and the coverage of financial management majors rank first among universities in Zhejiang Province.