
淘宝标题组合 规则有哪些技巧

一.确定合适的主 关键词:假设我们现在又一款新品要推广。我们首先是不是要对宝贝进行一个定位,包括它的卖点、价格、目标客户等,从而确定它的主关键词。然后在围绕这个主关键词去扩展长尾关键词;








【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Determine the appropriate main keywords: Suppose we want to promote a new product now. Should we first position the baby, including its selling point, price, target customers, etc., so as to determine its main keywords. Then expand the long tail keywords around this main keyword;

2. Select long-tail keywords: The determination of long-tail keywords must be analyzed according to competitors and customer groups. Each keyword will help you filter out some customer groups. Before selecting keywords, the most important thing is to first Analyze the customer base of this product, what are their search habits, what kind of words they will search for, and how they will search, and he will finally decide what to pay for;

3. Combined title:

1. The keywords should not be too broad, ensure the absolute accuracy and non-conflict of the keywords, and try not to appear repeated words;

2. Short titles can be set on the mobile terminal without affecting the weight of the original title. We can add promotional information for new products to increase competitiveness and improve conversion rates;

3. Sort the selling points according to the order of importance, from left to right. This is because our text reading habit is from left to right, so the keywords ranked first will be given priority and remembered.