
南通和 盐城哪个好


1、南通,江苏省地级市,位于苏中,长江三角洲北翼,简称“通”,别称静海、崇州、崇川、紫琅,古称通州。中国首批对外开放的14个沿海城市之一,东抵黄海,南望长江,与上海、苏州灯火相邀,西、北与泰州、盐城接壤,“据江海之会、扼南北之喉”,被誉为“北上海” 。南通集“黄金海岸”与“黄金水道”优势于一身,拥有长江岸线226公里。





1. 开车路线


2. 开车时间


3. 开车费用


4. 途经景点



【英文介绍/For English】:

Both have their merits.

1. Nantong, a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province, is located in central Jiangsu, on the north wing of the Yangtze River Delta. One of the first 14 coastal cities in China to open to the outside world, it reaches the Yellow Sea in the east, faces the Yangtze River in the south, invites Shanghai and Suzhou with lights, and borders Taizhou and Yancheng in the west and north. Known as "North Shanghai". Nantong combines the advantages of "Golden Coast" and "Golden Waterway", with a coastline of 226 kilometers along the Yangtze River.

2. Yancheng, affiliated to Jiangsu Province, is located on the eastern coast of China, in the north-central part of Jiangsu Province, and on the north wing of the Yangtze River Delta. It is the largest prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province, with a city area of ​​17,000 square kilometers; of which, the municipal area covers 1,779 square kilometers. The population is 7.2106 million. Yancheng faces the Yellow Sea in the east, Nantong in the south, Yangzhou and Taizhou in the southwest, Huai'an in the northwest, and Lianyungang City across the Guanhe River in the north. The terrain of the city is flat, the rivers and canals are vertical and horizontal, and the products are rich. It is known as the "Land of Fish and Rice". Yancheng is an emerging industrial and commercial city in the coastal area of ​​Jiangsu and an important regional central city in the Yangtze River Delta.