
关于 菠菜的 种植 管理









1. 土地准备:大田菠菜比较喜欢肥沃松软、通气性好的土壤,因此在种植之前需要进行土地准备。对泥质土地可以加入沙子,用堆肥、腐熟鸡粪等有机肥料提升土壤肥力。

2. 播种时间和方法:大田菠菜一般在春季和秋季进行播种,播种后需要及时浇水保证表土湿润。播种时需要选择高质量的菠菜种子,保证菠菜生长健康。

3. 灌溉管理:大田菠菜需要保持湿润度,但不能过度浇水,以避免产生菌斑病等病害。灌溉时应注意在早晨、傍晚等阴凉时段进行,避开中午直射的阳光。

4. 病虫害防治:在大田菠菜种植和管理过程中,病虫害防治是一个比较重要的问题。菠菜常见的病害有菌斑病、枯萎病等。常见的虫害有菜青虫、菜粉蝶等。防治病害和虫害的方法有很多,例如利用有机肥料改善土壤、使用生物农药等。

5. 采收和储存:大田菠菜在生长期为1~2个月左右,一般在菠菜叶长到10cm左右时即可采收。采收时不能过度伤害菠菜的叶片,否则会影响其质量。采收后的菠菜需要冲洗干净并储存在阴凉通风干燥的地方。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Spinach has strong cold resistance, rich nutrition and long growing season, which plays an important role in making up for the supply of vegetables in early spring and off-season. The following points should be done:

1. Pour frozen water in good time. If the freezing water is poured too early, it will often cause a large amount of water to evaporate, and spinach seedlings will easily appear; if it is poured too late, it will easily freeze the surface of the soil, and the water will not easily seep into the roots. .

2. Practice has proved that it is just right to water when it freezes at night and thaws during the day. Combined with freezing water, nitrogen fertilizer and high-quality farmyard manure can be properly topdressed, which can not only play a role in heat preservation and cold protection, but also prevent the soil from cracking in the next spring and cause seedlings to die. At the same time, it can also reduce the supply of fertilizer and water after turning green in spring.

3. If there is heavy snowfall in winter, the snow should be removed in time to prevent the spinach from being suffocated to death due to the long snow cover.

4. After the spinach starts to turn green, the soil temperature is still low. When the frozen layer has not yet melted, it is best not to pour back the green manure. When the light is enhanced, the evaporation of water from the leaves and surface soil is accelerated, which is beneficial to the growth of spinach. At this time, you can choose to pour green water in sunny weather, combined with the application of quick-acting chemical fertilizers, to accelerate the vegetative growth of spinach.