
淘宝 店铺 皇冠代表什么






  • 10-20万:店铺信誉度不低于5000,月成交额达到50万以上
  • 20-30万:店铺信誉度不低于8000,月成交额达到80万以上
  • 30-40万:店铺信誉度不低于12000,月成交额达到120万以上
  • 40-50万:店铺信誉度不低于15000,月成交额达到180万以上
  • 50万以上:店铺信誉度不低于20000,月成交额达到250万以上



【英文介绍/For English】:

The crown of Taobao store represents credibility. In layman's terms, it is the grade, and in Taobao it is the reputation, the red heart is the smallest, and the crown is the highest. The more business you do, the more deals you get and the more good products you get, the higher the level. Taobao.com is a popular online shopping and retail platform in China. It has nearly 500 million registered users and more than 60 million regular visitors every day. At the same time, the number of online products per day has exceeded 800 million, with an average of 48,000 sold per minute. Items.

By the end of 2011, Taobao’s single-day transaction volume peaked at 4.38 billion yuan, creating 2.708 million direct and full employment opportunities. With the expansion of Taobao's scale and the increase in the number of users, Taobao has also changed from a single C2C online bazaar to a comprehensive retail circle including C2C, group buying, distribution, auction and other e-commerce models. At present, it has become one of the world-wide e-commerce trading platforms. In August 2018, Alipay and Taobao cooperated to launch the group buying function. With the expansion of Taobao's scale and the increase in the number of users, Taobao has also changed from a single C2C network market to a comprehensive e-commerce model including C2C, distribution, auction, direct supply, crowdfunding, customization, etc. Sex retail.