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袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:“以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆”,“一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一”,“一圆银币用数无限制”,即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称“袁头币”或“袁大头”。









英文翻译:Yuan Datou is one of the main currencies in circulation during the Period of the Republic of China. "Yuan Datou" is the colloquial name of yuan Shikai like a series of coins. It is called "Yuan Shikai like back Jiahe silver coin". In order to rectify the currency system, the Beiyang government made one silver coin. In February 1914, it promulgated the Thirteen National Currency Regulations and decided to implement the silver standard system. According to the Regulations on national currency, "the unit of price of kuping sterling silver is 6.48 per cent and its name is yuan", "a silver coin weighs 7.20 cents in total, silver 89 per cent and copper 11 per cent", and "there is no limit to the number of a silver coin", namely, a silver coin is the standard currency with unlimited legal compensation. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, the Minting Factory and jiangnan Mint successively cast a yuan silver coin, with yuan Shikai's head engraved on the coin surface, commonly known as "Yuan Tou coin" or "Yuan Datou".

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became president in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and paper money at that time, there were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currencies in circulation with different specifications, chaotic circulation, cumbersome conversion, and resentment among the public, the Beiyang government also wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency reform, so it decided to coin and issue national currency. Yuan Shikai in order to enhance his dominance, his head cast on the currency, "Yuan Datou" from this.

Ten years of the Republic of China T point yuan Datou silver coin

Yuan Datou "silver coin front pattern, the middle is yuan Shikai's profile, ten years of the Republic of China T point version of Yuan Datou, the back of the pattern are two crossed rice ears, the center is the word" one circle ", the back of jiahe decoration and currency value, Yuan Datou's official version of the color is 89.1%; The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight tooth edge. This coin is a classic silver coin with stable appreciation.

Back jiahe two, left and right interaction, the next knot belt, casting "one circle" two words. Over the years, in the silver collection area, has a name, is not always hear, that is "big head" yuan, especially in recent years, as the gold and silver price strength and market, and many there were more than the market price of the old silver dollar rise, some of these special version, good appearance, only rare treasures, is immeasurable.

Jiahe ", The United States wo, healthy wo, huge wo, auspicious wo also. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Shen said in His book Shuo Wen, "Wo, Jia Gu also. In February and planted, August ripening, when the middle, so called wo." Wang Chong "on balance · tell Rui" cloud: "Jiahe was born in wo, and different ears in wo, that jiahe." The ancients to "jiahe" auspicious things, and Ganlu ashamed quan said. Such as Ban Gu "Book of Han · Gongsun Hong Biography" cloud: "The dew fell, wind and rain, Jiahe xing." That is, the rice that grows very strong and strong, the ancients regarded jiahe pattern as a symbol of good luck.

Jiahe pattern is found on Chinese coins, and now it is found on the national emblem. The most typical Jiahe pattern is the jiahe pattern on the back of "Yuan Datou".

Big head, big head in need three years of the republic of China yuan yuan this bulk circulation of at least one year of yuan, because he was a wrong version of the existence of general yuan big head is seven words, more than a "made" word, in only three years of the republic of China of all bulk yuan yuan big head there is no word, word is a bit more, this is also with the rest of the money, a big difference between We can see that yuan Datou's chest contact with the inner tooth is missing an inner tooth, which is also an important point for insiders to identify the authenticity of the coin. The whole circle of this coin is missing this inner tooth, and the purpose of the coin at that time is to prevent counterfeiting, and the later imitation coin is not aware of this detail.

The two silver coins have natural pulp, overall regularity, clear font, exquisite pattern, no defects, deformation, perfect appearance, and can be safely collected. The silver coin has a high collection value from a comprehensive point of view.



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