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Many people are astonished when they get to know that tahini is made only of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are among the oldest oilseed crops known to humankind. They’re derived from the sesame plant (Sesamum indicum) that nowadays is mostly grown in India, China, Mexico and Sudan. For Greeks, already from ancient times, sesame seeds were important components of their diet. For instance, the combination of sesame (or other nuts) with honey to edible bars known as Pasteli, dates back to ancient Greece.

Central to sesame nutritious and flavour profile are undoubtedly the fats. The majority of them are the so-called mono- and poly-unsaturated fats that have been connected with many health benefits, like protection against cardiovascular disease (2). Additionally, fats contribute significantly to the taste and flavour of sesame seeds. This can be more pronounced when dried sesame seeds are ground, so that the cells are ruptured and many of those fats come out to coat and lubricate cell fragments and other particles, creating a kind of butter-like paste that is known as tahini. Tahini is very popular to cuisines of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. There, it’s added to stews, soups and sauces. It can be combined for instance with chickpeas or aubergines to make hummus or baba ghanoush respectively. It can be diluted with a broth (or just water) and lemon to make soups, like the Greek tahinosoupa. In Greece is also mixed with sugar to prepare halva (not to be confused with semolina halva). But more widely, we like just to spread it together with honey on bread and eat it for breakfast.

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