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CBCGDF Attended “Together we can, together we will” Salon Shared by Dr. Jane Goodwill
2019/11/22 13:56:00 本站

Invited by Dr. Jane Goodall, the world-renowned conservationist, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) attended the 25th anniversary for Roots & Shoots in China. The event is themed with "Together we can, together we will", during which Dr. Jane Goodall shared her experience in chimpanzee conservation and acting as United Nations Messenger of Peace.


She highlighted the firm support of her family, especially her mother. When she was little girl, he read the Tarzan of the Apes which kindled her enthusiasm for chimpanzee protection. Her mother kept encouraging Jane to stick to her dream "Take every opportunity and don't give up". During the speech, she repeatedly mentioned how lucky she is to have a mother who is fully supporting her.


In July 1960, Jane arrived at a rainforest in Tanzania where she met chimpanzees. When these creatures saw her, the first response was to run away. Fortunately, one grey-beard chimpanzee got close with Jane as time goes by and introduced her to other companions. Jane gradually found the different characters of each chimpanzee and gave them names…


She mentioned the first thing she found is the strong similarity between humans and chimpanzees' DNA, calculated as biological researches. With the understanding of chimpanzee changing, people have noted that many animal species are intelligent, and they also have complicated emotions, like fear, grief, and happiness. We need to change our thinking mode to review the creatures in the world.


As gentle as a breeze, her speech shared with the audience about the precious study and conservation experience over the past six decades, which made everyone be immersed in her vivid description and explore nature.


After that, Dr. Jane Goodwill left Africa and got involved in environmental protection. She grieved over the reality that people are destroying the homeland. The campaign for nature and wildlife lags behind our love and compassion to the world. Dr. Jane Goodwill has spared no effort to build people's awareness to care for the blue earth over the past decades.


The audience actively raised questions after the speech.


The merit of this event lies in its practice of green meetings without providing plastic bottled water. The organizers introduced in the beginning that it aims to embody the spirit of environmental protection, thus reducing the use of disposable plastic products.

(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Wang Yanqing