
中国农学通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (16): 156-164.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0415

• 乡村振兴 • 上一篇    


李雪1( ), 贾宁凤1( ), 乔陆印2, 张玉怀3   

  1. 1 山西大学黄土高原研究所,太原 030006
    2 山西大学城乡发展研究中心,太原 030006
    3 山西大学环境与资源学院,太原 030006
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-19 修回日期:2022-09-30 出版日期:2023-06-05 发布日期:2023-05-22
  • 通讯作者: 贾宁凤,女,1966年出生,山西原平人,教授,博士,主要研究方向为土地资源评价与管理、生态环境质量评价。通信地址:030006 山西省太原市小店区南中环东街 山西大学东山校区,E-mail:jianf@sxu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:

    李雪,女,1997年出生,山西高平人,硕士,研究方向为土地利用和生态规划。通信地址:030006 山西省太原市小店区南中环东街 山西大学东山校区,E-mail:



关键词: 农村居民点, 最小累计阻力模型, 布局优化, 平遥县


To alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of urban and rural construction land, and effectively and reasonably promote the comprehensive improvement of rural settlements, we selected Pingyao County of Shanxi Province as the research area to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of rural settlements in the county and their influencing mechanism. We used the minimal cumulative resistance (MCR) model to construct the suitability evaluation index system of rural residential areas, and established a database of natural and socioeconomic factors taking the administrative village as the unit. The research shows that: (1) the rural settlements in the county are affected by natural location conditions, and the overall distribution pattern of clusters is “dense in the north and middle, and sparse in the southeast”; (2) the spatial layout suitability of rural settlements in Pingyao County is relatively good, mainly high suitability and relative suitability, showing the distribution characteristics of “low suitability in the northwest, high suitability in the southeast, and good suitability close to the central urban area”; (3) according to the logical thinking of natural factors - comprehensive evaluation - development potential - resource advantage, the settlements are classified into four categories: urban-suburban integration, agglomeration expansion, guidance and control, and relocation and merger, and the development directions are pointed out by this study.

Key words: rural settlements, minimal cumulative resistance model, layout optimization, Pingyao County