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Sony ZV-1 Digital Vlog Camera w/Bluetooth Grip

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Product Details

The technical details behind this camera

Designed specifically with the vlogger and content creator in mind, it offers cracking enhancements to usability for video presenting. Its super fast auto focus features 315 Phase detect AF points, and offers Real Time Tracking Autofocus for both movies and still images. The 20.1 Exmor 1 inch sensor delivers simultaneous 4K display over HDMI and the Wi-fi features allow videos and images to be transferred with ease. It鈥檚 a super stable shooting platform that fits in your pocket and is ready at a moments notice to shoot 24 frames per second of continuous shooting. What鈥檚 not to love about this camera ?

Optimised for Vloggers and Content Creators

Built for the demands of video and filmmakers, the Digital Camera ZV-1 is optimised with a suite of powerful video making features including a built in ND filter, Super Slo mo recording at up to 960 frames per second, 4K HDR recording and terrific audio capabilities via the directional 3 capsule microphone.

Bokeh at the push of a button

The all new Bokeh Switch button offers artistic control, simply by pressing the C1 button. When turned on, the background will fall away into an exquisite soft focus, removing any distracting elements while making the presenter stand out. It also features a special Soft Skin tone effect which is designed specifically to make any presenter look their very best.

Vari-Angle LCD Screen

Designed for the workflow of Vloggers and Content Creators, the Digital Camera ZV-1 introduces a fully articulated Vari-angle LCD touch screen to allow flexible use of the Mi Hotshoe, while ensuring framing and eye-lines are accurate. When working alone this invaluable feature allows the presenter to fully utilise external microphone or lighting and still benefit from setting up the framing perfectly.

Top three Reasons we think you will love this camera
  • Serious usability for vlogging on the go
  • Delivers premium video quality every time
  • Fast, portable and punches well above its weight

Our experts opinion

Sony has always offered game-changing technology built with a user in mind. The target user for the ZV-1, vloggers, and content creators are a massive part of the market, and the development of the ZV-1 is as much an indicator of the ongoing commitment to developing technologies that are relevant and usable. Many of the whizzbang features being developed in this groundbreaking product will help the next generation of Sony camera users create epic content and we appreciate the devotion Sony is showing to the art of crafting amazing cameras.

Product Specs

20 Megapixels
Video Type
4K Video Recording
CMOS Sensor
Shutter Speed
Mechanical Shutter 1/2000 to 30 Second Bulb Mode 1/2000 to 4 Second in Auto Mode Electronic Shutter 1/32000 to 30 Second 1/32000 to 4 Second in Auto Mode
Tilt Screen

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Sony ZV-1 Digital Vlog Camera w/Bluetooth Grip

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