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The rationality of continuous consumption for Children's park



With the improvement of people's quality and living quality,people's awareness for next generation of healthy development has also improved.This has promoted the establishment and development of children's institutions.In recent years,Children park is very popular .It can enhance the parent-children interaction and development of children's physical and mental health by the game.What problems do children's parks need to pay attention to?Let's share with you.


The following points determine the sustainable operation of Children's paradise:



经营儿童乐园项目建议选址在大型购物中心 Shopping Mall ) 、 商场 、 超市 、 大型社区等。人气决定一切 !好的场地是乐园持续经营的硬件指标之一,乐园选址时要对场地周边的人流量以及周边的商业前景进行一个评估。同时也要考虑到是否需要办理相关的工商、税务、消防的手续。

1.The proposed site for the children's park project are in large shopping center,shopping mall,super market,large community and so on. Visitors flow rate is the most important things.A good site is one of the hardware indicators for the park continue to operate.It should be evaluated the traffic and commercial prospects surrounding the park,at the same time operator need to go through relevant formalities for industry and commerce,fire-fighting and tax.

2乐园厂家设备 Amusement equipment

意向场地确认后,经营者根据预算投资额的情况联系合适的生产厂家 并让生产厂家出具场地方案以及整体报价后,协商好生产以及安装的周期。建议经营者在条件允许情况下对乐园生产厂家进行实地考察,同时调查了解生产厂家所提供给其它的乐园实体店设备状况是否符合安全、环保以及乐园经营状况,这样可以全面对乐园生产厂家的生产能力以及售后服务进行评估。

2.After confirmed the siting,operator need to base on the budget to contact manufacturers.Let them provide the venue plan and the overall quotation,and then negotiate the production time and installation time.It is the best that operator can visit the factory and inspect product quality is mach safety standards or not.In this way,operator can evaluated the production capacity and after-sales service of factory.


These  two points are  for the hard ward of the park.After doing these,we need to consider and analyze the following three points.


乐园宣传的推广、乐园门票的定价(根据实际情况办理次卡,月卡,年卡 、乐园会员档案的建立、与儿童性质有关的机构进行合作互动、利用营销平台,线上线下结合推广宣传等等。

3.Promotion of the park publicity,ticket price(According to the actual situation,can do per card,month card and annual card),establish membership profile,work with some children's organizations. Doing the marketing platform,combined with the online and offline do promotion and so on.



4乐园管理Site management

招聘合适的乐园工作人员,对乐园的工作人员的进行培训,加强责任心的培养 建议可以招聘有幼教经验的老师,这样有足以正确的引导小朋友游玩,并且可以在乐园中搞活动来增加乐园的可玩性等等。

Recruit high quality staffs and training for strengthen staff's responsibility.(suggestion:Teachers with preschool education experience are preferred.because they are easier to get along with children and know how to make more fun in it.)



短期内乐园可以通过设备的新颖度来吸引小朋友 乐园长期持续经营必须得有自己的特色,乐园经营者需要有创新。差异化同行业的竞争对手才是长期取胜的关键。(例如组织亲子活动、儿童主题活动、音乐和美术方面的玩具、益智游戏等等)

At the beginning children park can attract people's eye by new equipment,but operator should have their own characteristics if they want to continue operating.It also need to innovate and made it difference from other parks.(such as doing parent-child activity,child themed activities and something about music and art activities)

营销模式( 温馨提示:仁者见仁,智者见智,营销模式仅供参考

marketing pattern(There are many marketing pattern,here are some of them for your reference)

1.普通票 :普通票可以是在当天营业时间内凭次卡随意玩耍直至当天营业结束为止或者可以在儿童离开儿童乐园区域时次卡作废。

1.Ordinary ticket:It may be canceled by the time of business hours on the day or child leaving the amusement park.

2.家长陪同票 :一般为年龄断较小的儿童家长购买 , 价格上不应太高 。 家长陪同多半是以安全考虑,另有一部分家长希望与孩子共同玩耍增加与孩子的感情和交流 。 (温馨提示:设备是跟据儿童体重身高所设计,请注意设备的使用年龄段以免设备无法承受而损坏。)

2.parent's ticket:Children who are too young need accompanied by their parents.So these ticket not need too high.Most of them are worry about their children's safety,will accompany with children.but some of them will play together with their children for promote relationships and communication.(Pay attention to the load bearing of the equipment and age group of children)

3次卡:次卡可以设一次性买10 次送 2 次,或一次性购买 20 次送 5 次,或一次性购买 50 次 送15 次等方式进行销售 。 实际经营中购买多少赠送多少可由经营者根据实际情况来决定 。 ( 温馨提示 : 如遇多个儿童想使用同一张卡进园的 ,可跟据儿童数量减去相就的次数 。 也可一张卡只限一个儿童使用 。)

3.Per card:It can buy 12 per card at a time free for two,or buy 25per cards at a time free for five,or buy 65 per cards at a time free for 15 and so on.How many for free can decide by operator.


4.月卡 、 季卡 、 年卡 : 此方式比较常见的经营方式 ,当家长在购买卡后可在指定的时间内凭此卡不限次数的在儿童乐园内玩耍 。 (温馨提示:一张卡只限一个儿童使用 。)

4.Month card,season card and annual card:This is the most common  business way in Amusement park.Children can enter the park unlimited time within the specified time after purchase card.(one card only for one child)



5.Noted: For Multi-project of children park,Operator can choose one ticket available for all project or charge for one by one project.


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