ChatGPT QuestionsBasic Tutorial Documents

Published on 2023-04-20 00:10:05 · 中文 · بالعربية · Español · हिंदीName · 日本語 · Русский язык · 中文繁體

How to ask ChatGPT questions?

As an AI, I can tell you some effective techniques for asking me questions:
1. Clarify your question:Make sure you know what you want to ask and express it as clearly and clearly as possible
Good case:
Q: Can you help me explain what NLP is?
This question is clear and clear, expressing clear needs, while being concise and clear, without unnecessary nonsense or information, using standardized language and grammar.
Bad case:
Q: I'm not sure if I can ask for your help. There are some things I want to ask you about something called "NLP". I heard it is a very complex technology, and I would like to ask if you could help me explain what it is. If you could, I would be very grateful.
The expression of this question is quite lengthy, not clear and clear enough, and excessive nonsense and unnecessary information are used. At the same time, a more colloquial expression method is used, which may bring some understanding difficulties to people.
When asking questions, you can also provide as much contextual information as possible, which helps me better understand your question and provide more accurate answers. At the same time, if you have any questions or need further explanation about my answer, you can also ask me at any time.
The quality of ChatGPT's answers depends on the quality of your questions. Before learning how to use ChatGPT better, you need to learn how to ask questions better.

How to use ChatGPT instructions?

When you find that the content of ChatGPT's answer is not as expected, you can use some instructions to correct and expand his answer, making the final answer more inclined towards your ideal answer.
The most common instruction among them is: continue. The continue instruction allows ChatGPT to continue diverging content from the original answer, or to continue interrupted answers(although there are currently bugs in this scenario, which may result in context mismatch).
To avoid the occurrence of such bugs, it is necessary to improve this instruction. The correct instruction should be: continue+action, such as: continue writing, continue translation, continue refining, etc
In addition to continuing, there are several common instructions:
Clarify,Clarify, clarify, and make the content better understood -Example, -Expand,to provide more content on top of the original -Rewrite,Rewrite content -Shorten,Simplify content
These instructions can be applied in three modes, and proficient use can significantly improve the content satisfaction of ChatGPT production.
In addition to these commonly used instructions, we also collected some instructions related to copywriting and AI painting——
Instructions related to text creation:
-Content ideas:Provide content creativity and inspiration for a specific theme or industry -Blog post ideas/Blog article creativity:Provide blog article creativity and inspiration for a specific topic or industry -Editing/Editing:Provide suggestions and techniques for copywriting editing and proofreading -Headline suggestions/Title suggestions:Provide suggestions and tips on title writing -Grammar check/Grammar check:Check for syntax error and spelling errors in the copy -Tone of voice:Provide advice and guidance on tone and brand voice -Copywriting tips/Copywriting tips:Provide tips and best practices for copywriting -Writing prompts:Provide creativity and inspiration to help you start writing -Style guide:Provide brand or company style guidelines and specifications -Email writing:Provide advice and tips on email writing and sending -Writing templates/Writing templates:Provide templates and styles for commonly used copy types, such as press releases, promotional letters, and resumes -Marketing copy/marketing copywriting:Provide best practices and techniques for marketing copywriting -Proofreading:Check for errors and spelling errors in the copy to ensure accuracy -Storytelling/Narrative:Provide tips and advice on narrative and storytelling -Social media copy/Social media copywriting:Provide suggestions and best practices for social media copywriting -Writing for the web:Provide advice and tips on online writing and SEO -Press release writing:Provide advice and guidance on press conference writing and style -Technical writing/technical documentation:provide suggestions and skills on technical documentation writing and style -Resume/CV writing:Provide writing skills and suggestions for resumes and cover letters -Content marketing:Provide advice and tips on content marketing, such as blog articles, e-books, and white papers
Instructions related to AI painting creation:
-Digital painting:Provide advice and tips on digital painting and drawing software -Art style recommendations/Art style recommendations:Provide advice on art style and techniques -Sketching/Sketching:Provide advice and tips on how to sketch and sketch -Painting techniques/painting techniques:Provide tips and suggestions on how to paint -Art supplies recommendations:Provide advice on art supplies and tools -Portrait drawing/Portrait painting:Provide advice and techniques on how to perform portrait painting -Landscape painting:Provide advice and tips on how to paint landscapes -Still life drawing:Provide advice and tips on how to draw still lifes -Coloring/Coloring:Provide tips and suggestions on how to color -Art history:Provide information and suggestions on art history and artists -Watercolor painting:Provide advice and tips on how to perform watercolor painting -Oil painting/oil painting:Provide advice and techniques on how to perform oil painting -Drawing tutorials/Painting tutorials:Provides tutorials and guidance on painting and drawing -Art criticism:Provide comments and suggestions on art works and paintings -Art portfolio:Provide advice and tips on how to create and manage art portfolios -Perspective drawing:Provide advice and techniques on how to perform perspective drawing -Anime drawing/anime:Provide advice and tips on how to enter action comics -Sculpture/Sculpture:Provide advice and tips on how to sculpt -Art exhibitions/art exhibition:provide suggestions on art exhibition and exhibition information -Art galleries:Provide advice and tips on art galleries and exhibitions
The above content is from ChatGPT.
Of course, there are many instructions related to ChatGPT. If you want to learn more about ChatGPT related instructions, you can finish understanding some of them and enter: Help to obtain more ChatGPT instructions.