
Free Printable To Do List Template In PDF, Excel & Word

A To-Do List Template is a file that fulfills a new document in the very starting point. When a template is opened, it is in a pre-formatted way. For instance, you might be using a template in Microsoft Word that is formatted as a business letter. The template would likely have a space for the name and address in the upper left corner, below on left side an area for the recipient’s address can be seen, an area for the message body below that, and a spot for your signature at the bottom.

When a file created with a template is saved then it means that it is usually prompted to save a copy of the file, so that we don’t save over the template. Templates can be made in two ways either they come with a program or can be created by the user. Most of the major and essential programs are supported by templates, so if we find creating similar documents over and over again, it might be a good idea to save one of them as a template. Then there would be no necessity to format the documents each time because we want to make a new one. Just open the template and start from there.

Sample To Do List Examples


Often we forget small household tasks because of our busy work schedule. It also becomes hard to keep track of all the tasks when our schedules get cramped. One of the most effective ways to make sure that this doesn’t happen is by making to-do lists. To-do lists help you in prioritizing your work to make effective work schedules.

Things To Do List Template

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‘To do’ list templates are used to keep a record of all the necessary tasks that have to be performed. One can use these to keep a note of anything starting from shopping groceries to paying bills on time. If there is confusion on how to use them and write one for yourself then one can just go through our free samples and examples to get a basic idea and also can take help from it.

To-Do List For Kids

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 A free checklist template to keep track of your kids’ daily or weekly tasks are available for easily approachable use. For instance, homework schedules for one or more nights in each school week are assigned duties to help out around the house, backyard work or plan before or after school activities. This template is also found in theme-ready so anybody can change the look and feel by using themes, colors, or font options on the Page Layout tab.

To-Do List For Students

To-Do List For Students


If one has to accomplish various works in a short time then a time management template is the ideal one. If anyone wants a to-do list that can help to manage the time then use this template, one can manage the time without any problem. The goal of having a solid to-do list is to dump all of the thoughts swirling around our head in one place, then set it and forget it.’ By matching an accurate calendar system with a terrific to-do system, 

An extraordinary to-do list for college:

  • Increase your focus while studying
  • Create a plan for your big exams
  • Detail step-by-step how to complete every assignment
  • Break down major goals
  • Everything should be organized and need to remember for the online courses (and life)
  • Map out dates to get things done
  • An item is added to the To-Do list when you add this flag to an email in your inbox. We know how easily emails can get lost in our inbox, so it can be helpful to add a flag to an email that requires a response or has an action item within the message. The email is also added to the To-Do List in the Tasks tab as a follow-up to the flag,
  • Also within the Tasks tab is Tasks. Tasks are items you create from scratch. The to-do lists are not tied to an email message and anyone can add significant details to your task. Start date, due date, reminder, and priority can be added in the new task window. Tasks can also be assigned to others to add to their task list, integrated the task list with OneNote, and send a status report update.

Project Task List Template

Project Task List Template


Templates are demonstrated some of the many ways that can easily track tasks by using a spreadsheet, from simple to-do lists to more advanced Gantt charts. These templates demonstrate using icon sets to display priorities, using conditional formatting to display a progress bar, creating a Gantt using a stacked bar chart, and using a checkmark to cross out tasks when they’ve been completed. This spreadsheet demonstrates the use of conditional formatting to highlight the Priority column, to add a progress bar to the % complete column, and to create a functioning checkbox via data validation. It also includes columns for entering the budget and hours spent on each task.

Employee Task List Template

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Whether you’re managing a group project at work, planning an event, or organizing your daily routine, creating a detailed task list will help ensure a smooth process and a successful outcome. There is a compiled variety of the most common and most useful task list and checklist templates for basic, business, or personal needs. Templates can be easily found in Excel, Word, and PDF files that are designed for easy customization and printing.  It’s easy to see the different phases of a project, identify dependencies, and prioritize tasks. 

Daily Task List Template For Work

One can use this daily task list template to schedule tasks throughout the day while also planning for an entire week. Choose the starting time for each day, as well as the starting date for your weekly calendar view. One can also adjust the time interval of each task, which allows you to break down each hour into incremental tasks if needed.

Daily Task List Template For Work


Always stay organized with this approachable daily task list template. Important events, special occasions, and holidays get their list, and daily to-do tasks keep you on track. A date should be always typed in the yellow box to highlight tasks for that day.

Here is Some PDF Sample Provide Here:

Printable To-Do List In PDF

  1. PDF Template 1
  2. PDF Template 2

Printable To-Do List In Excel

  1. Excel Template 1
  2. Excel Template 2
  3. Excel Template 3
  4. Excel Template 4
  5. Excel Template 5

Printable To-Do List In Word

  1. Word Template 1
  2. Word Template 2
  3. Word Template 3
  4. Word Template 4
  5. Word Template 5

Printable To-Do List In Google Docs

  1. Google Docs Template 1
  2. Google Docs Template 2
  3. Google Docs Template 3
  4. Google Docs Template 4
  5. Google Docs Template 5

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