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时间:2023-11-20 11:37:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【# 英语口语# # 外贸英语口语情景对话(汇总10篇)#】现在学习英语更注重实用性,所以口语就引起了大家的重视,我们在平时生活、工作中也要重视口语交际对话。©无忧考网整理了十篇外贸英语口语情景对话,欢迎阅读!

1.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇一

  A:Good morning, Mr. Jackson. Welcome to Shanghai.

  B:Good morning!

  A:Mr. Jackson, did you have a good flight?

  B:I just feel a little tired. You know, it took me 17 hours to get here.

  A:You must take a rest today.

  B:That's very kind of you, but I can do without a rest. I have long wanted to have a talk with you about the possibility of business between us.

  A:We welcome good business. Anyhow, we know you must get tired by the flight, so we have arranged a meeting tomorrow morning. Today you can have a good rest.

  B:Thank you very much.

2.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇二

  S: Hello, welcome!

  C: OK, let me have a look first.

  S: Please take your time.

  C: How much is it?

  S: One hundred and fifty Yuan.

  C: Oh, too expensive. Can you come down?

  S: How many pieces?

  C: One thousand pieces.

  S: One hundred and forty Yuan give you.

  C: No, one hundred Yuan OK?

  S: Too low, we lose money. Make it higher?

  C: No, I buy so many, you should come down.

  S: One hundred and thirty-five Yuan, our last price.

3.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇三

  C: How much is this?

  S: Only one hundred and ten Yuan.

  C: Last price?

  S: One hundred and five.

  C: One hundred, OK?

  S: No, one hundred, we have no profit.

  C: No, but I am buy so many.

  S: No, we have no profit really.

  C: So one hundred and two Yuan.

  S: Well, I suppose there is on other choice.

4.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇四

  S: Do you need delivery?

  C: Yes.

  S: Give me delivery address please.

  C: This is my name card, when deliver?

  S: After one hour.

  C: Be quick. I'm so busy.

  S: We will try our best. From here to your delivery address, about one hour bus.

  C: Oh!

  S: Call me when you receive.

  C: OK.

  S: Our rule is cash-on-delivery, when receive pay the balance at once.

  C: Pay the delivery boy?

5.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇五

  C: I came to take my goods, are you ready?

  S: Let me see, sorry, not ready, because material factory supply us late. Do you need urgently?

  C: Oh, no! When can I get them? I will go home next week.

  S: Don't worry. I promise to supply you this weekend.

  C: OK. I will come after two days.

  S: No problem.

6.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇六

  C: What's the exchange rate today?

  S: Six point nine Yuan equals one dollar.

  C: Can you change Dollars to RMB?

  S: Yes. We're at your service.

  S: How would you like the money?

  C: In big bills, please.

  S: No problem.

  C: Thank you very much.

  S: You are welcome.

7.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇七

  S: When can you pay us?

  C: We'll send in the payment promptly.

  C: How would you like me to pay?

  S: We want it in one payment.

  C: We'd like to charge that, please.

  S: We only accept C.O.D. (cash on delivery).

  C: Do I need to make a deposit?

  S: If you want us to order it for you.

  C: How much deposit is required?

  S: We're asking for a 30% down payment.

8.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇八

  C: How would you prefer payment?

  S: Please pay in cash up-front.

  C: How do you prefer to be paid?

  S: Please pay us in RMB.

  S: I'm sorry, we don't accept credit card.

  C: Is a check OK then?

  S: Sorry sir, we only accept cash.

  C: How long will you take?

  S: About ten days.

  C: Do I have to pay now?

  S: You only pay some deposit.

9.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇九

  C: When should I come back?

  S: We expect to have it back the day after tomorrow.

  C: OK. I'll be back the day after tomorrow.

  C: Too expensive!

  S: Different prices different quality.

  C: I hope so. If I order now, when deliver?

  S: About 10 days.

  C: Can you deliver earlier?

  S: Because factory is busy, can't be ready until the end of this month.

  C: Be quick, please.

10.外贸英语口语情景对话 篇十

  S: Don't worry, I'll call you when the goods finish.

  C: I changed my phone number. The number is 13416416368.

  S: I see. If blue is not enough, other colors, OK?

  C: OK. Give me black and coffee.

  S: Maybe black is not enough.

  C: Give me coffee colors.

  S: OK.

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