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    Top 5 Travel Destinations in China
    ★ Yunnan — a colorful wonderland
    Yunnan is the most diverse (多种多样的) and colorful area in China.You can admire different views,such as snowcapped mountains,rainforests,highland lakes,historical sites and amazing minority villages.It is famous worldwide for the Old Town of Lijiang,which has a history of over 800 years.
    ★ Guilin — the place to go for classic Chinese countryside
    "East to west,Guilin is best." Guilin's countryside scenery (风景) draws millions of tourists from near and far every year.Its unique limestone (石灰岩) scenery is known as "the most beautiful on earth".The Li River is the most beautiful sight in Guilin,which attracts many photographers in spring and fall.
    ★ Chengdu — the city of cute giant pandas
    Giant pandas are so cute that many travelers want to see these lovely animals.Though there are giant pandas in zoos in many places around China,the best place to see them is in Chengdu.Visitors can also take part in volunteer programs to take care of giant pandas.
    ★ Tibet — nothing but pure beauty
    Tibet is an attractive destination for many tourists.It is best known for rich Tibetan culture,unique
    Tibetan architectural structures,extremely large grasslands,herds (群) of sheep,blue skies,clear water and fresh air.
    Zhangjiajie is famous for its high peaks (山峰),clear rivers,thick forests and diverse plants and animals.It is a must-see scenic area in China.Many foreign travelers' attention was attracted to it through the filming of the movie Avatar.
    1. What is Yunnan famous for? ______
    A. The Old Town of Lijiang. B. The rich Tibetan culture.
    C. The highland lakes. D. The unique limestone scenery.
    2. What can visitors enjoy in Guilin? ______
    A. Exploring minority villages. B. Seeing herds of sheep.
    C. Climbing the high peaks. D. Admiring countryside scenery.
    3. Where should visitors go if they desire to see the cute and lovely animals? ______
    A. Yunnan. B. Guilin. C. Chengdu. D. Tibet.
    Li Zixuan is a junior middle school student.He is now studying in Grade 9.He has had many dreams since he was little.But as time goes by,some new dreams have appeared and some old ones have disappeared.However,only one dream is still in his mind.
    Li Zixuan says that when he was a child,he heard about rockets and spaceships (宇宙飞船).At first,he didn't know what they were.From his father,he knew that scientists made rockets to carry things into space,and spaceships were used to carry people through space.From then on,he has had a real interest in space.Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night,he gets very excited.He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to look at the earth one day.His mother knows about his dream and often encourages him.
    In school,Li Zixuan learned that the first man flew into space in 1961 and later,more astronauts succeeded in traveling into space.Some astronauts even landed on the moon.His teacher always encourages him to learn more.He knows not everyone has a chance to travel into space.More importantly,before he can fly to space,he must be trained specially.
    Li Zixuan knows it's not easy to achieve his dream,but he decides to try his best.He says, "I've had this dream for many years.It has brought me a lot of joy and always gives me power.Even if it doesn't come true in the end,I won't be sorry."
    4. Who told the boy something about rockets and spaceships? ______
    A. His father. B. His mother. C. His teacher. D. His friend.
    5. What does the boy probably want to be when he grows up? ______
    A. A scientist. B. A pilot. C. An astronaut. D. An engineer.
    6. What must the boy do before he can fly to space? ______
    A. Study very hard. B. Get a driving license.
    C. Do exercise every day. D. Get some special training.
    7. What's the best title for the text? ______
    A. The Love of a Father B. The Dream of a Boy
    C. An Excellent Hobby D. An Unusual Experience
    Physical education,or gym class,isn't required for all high school students.In some schools,it isn't offered for some different reasons.But should high school students have physical education?The answer is certainly "yes".
    Today many people don't do sports.But as is known to all,doing sports is very important for an adult.Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.
    High school isn't that easy.Many students are under a lot of stress.Stress can be harmful to a student's studies and life.Doing sports can help them deal with stress better,helping them live a happier life at school.
    The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity (肥胖症).Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger.The increase in activities that don't get teens to move around,such as video games and computer activities,means many teens don't get their required exercise.Physical education classes act as a public health measure to encourage activity and help teens have healthy weights.
    Inactivity (不活跃) increases teens' risk of developing many diseases.An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems.As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes,according to the American College of Sports Medicine.
    According to the President's Council on Fitness,Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN),students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic (学业的) performance.Students from programs with no physical activity,who used the extra time for classroom study,did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.
    8. According to paragraph 2,what role does physical education play in high school? ______
    A. Helping teens learn to make good plans.
    B. Relieving the stress faced by teens at school.
    C. Making teens pay more attention to exercise later
    D. Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
    9. What can we infer from the passage? ______
    A. Most high school students are harmed by stress.
    B. Doing sports can help students live a happier life at school.
    C. Video games help many teens to get required exercise.
    D. American teens get 60 minutes' exercise per day to control weight.
    10. What does the underlined word "hindered" in paragraph 5 mean? ______
    A. Worsened . B. Measured. C. Prevented. D. Caused.
    11. What is the text mainly about? ______
    A. How high school students can live a happier life.
    B. How schools can help students love doing sports.
    C. Why some schools consider physical education important.
    D. Why high school students should receive physical education.
    Fish cats are a kind of cats that love water and love to fish.They are like tigers and lions,only much smaller,around twice the size of our average pet cats.They live in wetlands of South Asia and mangrove forests (红树林)of South and Southeast Asia.Like many endangered species,fish cats were in danger of dying out more than twenty years ago,mainly because of the great international need for fish food and the people's cutting of the mangroves at an extremely fast speed.
    Mangroves of Southeast Asia are home to a great many fantastic species,like fish cats,turtles,shorebirds and others.Mangroves can protect soil,and they can be the first line of protection between storms,tsunamis and the millions of people who live next to them.The fact is that mangroves can store almost five to ten times moreCO2 than other forests.So protecting mangroves may well be like protecting five to ten times more of other forests.
    Ten years ago,in South India,many people came together to change the future of their home.In less than 10 years,with international support,the state forest departments and the local people worked together to restore over 20,000 acres of unproductive fish and shrimp farms back into mangroves.Now experts are working with them in helping study and protecting the mangroves as well as the species living in them.Fish and shrimp farmers are now willing to work with experts to test the harvest of nature protection like fishes,turtles and other species in mangroves.The local farmers are encouraged to protect and plant mangroves where they have been lost.A win-win-win for fish cats,local people and the global ecosystem(生态系统)is being built.
    12. What made the fish cats endangered? ______
    A. Natural enemies and environment pollution.
    B. Cutting of mangroves and lack of water.
    C. Being too large and need for fish food.
    D. Less fish and overcutting of mangroves.
    13. Why are mangroves so important? ______
    A. They can prevent extreme weather.
    B. They can take in moreCO2 effectively.
    C. They help plants grow better on the soil.
    D. They are perfect home to all species.
    14. What is the last paragraph mainly about? ______
    A. Ways of turning farms into forests.
    B. Changes of South India in 10 years.
    C. Efforts to protect the mangroves.
    D. Work in protecting shrimps.
    15. What's the best title for the text? ______
    A. Fish Cats and Mangroves Protection
    B. The Importance of Mangroves
    C. Ways to Protect Fish Cats
    D. Man and Nature

    Responsibility is an admirable character that makes life better for everyone around you. (1) ______ It's also about making proper choices and doing what is right.Showing responsibility isn't always easy,but practicing and making an effort will help you improve over time.
    Think of the consequences before speaking or acting.Bad decisions often lead to a lot of new problems.Many times,you can avoid these problems by thinking about what you're about to do before you go through with it.Irresponsible people often make decisions without realizing how they are affecting others. (2) ______
    ( 3) ______ Take a time out to look back on what you have said or done,especially after a difficult decision.By reflecting,you give yourself a chance to make better decisions.Consider what goes right,what goes wrong,and what you can do differently next time.Use what you learn to become wiser and more responsible.
    Tell the truth to be honest with others.If you're honest,people will believe you are a responsible person.Try to be as honest as possible.Lying leads to deeper holes in the long run,so admit when you do something wrong. (4) ______ But it's something you can handle when you're a responsible person.
    Apologize for any mistake you make.No one is perfect,and no matter how responsible you try to be,you might mess up sometimes. (5) ______ If you hurt someone,tell them you are sorry and will do better next time.

    A.This can be very tough to do at times.
    B.Instead of hiding your mistakes,admit them.
    C.Find solutions for problems instead of blaming others.
    D.It isn't only about doing your homework or feeding the dog.
    E.Pause and reflect on your actions to see what you can do better.
    F.Avoid big lies hurting one's feelings if you want people to trust you.
    G.Most decisions affect other people,so be responsible for your choices.

    16.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    17.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    18.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    19.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    20.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

    Corks is now an incredibly happy and loving dog with a love for life.However,you might never guess the(1) ______ story of his past.
    Late last year,Corks was found (2) ______ .Doctors believed that he might have been dragged(拖拽)behind a car,causing serious injuries to his legs.Corks was treated and placed in a(3) ______ ,but the scars(伤疤)of the wound he'd experienced ran(4) ______ .
    Rescuers from Dogs Without Borders stepped in to (5) ______ him. "Careful of people and considered(6) ______ ,Corks was about to be put down at the shelter," Corks' rescuers wrote. "He had lost so much(7) ______ in humans.
    Now,at least,Corks was safe.In time,Corks' body began to recover,(8) ______ his heart was slow to follow.Hearing Corks' story,Wilson (9) ______ to take him in-soon realizing that Corks clearly wasn't used to kindness.Under Wilson's (10) ______ and constant doting(溺爱),the sad dog began to open up to her.Wilson said,"At first,(11) ______ to let a single person touch him,he now loves to jump up and(12) ______ me with kisses all over the face."
    Corks,who was once considered broken,was whole again. (13) ______ the difficulties he had faced,a happier life was never out of reach.His happiness and joy now (14) ______ . "He amazes me every day." Wilson said. "Getting a dog like Corks to trust you can be (15) ______ ,but love and patience can truly work miracles(奇迹)."
    21.  A. exciting B. interesting C. happy D. sad
    22.  A. dead B. wounded C. lost D. confused
    23.  A. shelter B. hospital C. zoo D. clinic
    24.  A. smaller B. shorter C. deeper D. shallower
    25.  A. monitor B. encounter C. save D. comfort
    26.  A. unadoptable B. gentle C. extraordinary D. adorable
    27.  A. trust B. power C. hate D. duty
    28.  A. so B. and C. but D. for
    29.  A. pretended B. volunteered C. hesitated D. struggled
    30.  A. education B. control C. rule D. care
    31.  A. grateful B. unlucky C. eager D. unwilling
    32.  A. scares B. bites C. greets D. helps
    33.  A. Despite B. Besides C. Without D. Among
    34.  A. die out B. shine through C. fade away D. go off
    35.  A. right B. wrong C. easy D. hard
    36. Located in Erdos,North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Kubuqi Desert is the(1) ______ ( close) desert to China's capital Beijing.
    It was once known (2) ______ "the sea of death".However,in the past 30 years,the government,social organizations and local farmers and herdsmen (3) ______ ( work) together to control the desertification(沙漠化) in Kubuqi desert.
    Historically.Kubuqi was a rich city filled with water and grass.But due to climate change and over-exploitation from humans,the farmlands (4) ______ ( final) turned to desert over 2.000 years.
    Controlling desertification was the only way out for people still living in Kubuqi.With the first highway going through the desert (5) ______ ( build) in 1999,people started planting trees in the whole desert.It was common for planted trees to die.But the next year,people just continued to plant more trees.Their hard work inspired the term " Kubuqi spirit ",(6) ______ ( encourage) local people to move forward with great efforts.
    Over three decades,tree planting technology saw continuous (7) ______ ( develop) in Kubuqi.Now workers can plant a tree in just ten(8) ______ ( second),and their survival rate is over 80 percent.
    The 102,000 residents in the desert have enjoyed the benefits of managing desertification.Meng Keda,( 9) ______ family has lived deep in the Kubuqi Desert for generations,began a tourism business in 2006.He had(10) ______ income of 300.000 yuan last year.
    37. 假定你是李华,你校拟在本周五举办"名著读书会"。请你写一则留言邀请交流生Lucy参加。内容包括:
    Dear Lucy,

    Yours, Li Hua

    38. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Tina was a 13-year-old girl.She was playing in the yard one morning when she overheard her parents' dialogue.Her father,a sheepherder who raised hundreds of sheep,was going to the nearest town to do some urgent things.He suggested that Tina should herd (放牧) the sheep while he was away.But her mother,a disabled woman,doubted whether Tina could do that.
    Hearing this,Tina stepped into her parents' room. "Mom,I can herd the sheep.I have grown up," said Tina,full of expectation.Her parents smiled and agreed.After putting some bread and water into her bag as lunch,Tina drove the sheep out of sheepfold (羊圈),walking them south to a distant grassland.Her mother repeatedly told her that she didn't have to herd the sheep until the sunset like her father did.But Tina had made up her mind to prove that she had grown up.
    It was the first time that Tina had herded the sheep.That day seemed much longer than any other day before.The sun seemed to have stopped in the middle of the sky.The bread was eaten up soon and so was the water.So after some hesitation,Tina finally decided to drive the sheep back home while the sun was still high in the west.
    Tina's father was waiting outside the sheepfold,as if he had expected all that.He smiled at Tina but Tina just kept her head down.The sheep soon got into the sheepfold.Tina was about to shut the door when her father told her to count the sheep in case that some sheep were lost.Tina followed her father's orders despite her unwillingness.
    The sheep were not cooperative (配合的) at all.They were coming and going.Tina counted the sheep three times but each was a different number.She tried again and again and at last she told her father that she had lost three.Her father was not angry but said, "Three?Are you kidding?" Tina felt so guilty that she turned around immediately and went to look for the missing sheep and the pride as well.


    It was getting dark and Tina walked along the path to the grassland in search of the sheep.
    "No,you didn't lose them," her father said calmly,much to her surprise.


    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据★ Yunnan — a colorful wonderland部分Yunnan is the most diverse (多种多样的) and colorful area in China.You can admire different views,such as snowcapped mountains,rainforests,highland lakes,historical sites and amazing minority villages.It is famous worldwide for the Old Town of Lijiang,which has a history of over 800 years.(云南是中国最丰富多彩的地区。你可以欣赏到不同的景色,如雪山、雨林、高原湖泊、历史遗迹和令人惊叹的少数民族村庄。丽江古城闻名世界,有800多年的历史。)可知云南以丽江古城而闻名。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据★ Guilin — the place to go for classic Chinese countryside部分中的Guilin's countryside scenery (风景) draws millions of tourists from near and far every year.(桂林的乡村风光每年吸引着数以百万计的来自四面八方的游客。)可知,游客在桂林可以欣赏乡村风景。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据★ Chengdu — the city of cute giant pandas部分Giant pandas are so cute that many travelers want to see these lovely animals.Though there are giant pandas in zoos in many places around China,the best place to see them is in Chengdu.Visitors can also take part in volunteer programs to take care of giant pandas.(大熊猫是如此可爱,以至于许多游客都想看看这些可爱的动物。虽然中国很多地方的动物园里都有大熊猫,但成都是看大熊猫最好的地方。游客还可以参加照顾大熊猫的志愿者活动。)可知如果游客想看可爱的动物,可以去成都去看大熊猫。故选C。

    【解析】(1)细节理解题。由文章第二段中的From his father,he knew that scientists made rockets to carry things into space,and spaceships were used to carry people through space.(从他父亲那里,他知道科学家制造火箭是为了把东西送入太空,而宇宙飞船是用来载人穿越太空的。)可知是男孩的爸爸告诉他关于火箭和宇宙飞船的事情。故答案为A项。
    (2)细节理解题。由文章第二段中的Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night,he gets very excited.He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to look at the earth one day.(每当他晚上看到天上美丽的星星和月亮时,他就非常兴奋。他总是梦想着有一天他能飞到太空去看看地球。)可知这个男孩长大后想当宇航员。故答案为C项。
    (3)细节理解题。由文章第三段中的More importantly,before he can fly to space,he must be trained specially.(更重要的是,在他能飞上太空之前,他必须接受专门的训练。)可知,进入太空前他必须接受一些专门的训练。故答案为D项。
    (4)标题判断题。由文章第一段中的But as time goes by,some new dreams have appeared and some old ones have disappeared.However,only one dream is still in his mind.(但是随着时间的推移,一些新的梦想出现了,一些旧的已经消失了。然而,只有一个梦想还在他的脑海里。)可知以"一个男孩的梦想"作为题目最合适。A.The Love of a Father父亲的爱;B.The Dream of a Boy一个男孩的梦想;C.An Excellent Hobby极好的爱好;D.An Unusual Experience不寻常的经历。故答案为B项。

    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.(现在,教育青少年健康生活方式的重要性并制定健身计划可以帮助青少年在他们成年后将锻炼放在首位)可知,高中体育教育意味着让青少年在之后重视锻炼。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据最后一段According to the President's Council on Fitness,Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN),students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic performance.(根据PCFSN所说,每周进行五小时体育锻炼的学生提高了他们的学业成绩)可知推知做运动有助于学生在学业上做得更好。故选B。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据第四段Not doing sports increases teens' risk of developing many diseases.An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems.(不运动会增加青少年患多种疾病的风险。积极的生活方式为预防这些健康问题提供了好方法。)可知,不运动会增加患病的风险,积极的生活方式可以预防疾病,所以下一句划线词所在句表达的意思应该是"生活方式的改变可能会阻止疾病发生",推测划线单词表示"阻止",与prevented(阻止)同义。A.Worsened恶化;B.Measured.测量;C.Prevented.阻止;D.Caused.造成。故选C。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据第一段But should high school students receive physical education?The answer is certainly "Yes."(但是高中生应该接受体育教育吗?答案当然是"是的")以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了高中生为什么应该接受体育教育。故选D。

    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Like many endangered species,fish cats were in danger of dying out more than twenty yearsago,mainly because of the great international need for fish food and the people's cutting of the mangroves at an extremely fast speed. (许多濒危物种一样,鱼猫在二十多年前就面临灭绝的危险,主要原因是国际上对鱼类食物的巨大需求以及人们以极快的速度砍伐红树林。)可知,鱼猫濒临灭绝的原因是鱼类供不应求和红树林的过度砍伐。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段中的The fact is that mangroves can store almost five to ten times more CO2 than other forests.So protecting mangroves may well be like protecting five to ten times more of other forests.(事实上,红树林能储存的二氧化碳几乎是其他森林的五到十倍。因此,保护红树林很可能就像保护其他森林的5到10倍。)可知,红树林重要的原因在可以吸收更多的二氧化碳。故选B。
    (3)段落大意题。根据最后一段中的Ten years ago,in South India,many people came together to change the future of their home.(十年前,在南印度,许多人聚集在一起改变他们家园的未来。)以及 The local farmers are encouraged to protect and plant mangroves where they have been lost.(鼓励当地农民保护和种植已经消失的红树林。)以及整段内容可知,最后一段主要讲述了南印度人民为保护红树林所做出的努力。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据最后一段中的A win-win-win for fish cats,local people and the global ecosystem(生态系统)is being built.(鱼猫、当地居民和全球生态系统三赢的格局正在形成。)以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了需要被保护的濒危的鱼猫、对于人类十分重要的红树林以及南印度人为保护红树林做出的努力,所以,选项A.Fish Cats and Mangroves Protection(鱼猫和红树林保护)适合作文章标题。故选A。

    【解析】(1)联系下文题。根据下文It's also about making proper choices and doing what is right.(这也是关于做出正确的选择和做正确的事情。)中的also about可知,上文应说明"责任是关于什么"。D项"这不仅仅是关于做作业或喂狗。"与下一句一起说明责任的内涵,符合语境。故选D项。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文Irresponsible people often make decisions without realizing how they are affecting others.(不负责任的人往往在没有意识到自己对他人的影响的情况下做出决定。)可知,上文讲到不负责任人做出的决定。G项"大多数决定都会影响他人,所以要对自己的选择负责。"补充这些决定的影响,符合语境。故选G项。
    (3)段落主题题。空格处是本段主旨句,且句式应为祈使句。根据下文Take a time out to look back on what you have said or done,especially after a difficult decision.By reflecting,you give yourself a chance to make better decisions.(花点时间回顾一下你所说的或所做的,尤其是在做出艰难的决定之后。通过反思,你给了自己一个做出更好决定的机会。)可知,本段主要建议要进行反思。E项"暂停并反思你的行动,看看你能做得更好。"符合本段主旨。故选E项。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文But it's something you can handle when you're a responsible person.(但当你是一个负责任的人时,这是你可以处理的事情。)可知,空格处与下文是转折关系。A项"这有时很难做到。"符合语境。故选A项。
    (5)推理判断题。根据主旨句Apologize for any mistake you make.(为你犯的任何错误道歉。)可知,本段主要介绍要为你犯的任何错误道歉。B项"与其隐瞒你的错误,不如承认它们。"符合本段主旨。故选B项。

    (2)B.考查形容词及语境理解.A.dead死的;B.wounded受伤的;C.lost迷失的;D.confused困惑的.句意:去年年底,人们发现Corks受伤了.根据后文the scars of the wound可知Corks受了伤.故选B.
    (3)A.考查名词及语境理解.句意:Corks接受了治疗,并被安置在收容所,但他所经历的伤口伤疤更深了.A.shelter收容所;B.hospital医院;C.zoo动物园;D.clinic诊所.根据后文中Corks was about to be put down at the shelter可知它被安置在收容所里.故选A.
    (4)C.考查形容词及语境理解.A.smaller更小的;B.shorter更短的;C.deeper更深的;D.shallower更浅的.句意:Corks接受了治疗,并被安置在收容所,但他所经历的伤口伤疤更深了.结合后文Careful of people可知Corks对人极度不信任,说明虽然它肉体上的伤口好了,但是它内心的伤疤其实更深了.故选C.
    (5)C.考查动词及语境理解.A.monitor监控;B.encounter遭遇;C.save拯救;D.comfort安慰.句意:"Dogs Without Borders"组织的救援人员介入拯救他.根据上文Rescuers from Dogs Without Borders stepped in to可知救援人员是来拯救内心有创伤的Corks的.故选C.
    (6)A.考查形容词及语境理解.A.unadoptable不可收养的;B.gentle温柔的;C.extraordinary非凡的;D.adorable可爱的.句意:"Corks对人很小心,被认为是不可收养的,即将被放在避难所," Corks的救援人员写道.结合后文Corks was about to be put down at the shelter可知Corks因为不信任人类,被认为不可被收养,要被放入收容所了.故选A.
    (7)A.考查名词及语境理解.A.trust信任;B.power力量;C.hate憎恨;D.duty义务.句意:他对人类失去了太多的信任.结合上文he might have been dragged(拖拽)behind a car,causing serious injuries to his legs.可知Corks对人类失去了信任,变得对人很小心.故选A.
    (9)B.考查动词及语境理解.A.pretended假装;B.volunteered自愿;C.hesitated犹豫;D.struggled挣扎.句意:听了Corks的故事后,Wilson自愿提出接纳他--不久他就意识到Corks显然不习惯友善.根据上文Hearing Corks'story可知Wilson是在听了Corks的故事后,自愿提出接纳Corks的.故选B.
    (10)D.考查名词词义辨析及语境理解.A.education教育;B.control控制;C.rule规则;D.care照顾.句意:在Wilson的照顾和不断的宠爱下,这只伤心的狗开始向她敞开心扉.根据后文and constant doting,the sad dog began to open up to her.可知Wilson照顾并宠爱Corks.故选D.
    (12)C.考查动词及语境理解.A.scares使害怕;B.bites咬;C.greets打招呼;D.helps帮助.句意:Wilson说:"一开始,它不愿意让任何人碰它,现在它喜欢跳起来,用嘴亲我的脸来和我打招呼."根据后文me with kisses all over the face可知Corks用亲吻Wilson脸的方式和Wilson打招呼.故选C.
    (14)B.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.die out灭绝;B.shine through表现出来;C.fade away逐渐消失;D.go off爆炸.句意:他的幸福和喜悦现在正表现出来.根据文章第一句Corks is now an incredibly happy and loving dog with a love for life.可知Corks的幸福和喜悦现在正表现出来.故选B.

    【小题3】have worked
    (2)as.考查介词。句意:它曾经被认为是"死亡之海"。be known as为固定短语,意为"以/作为……而出名",故填as.
    (3)have worked.考查现在完成时态。句意:然而,在过去的30年里,政府、社会组织和当地农牧民共同努力控制库布其沙漠的沙漠化。根据时间状语in the past 30 years可知,主句中应用现在完成时态,主语为the government,social organizations and local farmers and herdsmen,故填have worked.
    (4)finally.考查副词。句意:两千多年来,农田最终变成了沙漠。分析句子成分可知,所设空在句中作状语,修饰谓语动词turned to desert,所以应用副词形式,故填finally.
     (5)built.考查过去分词。句意:随着1999年建成的第一条公路贯穿沙漠,人们开始在整个沙漠植树。分析句子成分可知,___(5)___  (build) in 1999为后置定语,修饰名词the first highway,所给动词与名词之间为被动关系,故填built.
    (6)encouraging.考查现在分词。句意:他们的辛勤劳动激发了"库布奇精神",激励着当地人民奋发向上。分析句子成分可知,___(6)___  ( encourage)local people to move forward with great efforts作结果或伴随状语,所给词与句子主语Their hard work为主动关系,故用现在分词形式,故填encouraging.
    (8)seconds.考查名词复数。句意:现在工人只需10秒钟就可以种下一棵树,成活率超过80%。根据其前的定语ten可知,此处应填名词复数,ten seconds意为"十秒钟",故填seconds.
     (9)whose.考查定语从句。句意:Meng Keda的家族世代居住在库布其沙漠深处,2006年开始经营旅游生意。分析句子结构可知,___(9)___  family has lived deep in the Kubuqi Desert for generations为定语从句,先行词为Meng Keda,定语从句中缺少定语,故填whose.
     (10)an.考查冠词。句意:他去年有30万元的收入。have an income of…为固定搭配,意为"有……的收入",income为名词,此处为泛指,又因income是以元音音素开头,故填an.

    37.【答案】Dear Lucy,
       I am more than glad to tell you that our school will hold an interesting activity this week.【高分句型一】I wonder whether you can join us.
       The activity,to be held at 5:00 pm this Friday in our school meeting hall,is called Classic Reading.(活动时间和地点)The students who take part in the activity will make a public speech on the classic that they have read recently.【高分句型二】The classics include novels,plays and poems.(活动内容)I do believe that we can benefit a lot from the activity.
       Looking forward to your early reply.
    Yours, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:I am more than glad to tell you that our school will hold an interesting activity this week.
    高分句型二:The students who take part in the activity will make a public speech on the classic that they have read recently.

    38.【答案】Paragraph 1:
    It was getting dark and Tina walked along the path to the grassland in search of the sheep.Tina searched everywhere she could think of,but in vain.The grass and jungle along the path seemed like beasts that were ready to attack her.【高分句型一】Tina might not have had the courage to walk on such a dark night before,but not that night.After three hours of searching,she was exhausted.So she went home.Her parents sat on the bed,seemingly waiting for her.Tina gathered her courage and whispered, "Dad,I failed.I didn't find them back."(Tina去找羊,最后没有找到,失望地回家了)
    Paragraph 2:
    "No,you didn't lose them," her father said calmly,much to her surprise.He then told her the best time to count the sheep was when they were getting into the sheepfold through the door.Tina said she was too stupid to think of that.But her mother comforted her,saying that her father followed all the way to make sure Tina was safe.【高分句型二】Tina was so touched and went forward to hug her parents.They smiled and patted Tina, "We are proud of you.You have really grown up!"(羊没有丢失,Tina的爸爸告诉她数羊的方法)
    The grass and jungle along the path seemed like beasts that were ready to attack her.
    But her mother comforted her,saying that her father followed all the way to make sure Tina was safe.
    分析:使用了现在分词短语saying that做伴随状语。


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