Best SEO Keyword Research Tool

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SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool


SEO trends come and go but keyword research is here to stay. Performing in-depth keyword analysis with SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool is the stepping stone to building a viable SEO strategy.

While keyword rank tracking is crucial in helping you evaluate how your website fares in search engines, what good is it if you’re tracking the wrong keywords?


If you want to reach your target audience online, you need a keyword suggestion tool to tell you what words and phrases people use to search for your product or service.

SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool will help you find the right keywords to drive more traffic to your website and rank higher in Google.

What is SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool?

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SerpWatch keyword generator automates the process of keyword research by pulling thousands of keyword suggestions.

Our keyword research tool is based on Google Autocomplete – a feature that predicts how the search term ends when a user begins to type.

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Once you start typing in Search, Google immediately generates a list of possibilities to make it faster for you to get to the results without typing out the complete word or phrase.

One of the ways Autocomplete pulls these suggestions is by looking at your search history.

SerpWatch keyword tool uses these Google suggestions to generate an exhaustive list of words and phrases related to the keyword you enter.


You can also narrow down your search to a specific search engine, social media platform, or e-commerce site, including Google, Bing, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, eBay, and Play Store.

For even more precise results, you can select the language and location which is especially useful if you want to target local keywords.

But it’s not enough to just find related keywords – after all, you can’t rank for all of them – so how to do keyword research properly?

In order to decide which keywords are worth targeting, you need to analyze different keyword metrics and evaluate them against your business goals.

Pro tip: You should focus on valuable long-tail keywords that aren’t overly competitive – especially if you’re a new website owner. As your website grows in authority, you can start aiming for the head keywords too.

This is why SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool also offers an upgrade option that gives you access to important keyword metrics, including search volume, competition, cost per click (CPC), and search trends.

These will help you weed out vanity keywords and focus on those that can actually boost your SERP rankings and bring in more traffic.

What is Keyword Research?

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Keyword research refers to the process of finding and analyzing search terms for the purposes of search engine optimization (SEO).

Keywords usually reflect search intent, meaning the results a user expects to find after typing a word or a string of words into search.

So why is keyword research important?

For a website to be visible and discoverable by users, it has to rank sufficiently high in search engines.


And to rank high, you need to create content that your target audience wants to see.

I think you know where this is going.

In order to understand what kind of content your audience is interested in, you need to know what keywords they use to find your website.

And this is where keyword research comes into play.

How Does SerpWatch Keyword Research Stand Out?

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There are many sound ways of finding and analyzing valuable keywords and most of them involve an SEO keyword tool of some kind.

This is because the process of keyword research can be unnecessarily drawn out without a tool to automate it.

But which keyword analysis tool to choose?

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While there are many free keyword tools out there, Google Keyword Planner used to be the go-to keyword search tool – though its primary purpose is not keyword suggestions but rather PPC.

Case in point: you need an AdWords account to use Google Planner.

Though it’s true you can access the Planner for free without setting up an ad campaign, there’s no need to jump through all these hoops when you can have a keyword research tool in the same place you track your rankings.

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Google Planner also doesn’t show you the exact keyword search volume (SV) for keyword suggestions, but rather a range (e.g. 100K – 1M).

But those are not the only drawbacks. Google has even reduced the number of keyword ideas its Planner pulls when you enter a word or a phrase.


And while a few thousand keywords that the Planner normally generates may be enough for some SEOs, that’s still fewer keywords than specialized keyword research tools can pull.

And while some of the big SEO tools can tick all these boxes, they can be pricey for those starting out.

This is why you need SerpWatch Keyword Research Tool.

Start your Free 15-Day Trial now and let our keyword finder power up your SEO with the right keywords!

“I’ve been using SerpWatch on a daily basis and I’m impressed with the results. The tool makes the complexity of SERPs easier to understand with an intuitive UI. The support is very responsive and treats new clients with kindness. I’m very excited about the upcoming features in 2021. Many thanks to SerpWatch team for all their wonderful work.”

Philippe Ruaudel Computer Science Specialist and SciFi Writer at MarKind

“The UX/UI is exceptional which is a selling point these days. SerpWatch combines both functionality and user-experience backed with a great support team.”

Emad Alghamdi Technology Capex & Opex Manager at STC

“As an SEO Specialist, I am enjoying the simplicity of this tool and its interface. It offers some really great features, and it is fantastic to see which keywords are showing in different SERP features on Google.”

Angie Neal WordPress & SEO Specialist at PurpleCow Digital Marketing

“Extremely satisfied! The support team was quick to help me with all queries. The software works really well. I'm able to offer my clients a white-labelled experience without paying hundreds of pounds per month. I'm also able to send each client an automated weekly keyword rank tracking report, which is a great way to keep my clients updated. ”

Glenn Freeman WordPress Developer at Niche Web Services

“Keyword tracking tools are becoming more and more expensive these days. SerpWatch was super easy to set up, and it is perfect for keyword tracking. The dashboard includes everything you need for this task.”

Helmuts Meskonis Web Specialist and Founder of HostMaria

“If there is one thing that remains the same about SEO, it's that everything about it is constantly changing. I swear by the real-time notification updates I receive, helping me take action if and whenever needed!”

Hristina Nikolovska Head of Marketing at C-LeanRank, Sofia

“As someone who has recently stepped into the world of SEO, I have tried every keyword rank tracker tool out there. SerpWatch, however, is by far the most intuitive and user-friendly tool of its kind and I'm definitely sticking with it.”

Tony Arevalo Co-founder of, car insurance review site

“There is an app for it all nowadays, and SerpWatch plays well with them all. The flawless app integration of this rank tracker has made monitoring project success significantly easier.”

Muninder Adavelli SEO Strategist at NicheStack

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