• B-宝石花-Y202104401
  • PRO
  • 基础通用功能
  • 隐藏
    location_mapping = {
        '101': '北京',
        '201': '西安',
        '301': '江苏',
        '501': '桂林',
        '601': '新疆',
    # 配置这个前需要先在报表中心查询各个薪资方案的id,参考下面的sql
    # select * from hr_payroll_solution_view where status='published' and deleted_at is null
    solution_mapping = {
        '北京': 6,
        '西安': 10,
        '江苏': 9,
        '桂林': 11,
        '新疆': 3
    # 查询员工
    employees = env['hr.employee'].search([('active', '=', True)])
    for employee in employees:
        payroll_solution = env['hr.payroll.solution'].search([('employee_id', '=', employee.id)])
        # 如果已有薪资方案,则跳过
        if payroll_solution:
        if not employee.job_info_id or employee.job_info_id.status == 'inactive' or not employee.job_info_id.legal_entity_id:
        area_code = employee.job_info_id.legal_entity_id.x_area_code or ''
        if not area_code:
        solution_id = solution_mapping.get(location_mapping.get(area_code, False), False)
        if solution_id:
                'solution_id': solution_id,
                'start_date': employee.hire_date
    location_mapping = { '101' : '北京' , '201' : '西安' , '301' : '江苏' , '501' : '桂林' , '601' : '新疆' , } # 配置这个前需要先在报表中心查询各个薪资方案的id,参考下面的sql # select * from hr_payroll_solution_view where status= 'published' and deleted_at is null solution_mapping = { '北京' : 6, '西安' : 10, '江苏' : 9, '桂林' : 11, '新疆' : 3 } # 查询员工 employees = env[ 'hr.employee' ].search([( 'active' , '=' , True)]) for employee in employees: payroll_solution = env[ 'hr.payroll.solution' ].search([( 'employee_id' , '=' , employee.id)]) # 如果已有薪资方案,则跳过 if payroll_solution: continue if not employee.job_info_id or employee.job_info_id.status == 'inactive' or not employee.job_info_id.legal_entity_id: continue area_code = employee.job_info_id.legal_entity_id.x_area_code or '' if not area_code: continue solution_id = solution_mapping.get(location_mapping.get(area_code, False), False) if solution_id: env[ 'solution_id' ].create({ 'solution_id' : solution_id, 'start_date' : employee.hire_date })