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Guangdong Travel guide

-Travel to Guangdong

Guangdong Province is situated in the southern part of China mainland, covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers. It has 3,368 kilometers of winding coastline, which is the longest in the country. Guangdong faces the South China Sea and surrounds Hong Kong. The province's economic fortunes changed dramatically since the reforms in 1978. At present, Guangdong is one of China's most prosperous provinces. It plays a key role in China's international trade and travel industry. The province is home to the production facilities and offices of a wide-ranging set of multinational and Chinese corporations. Guangdong also hosts the largest Import and Export Fair in China called the Canton Fair which is hosted by Guangdong's capital city – Guangzhou.

From ancient times on, Guangdong is the earliest and largest province to deal with marine trade and immigrate and during modern time, it has eventually developed into an important home town of overseas Chinese. So it is likely you would hear the distinctive Cantonese dialect and eat Cantonese food when you go to a Chinese restaurant outside China. Located at subtropical area, Guangdong Province is mild in climate and therefore suitable for traveling. The six historic and cultural cities, Guangzhou, Foshan, Chaozhou, Meizhou and Leichou all have their own unique points in cultural relics and historic spots.

Guangdong transportation is efficient. Upgraded airline, railway, highway and the inter-city transportation expedite your travel. Besides, the Pearl River Delta runs through Guangdong, making travel by boat easy and fast. Also available are various grades of hotels, restaurants, and recreation and shopping centers. Be sure to try local dishes, snacks and products, well known by westerners as the Cantonese cuisine. Many of the residents of Guangdong make their living from fishing, so this is a good place to sample fresh seafood prepared in the traditional Cantonese style. Welcome to check out our other pages for more travel guide to Guangdong. We will provide the professional advice, individual itinerary and excellent travel service.

Guangdong Province Guide - Attractions

  • Seven Star CragsSeven Star Crags, located to the north of Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province, attract travelers come to visit every year. The lake covers about 8 square kilometers with the seven crags clustered together in an amazing natural for...
  • ZhaoqingZhaoqing is a place contains a lots of attractive travel sites. It located in the west central of Guangdong Province, is a beautiful city with a long history of more than two thousand years. The city covers an area of 15,000 squar...
  • The Temple of Six Banyan TreeThe Temple of Six Banyan Tree is a well-known travel site,also as one of the most famous Buddhist temples in the world with a history spanning over 1,400 years, was built in 537 AD by Master Xiao Yu during the Liang Dynasty (502-5...
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Travel to Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, you can get to know the life story of this great person. It is one of the most recognizable buildings in Guangzhou, is the monument to the forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution. It wa...
  • Splendid ChinaSplendid China, similar to the Window of the World Park, is another famous travel site in Shenzhen that attracts ten thousands of guests to come and visit; however, instead of the world's replicas, there are only replicas from Chi...
  • Window of the worldWindow of the World is another famous travel site in Shenzhen, which exhibit the replicas of the famous sites in the world. The park is located at the Overseas Chinese Town and all of the replicas here are built at ratios of 1:1, ...
  • Statue of Fisher GirlThe Statue of fisher girl has become the landmark in the city of Zhuhai. It is located at the scenic spot of Xianglu Bay. The girl holds a pearl high in the air with both hands in an elegant pose, admiring its bright luster that a...

Guangdong Province Travel Tips

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User Comments

Name:Travel around Guangdong Reply

Hi. I will be on a business travel to Guangdong on the 11th. I would like to have the services of an english speaking guide whilst there. I have 2 business meetings to attend in Guangzhou, but want to make most of the spare time I have in this city. I also need to travel up from Guangzhou to Quanzhou, can anybody offer any recomendations?

Name:Re: Travel around Guangdong

Guangdong is such a large area and have so many places worth your travel. If you want to focus in Guangzhou, we can provide the relevant travel service to fill your spare time. Please inform us with you schedule, so we can give a customized travel plan for your reference. Feel free to contact us if you need any other travel service in Guangdong.

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