11 Best SEO Tools for Auditing and Enhancing Website Performance

Rapid expansion in the digital world places a great deal of pressure on industry leaders and marketers. You have to optimize your website to get better search rankings.

Regular algorithm revolutionizes, and latest search engine optimization tactics create SEO a difficult task. The one which could be hard to reach. As luck would have it, there are lots of SEO audit tools which can help in saving your precious time and income.

There are various tools available, but we narrowed 11 most used tools that can be beneficial for you. Check the list below:

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an advanced search engine optimization tool that can analyze your website and generates keywords, backlinks, and ranking profiles to assist you in making better decisions on your own web content.

Link Analysis Made Easy with Ahref Tool

3 of its primary functions are:

  • Site Explorer, which provides you the performance of precise web pages on your website.
  • Content Explorer, which permits to search high-performing webpages beneath correct keywords and subjects.
  • Keywords Explorer, which creates the monthly search volume and click-through rates of specific keywords.

2. Google’s Webmaster Tools

Maybe the perfect way to comprehend the way Google sees your website is to inquire about Google. Google’s Webmaster Tools are novice-friendly tools which reveal the principles of Google search.


Google鈥檚 Webmaster Tool for Checking Website Health

By way of instance, Google’s Fetch as Google tool permits you to observe a particular URL as Google looks it, and it is critical when troubleshooting for poor search engine optimization performance.

The info came back can help you to modify the page in question to get better results, and will help you to isolate lousy code if you think your website has hacked.

Google update new interface of webmaster tool that will describe each and everything in more depth by which you can analyze your website issues more deeply and address them precisely.

3. Google Analytics

Undoubtedly, Google Analytics will be your ideal SEO audit resource available free of charge. It supplies insights into the page views, demographics of your website users, bounce rate on your website, the source of visitors, and many more things.


Track of User Behavior on Your Website with Google Analytics


The Graphical illustration of information helps you to optimize your website to enhance SEO. When used correctly, the application gives the finest ROI.

4. Google PageSpeed Insights

That is just another of Google’s web programs formulated for speedier execution of web pages on several different devices like desktop, mobile, and tablet, etc. It is one of the best SEO audit tools to examine webpage load speeds.

Google PageSpeed Insights - logo

This application provides you with suggestions by analyzing the content of every webpage. It classified page load rates as fast, slow, and average.

5. GTmetrix

GTmetrix logo


GTmetrix is just another application designed for quantifying webpage loading rate. It assesses the loading performances of the webpage from various devices and different geographical areas.

6. SEO Site Checkup

This website SEO tool is fantastic as it helps to get better your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) rating based on 45 variable checks in 6 different brackets.

SEO Site Checkup print screen

This application crawls your website and shows you an Overall SEO Score report sheet which includes neglected checks for an honest evaluation.

The report sheet gives you the ability to observe what are the faults in your website according to Search Engine Optimization and provides tips on how you can make your SEO better.

7. SEMrush

SEMrush is an excellently detailed dashboard that contains a statement on the performance of domains since an entire and also their particular pages. This tool provides numerous toolkits, one of which is a search engine optimization (SEO) toolkit.

Semrush logo

Keyword researching is among those Tool-Kit’s flagship attributes, permitting one to plug into a website to find out exactly what keywords have a ranking, precisely what the webpage ranking for the keyword, the keyword normal monthly search volume, and much more.

8. Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a search marketer’s favorite buddy.

Screaming Frog's SEO Spider logo

Designed mainly for the SEO, the app crawls the websites which you define, analyzing the URLs for shared search engine optimization problems. This tool expedites and implements an or else time-consuming course of action – notably for more prominent websites. It may take days or weeks to evaluate precisely the exact URLs.

9. Majestic

Majestic SEO tool logo

It is the most significant link indicator in the Earth; Majestic could be your optimal SEO audit application for an index search. It provides a marketing search engine application. The app empowers search pros to analyze URLs, come across potential customers, assess backlinks, audit services, and even more.

10. MOZ

MOZ has a bunch of applications in its SEO Toolbox, with MOZ Keyword Explorer, a keyword research tool that gives keyword opinions, SEO struggle, opportunity, SERP features, kept records, and correct search volume information.

MOZ print screen

Fixing SEO issues, status tracking, crawl checks, competitor monitoring, SERP monitoring, prioritized Search Engine Optimization and more are some great applications of MozPro tool.

11.聽Panguin Tool

Panguin Tool print screen

The Panguin application made available from Barracuda is just a special tool. It enables you to audit whether your website is affected by Google’s algorithm upgrades. And it indicates fluctuations when impacted by those upgrades. It is the ideal SEO audit tool for avoiding penalties.


You can find much more SEO Services tools for auditing website to get your search engine optimization strategy along with search engine ranking at the peak level.

Unfortunately, I am not able to possibly describe each one of them.

Therefore these 11 top search engine optimization tools are so high that they will boost your content along with website optimization tactics and better your position in search engine ranking.

So, which website audit tool or analytic tools are you utilizing to improve your Google ranking on SERP?

Let us know in the comments part.

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