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4 151 reviews by merchants & developers


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The customer rating is calculated based on 1 000 reviews

Quick & Simple
A simple, elegantly written module by Mirasvit to solve quite a niche, but important problem where certain places have special rules. Hits the nail on the head.
Allmakes Verified Buyer
From Abingdon, United Kingdom
Using the module for almost 1 year
Shipping Restrictions M2
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A must have for custom indexes
Excluding, customizing, and changing indexes for elastic search can be a pain in the butt. This functionality is what sold me on the extension and make it much easier to manage results and terms.
BB Verified Buyer
From Carol Stream, United States
Using the module for over 3 years
Elastic Search Ultimate M2
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Full Speed Ahead
This made a huge difference in the loading speed of our website. I had a few issues with implementation at the beginning but the support was quick and excellent.
JGC Verified Buyer
From Vernon, Canada
Using the module for over 3 years
Google PageSpeed Optimizer M2
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Cimac Martial Arts Wear Ltd
Sep 20, 2024
Nice advice to resolve the sphinxsearch issue.
Kamil Poręba
Sep 19, 2024
No option to login to panel
Matt Powell
Sep 18, 2024
Thank you for adding to module in the future!
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