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PANTONE 136 C HEX code

This HEX color is commonly associated with Pantone colors, especially Pantone Solid Coated collection. This particular HEX color sample is often used to illustrate the color coded with PANTONE 136 C in these color swatches. And while HEX (RGB) representation of "real world" colors is not the most accurate choice, we can still use this visual sample as a point of refference for personal research or comparison. The information below should be useful to distinguish common colors between different tints, shades, standards and manufacturers.

HEX Color

HEX Color name:  (?)
RGB Decimal:255, 188, 62
RGB Float:1, 0.737, 0.243
CMYK Percentage:0, 26, 76, 0
LRV (?) : 58.47%
PANTONE 136 C represented in HEX code #FFBC3E
PANTONE 136 C by Pantone

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PANTONE 136 C Color

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Useful Tip: Click here to learn how we convert PANTONE 136 C to hex color.

PANTONE 136 C color from Pantone has been included in multiple recent color comparisons, with matches including popular brands. You can browse the matches below, or alternatively, you can click here to create your own side-by-side color comparison using our color matching tools.

PANTONE 136 C vs RAL 080 80 70


PANTONE P 136-6 C vs PANTONE 136 C

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PMS Colors are highly versatile, follow this link to focus on this color code and find out more about PANTONE 136 C.

More similar colors

Simmilar or marginally close HEX code represents these equivalent colors between various brands and color standards. You can easily see the details (HEX, RGB, CMYK and more) of any listed color, just click the name and navigate to the color's subpage.

Australian Standard AS2700 / #F8C53B / BUTTERCUP (Y23)
BS 2660 Colours for building and decorative paints / #F3B100 / Oxlip (BS2660-0002)
British Standard BS 381C:1996 / #FCC808 / Golden Yellow (BS381C-356)
BS4800-5252 for colour-coordination in building construction / #FCAF3D / Yellow (08-D-41)
Jotun paint colour catalogue / #F4AF38 / Glolden Sunset (1653)
Munsell Color System / #FEBD41 / 2.5y 8/10
NCS 1950 Index colur chart / #FFBB49 / S 0560-Y20R
AMS Standard 595a / #F6B524 / Yellow 13655 (23640)
Behr paint / #FFBE3A / Arnica (1B11-6)
Benjamin Moore paint colours / #FFBE47 / Oxford Gold (315)
Dulux color palette / #E5C586 / PALE CREAM
Dulux Trade Paints / #FFB647 / Golden bark 5 (09YY 57/689)
Dunn-Edwards perfect palette / #FFBD31 / Vibrant Honey (DE5314)
Dutch Boy paint colors / #FFBE45 / Gloxinias (Y-8-1)
Farrow and ball colours / #ECC363 / Babouche (223)
Federal Standard 595c / #F6B523 / Yellow 13655 (23640)
Hallman Lindsay paints / #FBB736 / Glowing Lantern (941)
Isomat color system / #F5AE2F / LPC 1023
Kelly Moore paint colors / #FFBC45 / Feisty (KM3551-3)
Kilz paint colors / #FECA43 / Extrovert (LH250)
Little Greene paint colors / #ECBE45 / Mister David (LG 47)
Matthews Paint Colors / #E9A400 / Schoolbus Yellow (MP55149)
PPG Pittsburgh Paints Colors / #FFBC35 / Fall Gold (1205-7)
Sherwin-Williams paint colors / #F8AC1D / Gusto gold (SW 6904)
Tikkurila paint colours / #FBC968 / Kingcup (K303)
Trumatch paint colors / #F59C3E / Trumatch 8-b (8-b)
Valspar Paint Colors / #FFBB46 / Dandelion Wish (3001-1B)
Vista paint colors / #FFBA40 / Firefly Glow (K-553)
Pantone CMYK Color Guide / #FDB740 / PANTONE P 14-7 C
Pantone Metallics / #AD8800 / PANTONE 8643 C
Pantone Premium Metallics Coated / #CA9501 / PANTONE 10123 C
Pantone Solid Coated / #FFBC3E / PANTONE 136 C
Pantone Solid Uncoated / #FFC54E / PANTONE 122 U
RAL Classic / #FAAC26 / Signal yellow (RAL 1003)
RAL Design / #FCB937 / RAL 080 80 70
Sikkens 4041 Color concept / #FFB82E / F2.55.75
Sikkens 5051 Color concept / #FFBD43 / F2.55.75
Tiger Drylac / #F8B532 / 039/20130 Buttercup Yellow

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