Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki


  • Default
  • Human



  • Niffty
  • Nif (by Husk and Squish)
  • My Dear (by Alastor)
  • Diminutive Twerp, Slut, The Devil (by Baxter)
  • Little Ball of Sunshine (by Fergus)
  • Feisty Little Cockroach (by Valentino)

Date of death


Cause of death

TBA (as a human)




  • Psychotic
  • Misguided
  • Obsessive
  • Energetic
  • Nifty
  • Sexist
  • Creepy


  • Cleaning
  • Chores
  • "Bad boys"
  • "Good boys" (in denial)
  • Cooking
  • Men
  • Fanfiction
  • Killing and mutilating people
  • Stalking the men of the hotel
  • Romance films
  • Daydreaming
  • J-Pop
  • Pain
  • Playing guitar
  • BDSM
  • Painting
  • Watching snuff/gore videos
  • Knitting
  • Singing
  • Being with Alastor and Baxter
  • Cute things
  • High-fives
  • Yelling
  • Group activities with the hotel crew
  • Drawing lewd artwork
  • Shipping
  • Alastor's jokes
  • Baxter's ideas and inventions
  • Killing rodents and collecting their bodies
  • Playing with her dead bug collection
  • Children


  • Anything dirty
  • "Good boys" (claimed)
  • Not being able to clean
  • Alastor and Baxter being disrespected
  • Women advancing on the men she likes
  • Women speaking against men
  • Pedophiles


  • Marry Baxter (ongoing)
  • Find a "good boy" who will love and accept her (in denial)





  • Human (formerly)
  • Insect Sinner




22 (biologically)

96 (chronologically)


  • Demonic physiology
  • Immortality
  • Nigh-Invulnerability
  • Regeneration
  • Enhanced speed
  • Culinary intuition
  • Bilingualism
  • Enhanced strength
  • Compressibility
  • Musical talents
  • Medical skills

Place of origin

Osaka, Japan, Earth


  • Hazbin Hotel, Pride Ring, Hell (formerly)
  • Earth



Professional status


  • Serial killer (formerly)
  • Alastor's devotee
  • Maid and cook of the Hazbin Hotel
  • Baxter's "assistant"



  • Snapper (co-creation)
  • Egg Boiz (adopted children)


  • Alastor (boss)
  • Husk (co-worker)
  • Baxter (best friend; boyfriend)
  • Millie (former enemy; best friend)
  • Mimzy
  • Alastor's friends
  • Charlie Magne (boss)
  • Vaggie (boss; erased)
  • Razzle and Dazzle (co-workers)
  • Angel Dust
  • Fergus
  • Lux (erased)
  • Ren
  • Rosie
  • Fat Nuggets (erased)
  • The Egg Boiz (adopted children)
  • Charlie's Angels
    • Manco
    • Amelia
    • Arthur
    • Christopher
    • Giulia
    • Simon
    • Megara
    • James
  • Crymini
  • Squish (co-worker)
  • Molly
  • Corey and Peel (co-workers)
  • Sir Pentious (acquaintance; former enemy; erased)




  • Cherri Bomb (erased)
  • The Resistance
  • Adina (erased)
  • Archangel Forti (erased)
  • Oswald (erased)
  • Lugnut (destroyed)
  • Claptrap (destroyed)

Romantic interests

  • Baxter (ideal crush)
  • Mr. Unmei (former boss)
  • Alastor (crush)
  • Fergus (crush)
  • Death (crush)
  • Lucifer Magne (crush)
  • Seviathan Von Eldritch (crush)
  • Squish (temporary crush)
  • Archangel Michael(crush)
  • Corey and Peel (temporary crushes)


  • Vox
  • Valentino
  • Velvette (on-off)
  • The Rippers (victims)
  • Yuck
  • Satan
  • Lucifer Magne
  • The Army of Darkness
  • Belphegor (destroyed)
  • Leviathan Von Eldritch (erased)
  • Karen (victim; destroyed)
  • Scavenger Units (deactivated)
  • Vees' gangs
  • Yuck's employees
  • Manco's counterparts (deceased)
  • Striker
  • The Kraken (erased)
  • Missi Zilla


  • Death (acquaintance)
  • I.M.P (former enemies; acquaintances)
    • Blitzø
    • Moxxie
    • Loona
  • Byron (acquaintance)
  • Mera (acquaintance)
  • Seviathan Von Eldritch (acquaintance)
  • Scorpius (former enemy; acquaintance; erased)
  • Verosika Mayday (former enemy; acquaintance)
  • Verosika Mayday's crew (former enemies; acquaintances)
  • Vortex (former enemy; acquaintance)
  • C.H.E.R.U.B (former enemies; co-workers)
    • Cletus
    • Keenie
    • Collin
  • Robo Fizz (former enemy; acquaintance; destroyed)
  • Loo Loo (former enemy; acquaintance; erased)
  • Stolas (acquaintance; erased)
  • Octavia (acquaintance)
  • Villa (acquaintance)
  • Princess (acquaintance)
  • Flimbo (acquaintance)
  • Dingy (acquaintance)


First appearance

"That's Entertainment"

Headcanon voice(s)

Kimiko Glenn


Niffty Signature

"Konnichiwa, Nifutidesu! Monogoto o kirei ni shite, watashi wa anata o eien ni aishimasu! It's been a while since I've made new friends! ...Why are you all women?"
— Niffty introducing herself to Charlie, Angel Dust, and Vaggie after Alastor summoned her to the Hazbin Hotel.
"Niffty and quick!"
— Niffty's catchphrase.

Niffty is a supporting character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

She is a hyperactive, sadistic, obsessive, and deceptively powerful sinner who died in the 1950s. In life, she gained notoriety as a serial killer in Osaka, Japan, responsible for the brutal murders of several women—all in her misguided pursuit of winning the affections of Mr. Unmei, a manipulative and wealthy man whom she served as a maid. Following her demise and subsequent rebirth in the depths of Hell, she transformed into the ultimate devotee of the Radio Demon, Alastor, trailing him closely wherever he ventured and dutifully executing his commands of chaos and destruction.

When the Radio Demon was recruited into the Hazbin Hotel program, he appointed her as the resident housekeeper and chef. Despite her eccentric and unnerving demeanor, as well as her outdated beliefs about gender roles, she proved to be a lively and valuable member of the hotel team, always ready to assist with her unique brand of assistance.

The most manic member of the demon misfit gang, Niffty is known for her infectious charm and tendency to say and do disturbing things, all juxtaposed by her adorable, high-pitched voice, but for the most part she is harmless amongst her fellows. However, she represses a dark and tragic past which sometimes shines through her perpetually chipper demeanor. She has a deep obsession with bad-boys, and crushes extremely easily, tending to stalk and follow men she likes. Her infatuation with "bad boys" drives much of her behavior, leading her into chaotic and wacky situations. Despite her unsettling traits, Niffty hides a genuine desire to be loved, though her misguided beliefs and methods of seeking affection often border on psychotic.

Personality[ ]

"This little darling is Niffty! Steer clear of her, because she's determined to keep this ramshackle hotel as neat as possible! And yes, she bites."
— Alastor introducing Niffty to the hotel crew.

Niffty is an easily excitable, creepy, and immensely helpful individual with an almost compulsive obsession with cleanliness. She is self-conscious and very meticulous, believing that she has to be perfect in order to impress the boys. She has a fear of rejection and firmly believes that it is her place in life to serve "bad boys" without flaws, which was fed to her by her abusive boss in life Mr. Unmei. She goes as far as seeking men to "correct" her errors, striving for an unattainable ideal. She insists on swiftly rectifying any untidiness she spots, showcasing her neat-freak tendencies. However, her dedication to cleanliness doesn't deter her from rolling up her sleeves and gleefully carrying out Alastor's more unsavory tasks, including decimation and killings. Niffty possesses an exuberant, animated voice and an innate comedic allure that infuses everything she does with panache.

Despite seeming one-note at first glance, Niffty, like most of the Hazbin gang, has her own inner conflicts. She's torn between her inner rational mind, which warns her of the potential dangers of dating bad boys, and her emotional side and beliefs, thinking that it is her place in society to be at the beck and call of a "bad boy". Though she violently denies it, Niffty still occasionally finds herself hoping to find a "good boy" who appreciates her for who she is. She is wary of "unexpected behaviors" (such as a man opening the door for her and forgiving her for accidentally breaking things) or traits that may disrupt her carefully crafted world, yet, when her psychotic and manic facade cracks, she acknowledge the allure of a "good boy" who loves her, quirks, flaws, and all, and who wants to get to know her better.

She's a versatile individual, proficient in an array of tasks, ranging from housekeeping and culinary arts to seamstress work. Her talents extend beyond the conventional; she boasts an immunity to poisons and chemicals, and her uncanny ability to slip under locked doorways with the grace of a cockroach, expertly unlocking them and greeting the world on the other side with a winsome smile while clinging to the door's edge. Despite her somewhat unsettling quirks, she stands out as one of the more approachable and amiable members of the hotel's crew, though she harbors a much darker side beneath her exterior.

Niffty's endearing qualities include her charming air-headedness, a penchant for simple amusements, and a somewhat oblivious nature that even Alastor has affectionately referred to as "stupid." She genuinely believes that Angel Dust is a woman, despite all evidence to the contrary, and remained blissfully unaware of Baxter's initial lack of romantic interest in her. In matters of romance, Niffty's somewhat ditzy tendencies come to the fore. She tends to easily develop infatuations with men she encounters, placing an immediate and unwavering trust in them. On one occasion, she encouraged Vaggie to consider giving Death a chance during his brief stay at the Hazbin Hotel, completely disregarding his ominous intentions to reap the souls of everyone within the hotel simply because he was a man. Niffty has a particular attraction to "bad boys" and eagerly pursues them whenever an opportunity arises. However, Niffty's trust in men is not absolute, and she possesses the astuteness to recognize when she is being manipulated or taken advantage of. She took decisive action against a pedophilic sinner by castrating him.

Additionally, Niffty appears to be somewhat oblivious to the gravity of the tasks assigned to her by Alastor. She responds to his orders of destruction and killing with an eager and cheerful attitude, showing a willingness to please him and fulfill her duties without fully comprehending their implications, implying she doesn't see anything wrong with mass murder.

Despite Niffty's lack of intelligence, a recurring gag is her knack for identifying and unraveling intricacies and clues that often elude her fellow hotel crew members, largely due to their penchant for thinking unconventionally, in sharp contrast to Niffty's simpler and straightforward approach.

Niffty takes her job with utmost seriousness, displaying an almost ferocious determination when dealing with messes, to the point of near-violence, as evidenced by her trying to stab Angel Dust's hand over an accidental drink spillage. Yet, beneath her deadly facade, she's also disarmingly cute and remarkably affectionate. She willingly prepares meals for the hotel's patients upon request and extends her care to Husk when he faced adversity at the hands of Vox.

Due to the era in which she lived, Niffty holds decidedly archaic views on gender roles. Upon her initial observation of the Hazbin Hotel's dilapidated state upon her arrival, she remarked that it required a "woman's touch." This comment was followed by her perplexity over her belief that all of the hotel's inhabitants were women. She consistently refers to Alastor as "the man of the house" and often makes sexist remarks about Vaggie and Charlie. She adamantly refuses to allow other women, particularly Vaggie, to voice dissent against the Radio Demon. Niffty's adherence to these traditional gender roles becomes evident in her refusal to relinquish control of the kitchen, as she firmly believes that cooking and cleaning are exclusively women's responsibilities. This mindset leads to her confusion when Fergus suggests she step away from her domestic duties and join the rest of the hotel crew for a movie night. In her eyes, such activities run counter to her deeply ingrained belief that a woman's role primarily revolves around maintaining the household.

Niffty has gained notoriety within the Hazbin Hotel for her unsettling and disturbing tendencies, which often manifest as sadistic, psychotic, and violent behavior that sends shivers down the spines of the entire hotel crew. One particularly disturbing habit is her macabre collection of the lifeless bodies of rodents and insects she has slain, a hobby that deeply unnerves those around her. Angel Dust once observed a disconcerting level of enthusiasm in her while dispatching rats that had infested the hotel, raising concerns about her enjoyment of such gruesome tasks. When Niffty develops infatuations with certain men, she borders on possessiveness, displaying a penchant for stalking them relentlessly and exhibiting a willingness to resort to violence against any woman who dares to display affection towards her objects of desire. Her lack of remorse for past murders becomes chillingly evident in her conversations, including her disturbing confession to Husk about eliminating her love rivals by causing them to tumble down slippery stairs she had meticulously cleaned—an implication of psychopathic tendencies.

In general, she enjoys killing things, laughing insanely while doing so and using her victim's internal organs as scarves and accessories. While fighting Vox, Velvette and Valentino's underlings, she excitedly carved, bisected, and dismembered said goons in quick succession, all while laughing maniacally and displaying unhinged expressions, even giggling, smiling cheerfully, and asking Alastor if she did a good job, all while covered in blood and wearing one sinner's internal organs like a scarf. She reacted similarly while using the controls on Baxter's spacecraft to destroy Belphegor's Scavenger Units. Her methods of killing are extremely graphic and brutal, such as stabbing her victims' eyes out, bisecting and decapitating them, disemboweling them, and cutting their Achilles tendons so they cannot run.

Niffty's obsession with cleanliness is so extreme that her fellow hotel crew members have resorted to drastic measures to prevent her from constantly cleaning, out of genuine concern for her well-being. At one point, Fergus, Husk, and Angel Dust even went to the extent of taping her to the walls of the hotel to restrain her from her relentless cleaning spree. When Niffty is unable to engage in cleaning, she undergoes a disturbing transformation, becoming temporarily consumed by a murderous and rabid state until she can resume her cleaning activities.

Despite her status as a neat freak, Niffty paradoxically has no qualms about getting her hands dirty and often finds herself in the most unsanitary of places. Her preferred method of dispatching bugs and rodents involves using her bare hands, and she derives an unusual satisfaction from being covered in blood. Furthermore, she curates an extensive collection of the insects and rodents she has exterminated, taking delight in playing with them and even using them as unconventional bedding for her sleep.

Niffty's infatuation with men is one of her most conspicuous personality traits, and she exhibits a tendency to swoon over and place immediate trust in any man she encounters, often without regard for their true trustworthiness. Within the hotel crew alone, she has developed romantic interests in Alastor, Baxter, Fergus, Corey and Peel. This infatuation leads her to engage in various creative outlets, such as writing fanfiction and creating explicit artwork centered around Alastor and Baxter. Her daydreams are often consumed by thoughts of these two individuals, and she maintains a vigilant watch over all the men in the hotel, captivated by their every action. Beyond the hotel's walls, Niffty's reputation as a "bad boy" enthusiast precedes her throughout the streets of Pentagram City, instilling fear in many sinners who are wary of her predilection. She is well-known for her invasive shipping endeavors and actively encourages romantic relationships among the hotel's residents.

Appearance[ ]

Niffty is a cycloptic sinner, standing at a diminutive stature and bearing pale skin. Her most striking feature is her prominent eye, which dominates the center of her face. This eye exhibits light-yellow sclera, a fiery-orange iris, and a notably large, dark brown pupil. Her hair is cut short and appears somewhat disheveled, with a reddish-pink base color complemented by streaks of vibrant yellow.Her teeth are sharp and have a light-yellow hue, and she possesses small pink dots positioned at each corner of her mouth, which gives her the impression of having perpetual dimples.

Niffty's attire consists of a dark pink neckerchief, a white blouse adorned with three red paint splotches, a functional cooking apron, and a vibrant bright-pink skirt.

Powers and Abilities[ ]

Natural Powers[ ]

  • Immortality: TBA
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Thanks to her nature as a sinner, Niffty is extremely durable and capable of surviving horrific injuries and bounce back as if nothing had happened, similar to a cockroach. When Sir Pentious blasted the doors of the Hazbin Hotel open, the doors slammed into Niffty at an extreme velocity, and she still instantly recovered with no sign of injury. However, her durability has a limit when faced with more powerful sinners; she was briefly incapacitated, singed, and coughing up blood after being struck almost head-on by one of Vox's lightning bolts, though she insisted she only needed a breather when Alastor asked if she was severely hurt.

Unique Powers[ ]

  • Compressibility: Niffty can contort and compress her entire body. This allows her to squeeze into tight spaces in an unnatural way, such as squeezing under the Hazbin Hotel's locked doors and unlock it from inside. This makes her excellent at accessing locked-off areas and cleaning the hard-to-reach places of the hotel.
  • Enhanced Speed: Niffty's most notable power is her ability to move at an extremely fast pace. She can zip across a room in seconds and at one point cleaned an entire office space in just one third of a second. She moves so fast that she occasionally can only be perceived as a red blur. Her speed was best shown when she dodged several lightning bolts fired by Vox, even moving out of the way of one bolt after Vox had fired it, showing that she can move at a hypersonic speed. She blitzed Vox and Valentino's goons while fighting them, decapitating seven goons in the blink of an eye, and cut one goon into tiny pieces after blitzing around his body. During the War in Hell, she overwhelmed even the Exterminators with her speed.
  • Enhanced Strength: Niffty is deceptively very strong, despite her small stature and lean frame. Upon arriving to the Hazbin Hotel, she lifted Charlie over her head with no effort, despite the princess being half her size. She also decimated a nearly abandoned town while slaughtering the Rippers under Alastor's orders, leaving the buildings in ruins in the process. While battling the Vees' goons, she again showed her strength by decapitating and even bisecting multiple goons with simply a knife, and punching a hole through one goon's chest to hold their heart.
  • Toxin Immunity: Niffty possesses an acquired immunity to chemical sprays and acid. It is unknown if she naturally acquired this immunity when she was reborn in Hell, or gained it through her constant exposure to chemical substances.

Abilities[ ]

  • Adaptability: Despite claiming Baxter's technology was too much for her, Niffty quickly got the hang of operating the weapon panel of Baxter's ship, imagining enemy robots as being dust bunnies in her mind, showcasing her ability to learn and adapt under pressure.
  • Artistic Intuition: Niffty dabbles in art and drawing in her spare time, often drawing detailed, lewd artwork of men she is attracted to, such as portraying Baxter as a sexy merman or drawing a shirtless Alastor holding her close to his six-pack and toned body.
  • Bilingualism: Niffty can speak fluent Japanese and English.
  • Culinary Intuition: Niffty is an extremely proficient and speedy cook, though most folks in the hotel avoid her cooking. She makes breakfast for the hotel crew in the mornings, and snacks such as lemon squares when one needs them. She also helps Alastor with his meals (even though he does not usually need assistance), and preparing meals when the need arises.
  • Healing: Niffty can patch up non-fatal wounds or injuries that she or her allies have sustained, as shown by her stitching Husk's wounds after Vox had torn his wings off.
  • Intimidation: Niffty's psychotic nature and doctrine for murder often deeply unsettles those around her. During her massacre of the Vees' henchmen, the goons desperately ran in terror and screamed for help as Niffty mercilessly hunted them down and butchered them. Some of the hotel crew, including Charlie, Fergus, Ren, and Angel Dust, are disturbed by some of her hobbies.
  • Knitting: Niffty is very skilled at knitting and patching clothing, creating Sinsmas sweaters for everybody in the hotel crew in under 10 seconds.
  • Musical Talents: Niffty can play the tambourine and acoustic guitar, in addition to being a novice pianist.

Relationship[ ]

Allies[ ]

Alastor[ ]

Niffty has a long and unique history with Alastor, who not only serves as her boss but also happens to be her unrequited crush, obvious to him viewing her more like an adoptive daughter. Alastor and Niffty share an unexpectedly close bond as an eccentric and inseparable duo. Despite Alastor's aversion to physical contact, he demonstrates remarkable tolerance towards Niffty, allowing her to climb all over him and perch on his shoulder. Their twisted sense of humor aligns seamlessly, and she readily carries out Alastor's sinister tasks with enthusiasm. Alastor also seems to have a high level of confidence in Niffty's abilities, as he immediately jumps to her defense when Charlie expresses doubt about her effectiveness due to her creepy nature. Alastor's enthusiastic endorsement of Niffty's talents implies a sense of pride or admiration for her skills.

Their fateful encounter in Hell occurred shortly after Niffty's arrival when Alastor came to her aid during a disturbing altercation with a pedophilic sinner. Mistaken for a child, Niffty had taken matters into her own hands and castrated her harasser. Witnessing this gruesome act, Alastor stepped in, sending the sinner to his own hellish pocket dimension, known as " The Show." It was during this confrontation that Niffty fell head over heels in love with the enigmatic Radio Demon. Alastor then adopted Niffty, having taken a liking to her gruesome talents and bloodlust.

Alastor, perhaps unlike most denizens of Hell, does not evoke any fear in Niffty. Instead, she greatly enjoys his company, faithfully trailing him around the hotel and even insisting to others, such as Fergus, that Alastor is much kinder than he appears. Niffty finds herself utterly captivated by Alastor's unique powers, his mesmerizing performances, and his sinister charm. Niffty often grins, froths at the mouth, and laughs uncontrollably whenever he demonstrates his supernatural abilities, delivers one of his trademark speeches, or cracks an outdated joke, which she often finds hilariously amusing, occasionally falling out of her seat due to a well-timed dad joke.

Niffty's devotion to Alastor reaches such an extent that she has willingly put herself in harm's way to defend him, as seen when she distracted Vox, the TV Demon, in order to provide Alastor with the opportunity to replenish his powers. Even when electrocuted by Vox during the ordeal, Alastor expressed genuine concern for Niffty's well-being, prompting her to confidently assure him that she would recover after a brief respite. This display of care brought joy to Alastor and solidified the unique bond between them.

Husk[ ]

"Mr. Husk is such a grouchy old man! Always mumbling under his breath about Alastor and us demon gals. He's lucky I'm here to lighten him up! And between you and me... Sometimes I steal his liquor and switch it with apple juice to mess with him."
— Niffty about Husk.

Husk is Niffty's co-worker at the Hazbin Hotel and her ally while assisting Alastor in his endeavors. Despite their differing personalities, Niffty and Husk get along well with each other, with her encouraging him to find the fun side in things. The two also indulge in playful banter over some of Niffty's outlandish habits. Husk is very patient with Niffty and, although he does find her a little annoying, tolerates her behavior and air-headed moments. They are shown to care for each other, as shown when Niffty patched up Husk's wounds after Vox tore his wings off to prevent him from bleeding further, and when Husk swooped Niffty out of danger during the hotel crew's brief battle with the Army of Darkness.

Husk is desensitized to Niffty's crazy antics and mostly reacts to her quirks with apathy. He often to take on a role of teasing and sarcasm towards Niffty, poking fun at her eccentricities and habits. He comments on her tendency to dance on the stairs and her dedication to testing their cleanliness with sarcasm, showing slight annoyance at her antics and, perhaps not wanting her to get herself hurt, even though she could probably handle it.

When being teased by Husk, Niffty shows annoyance, determination, and exaggerated self-importance, considering Husk to be a lazy man with no work ethic. She takes offense at Husk's remarks but also engages in playful banter, emphasizing her dedication to her obsessive cleaning process. Despite Husk's teasing, Niffty seems to enjoy the interaction and even playfully taunts him back, showing that they are friendly with each other.

Razzle and Dazzle[ ]

Niffty gets along very well with Razzle and Dazzle, with them often assisting her in cleaning the hotel. She thinks they are cute and generally enjoys their company.

Ren[ ]

Niffty and Ren initially had a rocky start; Niffty tended to baby-talk Ren because of their cat form, and teased them by cleaning them with a feather duster. Niffty also made it her duty to keep Ren clean by giving them baths against their will, stating that she had to keep the hotel's mascot clean. This made Ren dislike Niffty and think that she was annoying.

However, Niffty and Ren gradually became friends as Ren realized that Niffty was only trying to care for him in her own possessive and creepy way. While fighting Yuck's underlings, Niffty and Ren briefly double-teamed a thug, with her decapitating him while Ren used their claws to swipe his head down onto another goon the knock them out. Niffty was visibly distraught when Ren sacrificed themselves to free Forti from Limbo, with Ren wrapping himself around her neck one last time to comfort her. When Heaven's Light recovered Ren's key form, an emotional Niffty said that she would still keep them clean while excessively crying into Fergus' shoulders.

Angel Dust[ ]

Niffty and Angel share a sporadic yet amicable relationship. Despite their camaraderie, Angel holds a slight apprehension towards Niffty because of her unsettling tendencies. He's notably cautious around her, avoiding making a mess in her presence. Angel once recounted a close call where Niffty nearly stabbed his hand for accidentally spilling a drink on the carpet.

Angel holds a deep appreciation for Niffty's unwavering commitment to maintaining the hotel's cleanliness, primarily because he is keen on preserving his own pristine appearance and doesn't want dirt or cobwebs to tarnish his immaculate fluff. It's worth noting that Niffty mistakenly perceives Angel as a woman, likely due to his feminine features, yet Angel doesn't seem to mind this gender assumption and has never felt the need to correct her.

Baxter[ ]

"Oh, Baxter is so dreamy! My maniac bad boy crush! One time, he threatened to surgically remove my uterus and leave me barren of children if I kept following him. (she blushes heavily and groans with pleasure) If he did that, I would faint...(her eye twitches)"
— Niffty about Baxter.
Baxter x Niffty sketch by Vivziepop

Niffty and Baxter sketch by Vivziepop.

Niffty's infatuation with Baxter is undeniable, and she relentlessly seeks his attention and affection. Of all Niffty's crushes, Baxter is the one she has sought after the most, besides Alastor. She has even taken it upon herself to become his self-appointed assistant and "housewife" upon his arrival at the hotel. She is obsessed with Baxter for his "bad boy" tendencies, such as his lack of empathy, disregard for the safety and afterlives of the hotel crew, and sociopathic nature.

Unfortunately for Niffty, Baxter does not share Niffty's romantic sentiments; in fact, he considers her bothersome and has made derogatory remarks about her appearance upon their initial meeting. Baxter is unequivocal in expressing his disinterest, even humorously suggesting that he would readily eject her from his spaceship should a black hole appear. He is also exasperated by Niffty's antics, even threatening to remove her uterus when she was singing "Witch Doctor", and having his robots remove her from his lab.

Niffty, on the other hand, is unfazed by Baxter's dismissive attitude. She often teases Baxter with her behavior, such as singing despite seemingly knowing it annoys him. Her persistence and lighthearted attitude suggests that she enjoys getting a rise out of Baxter. Her obsession with his "bad boy" edge remains unwavering, and she persists in her attempts to win him over. Niffty shadows Baxter around the hotel, eagerly embracing him whenever their paths cross. She writes fanfiction and draws lewd art centered around him and making an effort to maintain his spaceship, the B.A.X Galaxy Light, in pristine condition. She takes it upon herself to serve him breakfast and coffee each morning.

Niffty finds herself utterly mesmerized whenever Baxter delves into explanations of his experiments, even though she often struggles to grasp the complexity of his work. Regardless of her comprehension, she lavishes him with praise for his inventions, ideas, and plans, consistently affirming their brilliance, regardless of their actual quality or reliability.

In an unusual turn of events, when Baxter was tormented by a severe headache, Niffty kindly offered to provide relief by giving him a peculiar "brain massage." In this bizarre scenario, Niffty cheerfully massaged Baxter's exposed brain, the scene presented as though she was pleasuring him. During this moment, Baxter found himself developing a strong affection for Niffty, even though his brain had urged him to run away. He humorously attributed his newfound affection to a sort of "Stockholm Syndrome," acknowledging the paradoxical nature of their connection.

Despite their bickering and Baxter's disdain for Niffty's stalking and attention, there is a sense of familiarity and routine in their interactions. Baxter reluctantly acquiesces to Niffty's offer of breakfast and coffee, indicating that despite his frustration, he's grown used to to her presence and quirks, or maybe he just enjoys her cooking.

Crymini[ ]

Niffty and Crymini, both biologically the youngest members of the hotel crew, initially had a somewhat neutral relationship; Crymini was often annoyed by how Niffty cleaned up the messes she caused in the Hazbin Hotel, such as scrubbing her graffiti art off of the walls. However, Niffty and Crymini eventually became fire-forged "friends" by helping Baxter rescue the seven angels and Manco from Belphegor, with Crymini piloting Baxter's spacecraft while Niffty took control of the ship's weapons. Despite the advanced technology before her, Crymini helped Niffty understand the ship's controls by telling her to imagine Belpegor's forces as dust bunnies, and the duo proved to be unstoppable together. When Niffty was wiping out Scavenger Units, Crymini admitted that, despite their differences, Niffty could be "kinda fun".

Millie[ ]

Despite initially starting off as enemies as Millie had been tasked with killing her and the entire hotel crew, Niffty befriended Millie during I.M.P's battle against Leviathan. When Millie was falling into Envy's ocean due to the impact of Leviathan's lightning attack, Niffty quickly saved her from a possible watery grave and pulled her to safety. After Millie claimed they had to stick together as "little ladies", the two protected each other during the ensuing battle, engaged in witty banter, and worked together to slay the King of Envy. They were the first and, currently, only members of the hotel crew and I.M.P respectively that outright befriended each other.

Sir Pentious[ ]

"You will never be HIM."
— Niffty threatening Pentious when he tried to greet her.

After Sir Pentious became an official member of the hotel, Niffty was confrontational towards him. She disliked his signs of self-improvement, viewing him as a pale imitation of Baxter. When Sir Pentious eagerly attempted to greet Niffty with a handshake, Niffty, under the impression that Pentious was trying to woo her, leaped onto Sir Pentious' chest, grabbing him by his lapels and viciously telling him that he would never be like Baxter, before curtly skittering away. Niffty later cheered for Baxter during his and Sir Pentious' confrontation, egging Baxter on to brutally murder Pentious.

Still, after Pentious and Baxter reconciled, Niffty became friends with Sir Pentious and a mother figure to his Egg Bois, with her, Baxter, and Pentious spending quite a lot of time together in the lab. When Sir Pentious was killed by Rum, Niffty adopted his Egg Bois for him.

Egg Boiz[ ]

The Egg Boiz see Niffty as a mother figure, which she happily embraces because she thinks they are cute. Niffty cooks meals for the Egg Boiz, puts them back together when they are shattered, dresses them and calls them her "babies". Following Pentious' death, Niffty fully adopted the Egg Boiz as her and Baxter's "children", something Baxter begrudgingly goes along with.

Gallery[ ]

Quotes[ ]

Chapter 1[ ]

"Ren: (speaking with Vaggie) Yesterday, I saw her sleeping in a cabinet filled with insects...
Niffty: (she pops up behind the couch, startling Vaggie while Ren yowls and jumps onto Vaggie's shoulder) OF COURSE!!! (she giggles uncontrollably, clawing her cheeks) I love squeezing into tiny places, all compressed and claustrophobic-like in the most uncomfortable way possible and snuggling with my little insect victims. It's. So. EXCITING!!!! (she squeals) The bigger the bug, the better! It's just sooo much fun to play with the little creatures and squish 'em until they're no longer moving! Hehehe! It's like a game!
— Niffty and Ren.
"Charlie: Al, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but are you sure we need Niffty's help? I appreciate her helping us with the bug infestation, but the hotel's residents find her... How do I put this... Creepy as fuck?
Alastor: Are you doubting our little Niffty's talents?!
Charlie: No, not at all! I just-
Alastor: SPLENDID! She loves a good challenge! (to his radio staff) Niffty to the main hall, please!
Niffty: (instantly appears, magically crawling out from behind Charlie and hanging off the princesses' shoulder) Nifty and quick!
Alastor: You're aware of that derelict town that has recently became occupied by that dismal gang, the Rippers, no? I'm making it your job to prove yourself to our princess here by cleaning that entire town of its recent vermin problem! HAHAHAhahaha... (Niffty blinks cluelessly) And by that, I mean slaughter all of them.
Niffty: (whips out her knives) Okey dokey! (she bolts out the hotel's doors)
Charlie: WAIT, NO-
— Niffty is tasked by Alastor to massacre the Rippers.
"Husk: (Husk sees Niffty dancing on a flight of stairs she just cleaned) Stop trying to break your neck again, Niffty. I tried. Doesn't work.
Niffty: (continues dancing, panting) 'Break my... Neck'?! How... Dare you?! Just because you're a lazy man who has no work ethic doesn't mean you should insult the process of cleanliness! I've mastered the art of dancing on stairs, and this is the only way to effectively test their cleanliness and slipperiness! (Niffty finally tumbles down the stairs violently, only to bounce back up, clean the stairs in less than a second, and continue her dancing) 20 seconds! Most ladies would stop there, but damn it, I won't stop until it takes me less than five seconds to slip and fall!
Husk: (sarcastically) Oh, wow. Forgive me, o great, slip-resistant one. You're really out here doing God's fuckin' work, dancing on slightly moist stairs for a couple seconds.
Niffty: (Niffty rolls her eye) Please. I'm not JUST dancing on slightly moist stairs, I'm testing the effectiveness of these freshly cleaned stairs! And I'll have you know, I've spent years mastering the art of slip-resistant stair-climbing and dancing, you uncultured swine! Just ask the ladies who tried to steal Mr. Unmei away from me... (Niffty giggles psychotically before falling down the stairs violently) 15 SECONDS, WE'RE GETTING CLOSER!!!
Husk: (sighs and waves his hand at Niffty, walking away) Ok, you have fun.
— Niffty and Husk bantering while Niffty was cleaning the stairs.
"Vaggie: NIFFTY! Stop plastering wanted posters of violent criminals all over your room! It's not the same as boy bands.
Niffty: HISSSSS!!! (claws at Vaggie)
— Vaggie and Niffty.
— Niffty while psychotically killing insects in front of children visiting the hotel. terrifying them.
"Y'know, I can take care of the cellar rats lickity-split! Although, that might give ground to the roach armada in the upper levels. We've been in a stalemate all week, but I think I'm close to finding their nest. Killing all their roach wives and roach children should take the fight outta them!"
— Niffty.
"Husk: (he yowls in pain as Niffty is stitching his back wounds) Jesus, Nif, you tryin' to stitch a wound or give fuckin' me a infection?!
Niffty: (She giggles while holding a sewing needle) Sorry, Mr. Husker! It's just your wincing and yowls of pain are so funny! Hehe! Kinda like when that time Mr. Unmei was getting a liiiiiittle too touchy with his cat, so I had to-
Husk: I DON'T GIVE A FUCKIN' SHIT! Just... (he crosses his arms, looking like a wet cat) do your damn job, Nif.
Niffty: (she chuckles in glee and gets back to patching and cleansing Husk's wound) It's because I care for you, Mr. Husker! I wanna make you feel better!
Husk: (he groans) Well, guess what, little lady? Pain, shockingly, doesn't feel that fuckin' good to me.
Niffty: (she stops sewing and looks at Husk with a bewildered expression) ...Really?
Husk: Y- YES!! Not everyone is a goddamn masochist like you are!
Niffty: (she stares at Husk as if he just told her the secrets of the Universe) Huh. (she returns to grinning and patching the wound) Well, golly! No wonder almost everybody in Hell is such a boring Grumpy Gus! (she giggles) Maybe this could be your first time, Mr. Husker! (as she speaks, her sewing gets more and more aggressive and quick with each sew) Embrace the pain! BECOME THE PAIN! SULLY THE PAIN GOD'S NAME WITH YOUR PLEASURE-(suddenly, she accidentally stabs Husk in the back with the needle; Husk's eyes widen and he becomes stiff like a statue, his hairs standing on end; Niffty nervously laughs and releases the needle, which is embedded into Husk's back) Hehe... Sorry about that, Mr. Husker... (after a pause, Husk lets out a blood-curling scream before it cuts to the next scene)
— Niffty and Husk conversing as the former patches Husk's wounds.
"You can count on me, Ms. Angel! (Niffty blinks and zips off, before coming back seconds later) That was a wink, by the way. But you can't tell 'cuz the one eye! Hehehe! (she zips back off)"
— Niffty to Angel Dust.
"Oooh... I'm not a fan of that filthy language of yours. (she pulls out a knife) Let's see if I can clean it up."
— Niffty, before cutting the tongue out of one of Vox's goons.
"Eye see youuuuu...."
— Niffty to a cowering henchman, after stabbing the eye out of their partner.
"Did I do good? Hehe!"
— Niffty to Alastor after slaughtering a group of Vox, Velvette, and Valentino's henchmen.

Chapter 2[ ]

"Niffty: (to Angel Dust) Head's up, Mr. Husker LOVES honesty! Luckily, I'm as honest as any gal! (a devious smile creeps on her face) For example... (to Husk, laying on the counter) Sometimes, I break into bad boys' houses and raid their drawers so I can use their undergarments for a bra!
— Husk and Niffty.
"No, today is Tuesday, and Tuesdays are meant for cleaning out the bear traps in the air vents! It's not like I'm out here just doing my job without a plan, there's gotta be rules to these things! I can't just go around dusting on bear trap day, you dust on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday's! If you dust on a Tuesday, it throws everything out of wack! (Her eye progressively becomes bloodshot as she goes OCD-crazy) I mean it would be- Hehe- It would be crazy, batshit, bananas, bonkers, ANARCHY!"
— Niffty's obsessive compulsion on display.
"Alastor: Wonder, wonderful, wonderful! Glad you all could join me to partake in some harmless witticisms!
Husk: I can't wait...
Alastor: Did you hear the one about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?
Angel Dust: No, why?
Alastor: He won the NO-BELL prize! (he plays a laugh track on his cane)
Vaggie: Wow.
Niffty: THAT WAS A GOOD ONE, ALASTOR! (laughing hysterically)
Alastor: So a man walks into a theater and sits next to a pig. He turns to the pig and inquires 'What are you doing here?' The pig says 'Well, I liked the book'. Ah-hahahaha!! (Niffty continues laughing hysterically as the rest of hotel crew remains silent, with the exception of Charlie awkwardly clapping)
Angel Dust: What the fuck?
Alastor: What is brown and sticky?
Alastor: (with a displeased smile) Yes, Niffty, a stick.
Fergus: Could have also said shit.
Alastor: I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me! Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? The food is out of this world!
Angel Dust: Tha fuck are you talkin' about? When have you been on the moon?
Alastor: What do you call someone with no body and no nose? ...Nobody knows! (he plays a laugh track on his cane)
Charlie: (laughing) Ok, you got me there, Al!
Alastor: How many apples grow on trees? ALL OF THEM! AH-HAHAHAHA!!! (Niffty laughs again) Why did the coffee file a police report? It was mugged! (Charlie stifles a laugh)
Ren: (sarcastically) These are some great jokes, Dad. (Vaggie laughs lightly)
Alastor: I thought about going on an all-almond diet, but that's just nuts! (Niffty falls out of her chair with laughter)
Angel Dust: I like nuts!
Alastor: Where did the little boy go after the explosion? ...Everywhere! (crickets as the hotel crew look on with shock and/or concern)
Vaggie: That- That's just awful. How is that funny?
Alastor: I suppose that one was an acquired taste. How about a joke about paper instead?
Alastor: Oh, never mind, it's TEARable! (Fergus and Husk begin drinking alcohol excessively) I'd also tell a joke involving pizza, but it's a little cheesy! (he and Niffty laugh hysterically as Fergus, Angel, Ren, and Husk exit the room, Vaggie follows suit, dragging Charlie with her)
— Alastor trying to entertain the hotel crew with jokes.

Chapter 3[ ]

"Baxter: (glances over to Niffty, who is staring at him with infatuation) I don't quite know how to tell you this, but... Actually, I do. You have ze face only a post-mortem, scavenging organism would love.
Niffty: Uh-huh. (continues staring wistfully)
Baxter: You are profoundly irritating, and I vish you vould kindly FUCK OFF and leave mein optical view.
Niffty: Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm.
Baxter: In ze occasion that a singularity vas to appear, and I vas forced to jettison all our dead-weight to prevent us from being spaghettified, you vould be ze first thing I would throw out.
Niffty: ...You're dreamy.
— Baxter and Niffty.

Chapter 4[ ]

"Baxter: Niffty... I zwear to mein intelligence... If you zing that cursed song again I vill perform a hysterectomy on you... with mein fists.
Niffty: (strumming a guitar while dancing around Baxter) ♫I TOLD THE WITCH DOCTOR I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU! I TOLD THE WITCH DOCTOR I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU! AND THEN THE WITCH DOCTOR, HE TOLD ME WHAT TO DO!♫ (one of Baxter's robots grabs her by the neck with both hands) Gak!
Baxter: Fuck. Off. (Baxter's robot hurls her out of his lab)
Niffty: (while flying through the air) ♫YOU WALKED IIIIIIN, SO SHA-♫ (she lands outside of the lab, making a loud crashing noise as Baxter slams the door shut; from the other side) Dontcha want any breakfast, Mr. Baxter? With extra coffee? Hehehehe...
Baxter: (after pondering) ...Very well. Just stop putting heart-shaped cream in ze center!
Niffty: But food is the quickest way to a man's heart!
Baxter: SLUT!
— Niffty bothering Baxter.
"Crymini: Niffty, you man the turret. Go fuck 'em up.
Niffty: Okey dokey! (she zips to the Galaxy Light's weapon panel) Eh... Sorry, sweetie, all this advanced technology is a bit much for a lady for me. After all, it was made by (wistfully) Baxter...
Crymini: How hard can it be to operate a weapon's panel?! Just... Pretend those robots are dust bunnies or something.
Niffty: Oooh... (from Niffty's P.O.V, all of Belphegor's Scavenger Units morph into dust bunnies) OH, MY GOODNESS! (she presses a button on the panel which launches a missile at a crowd of robots) NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! (she drops a carpet bomb on a row of Scavengers and leaps onto the weapon panel, pressing buttons at a rapid pace) OOH! I'M GETTING THE HANG OF THIS!
— Niffty and Crymini while fighting Belphegor's robots.
"Which button should I press next?! (she points in different directions) Eeny meeny miney... ALL OF THEM! (she presses all of the buttons while laughing maniacally)"
— Niffty with the weapons panel.
Crymini: You know, you're kinda fun, old lady. Y'know, when you're not scrubbing my graffiti off the walls.
Niffty: (launches a missile) EAT IT!!!
— Niffty and Crymini.

Chapter 5[ ]

"Niffty: Konnichiwa! I'm Niffty, and I'm the maid of the Hazbin Hotel! It takes a woman's touch to clean up after a bunch of disgusting sinners! You gotta be able to reach in really high places, squeeze in reaaaaaly tight spaces, have a natural immunity to chemicals and acids, but you also need to be gentle and precise enough to catch spiders without squishing 'em!
Vaggie: (off-camera) Why would you need to catch them?
Niffty: For my collection, of course! (she pulls out a box full of spiders) I have 152 species in this box alone, and there's one spider I've wanted to add for a looooong time. (she slowly looks intensely at Angel Dust)
— Niffty in the Hazbin Hotel's commercial.
"Niffty: (she follows Baxter and his robotic servants, the latter carrying a box of Baxter's things) What are you cooking up in that lab of yours, cutie? (she climbs up the robots, sitting on their shoulder and begins rummaging through the boxes)
Niffty: Why not? What if one of them will make me fly? (her attention is then caught by a jar of yellow mist) Ooooooh! So pretty! Can I play with it?
Niffty: Mustard?! Oooh, something to spice up our lunches! (she picks up the jar)
Niffty: You're just saying that because you don't want me to play with it! C'mon! It looks like soooo much fun to open! I bet it smells amazing!
Baxter: DON'T YOU DARE!!!
Niffty: (Niffty opens the jar with a mischievous grin, immediately filling the hotel with mustard gas)
Baxter: DAMN IT, NIFFTY!! YOU'VE FUCKING KILLED US ALL YOU CURSED DUMME FRAU!!! (one of Baxter's robots snaps a gas mask on him and drags him back to his lab)
Niffty: Oops! (she skitters and leaps up and clings to a ceiling) Did I do a bad?
— Niffty and Baxter.
"Baxter: Pentious, Niffty! Visten to these conundrums and calculations and tell me if you interpret them az I do. (he takes a note printed out of his calculator and reads it) 'Vhat has red skin and drives?'
Sir Pentious: Motor neutrons!
Niffty: (raising her hand) OOH! AN ANGRY DRIVER!
Baxter: (completely serious) Right.
— Baxter, Niffty, and Sir Pentious while crafting angelic armor.
"(giggling while looking at the dying Insurgency members) Oh, you boys have such cute expressions right now! Can I sketch you before you all die? You are adorable! (giggles) I'll make beautiful art outta you boys... (she pulls out her art supplies and begins painting and sketching, occasionally dipping her paintbrush in their blood puddles)"
— Niffty after brutally attacking the Insurgency members.

???[ ]

"Michael: (he looks down at Niffty in disgust) What in the seven seals... what manner of demon spawn are you?
Niffty: Konnichiwa! My name's Niffty! (she skitters up Michael and onto his shoulder, whispering) I'm technically on the Devil's side. But don't tell Michael I said that, okay? He can be kinda scary sometimes. Hehehe!
Michael: (beat) ...I'm Michael.
Niffty: Really?! (Niffty jumps in front of Michael, dramatically putting the back of her hand to her head) Oh, woe is me! I guess that means you have to smite lil ol' me! A poor, helpless lady... (Niffty puts her arms out for Michael to kill her, lifting her eye when he just stares at her)
Michael: Are you attempting to goad me, demon?
Niffty: Oh, who am I kidding?! I'm in LOVE with you, St. Archangel Michael Morningstar! It was my Satan-given destiny to die by your gorgeous, furry hands!
Michael: (he chuckles) The princess has taken in a succubus on training wheels... Listen carefully, hellspawn. If you weren't under the protection of the half-breed princess, I would gladly smite you as I have billions of demon vermin like you.
Niffty: Ooh, really?! Tell me how you'd kill me!
Michael: Hmmm... I COULD skin you alive.
Niffty: Oh, that's awful!... (she grins) Gimme more!
Michael: (Michael puts his hand to his chin, thinking out loud) Then again, melting hellspawn with holy light is one of my favorite ways to smite you heathens...
Niffty: (resting on the ground on her chest, kicking her feet back and forth) Oh, you could smite me any day...
Michael: Or, preferably, crucifying you before drowning you in the blood of all your victims, so you taste a mere fraction of their agony. THAT is divine retribution... you're... getting off on this, aren't you?
Niffty: (blushing uncontrollably) No way! Hey, why'd you stop?! Keep going! Tell about how you'd cut my eye out with a spear!
Michael: (looking upwards) Father, fucking kill me.
Michael: You are an abomination.
— Michael meets Niffty.

Quotes Pertaining to Niffty[ ]

"Fergus: There's just no reason for a child to be out there!
Husk: Niffty's just short! She's not a fucking child, you stupid dumbass!
— Fergus and Husk watching Niffty battle the Vee's henchmen.
"Despite her subpar intelligence and GHASTLY bone structure, you could say I've developed something of a soft spot for that little... she-devil. She's a bit simple-minded, yes, but she certainly is energetic and cute. You know, when she's not singing that idiotic, annoying, ASININE song of hers, that is. Mein gott... am I attaching mein emotions to one individual at the cost of mein logic? Eh, must be Stockholm Syndrome."
— Baxter recording his thoughts on Niffty while in his lab.

Trivia[ ]

  • Her theme song would either be "When He Sees Me" from Waitress: The Musical or "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift.
  • The series' authors consider Niffty, Baxter, and Alastor to be the only truly evil members of the hotel crew, whereas most of the other patients and staff are either deeply flawed, morally grey, or not villainous at all.
  • Niffty is Superjamturtle's (writer and editor on Journey to the Light) favorite character, alongside Azrael.
  • Niffty is the second shortest member of the hotel crew only beaten by Corey and Peel, who are tied for the shortest members.
  • Niffty thinks that Angel Dust is a girl and refers to him as "Ms. Angel". Angel does not seem to particularly mind and has never corrected Niffty on his gender.
  • She is, ironically, modeled after a cockroach and has several cockroach-like traits, including making a skittering noise while quickly moving around or her ability to easily bounce back from physical trauma. She can squeeze herself into tight places like many cockroaches can.
  • She has severe OCD.
  • She sometimes swaps Husk's alchohol with apple juice to mess with him.
  • According to Baxter, Niffty is illiterate due to her own view that women should not be allowed to read.
  • According to Ren, Niffty sleeps in a drawer filled with the bodies of the bugs and rodents she has killed.
  • The splotches of red on Niffty's apron are commonly mistaken for bullet holes when in reality they are actually splotches of red paint.
  • Much like Alastor, Niffty is a masochist and greatly enjoys her own pain, allowing her to bounce back excitedly from even the worst trauma.
  • When Niffty is finished cleaning the hotel's stairs, she tests their cleanliness by dancing on them until she slips and tumbles on the freshly cleaned stairs. She is only satisfied if it takes her less than five seconds to fall.
  • Niffty is a huge shipper and ships many of the hotel's inhabitants with each other.
  • Although Niffty is the chef of the hotel, most of the occupants avoid her cooking due to her habit of killing bugs and rodents with her bare hands.
  • Niffty claims in the Hazbin Hotel's commercial that she has acquired an immunity to cleaning chemicals and acids.
    • According to Vaggie, Niffty collects wanted posters of serial killers and makes a gallery of them on the wall of her room.
  • She collects the dead bodies of every rodent and bug she has killed, and collects the organs of some of her victims.
  • Niffty has hybristophilia, and therefore gets especially attracted to men who are considered "bad boys", notably Alastor.
  • She loves old musicals, frequently having fantasies where she sings as if she were in one, complete with characters around her providing spontaneous choreography.
  • In "System Reboot" it is implied that Niffty might have schizophrenia, due to her literally seeing the Scavenger Units as giant dust bunnies after Crymini had suggested it to her.
  • Baxter invented his own "Niffty Repellent", designed specifically to ward off Niffty when she won't go away.
  • Whenever Niffty finds loose change around the hotel, she will give it to Mimzy.
  • Fergus and Sir Pentious both think that Niffty is a literal child, presumably due to her short stature and attitude.
  • A running gag throughout the series is Niffty, without warning, having an elaborate daydream about someone she is attracted to (most often sharing a musical number with or wooing Baxter or Alastor) that is not revealed to be a fantasy until another character snaps her out of it.
  • Squish has claimed that he once tried to high-five Niffty, but she didn't know what it was. Then, when he taught her what it was, she high-fived him so hard that he couldn't feel his arm for days.

Navigation[ ]

v • e — Characters —
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie Magne • Angel Dust • Alastor • Vaggie • Niffty • Husk • Razzle and Dazzle • Alastor's friends • Fat Nuggets • Ren • Fergus • Mimzy • Baxter • Crymini • Squish • Karen 2.O • Corey and Peel • Villa • Princess • Sir Pentious • Egg Bois
I.M.P Blitzø • Moxxie • Millie • Loona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer Magne • Leviathan Von Eldritch • Mammon • Beelzebub • Belphegor • Asmodeus • Satan
Overlords Alastor • Valentino • Vox • Velvette • Rosie • Missi Zilla • Carmilla Carmine • Stellar • Sock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri Bomb • Sir Pentious • Henroin • Maulreese Jackjaw • Bruce
Ars Goetia Stolas • Stella • Octavia • Paimon • Andrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith Magne • HuniBun • Katie Killjoy • Tom Trench • Arackniss • Izzi • The Insurgency • Vark • Dia • Summer • Basil • Sir Pentious' Hat • Rum • Yuck • Laila • Boar Butcher • Queef • Sabre • Melvyn • Loopty Goopty • Lyle Lipton • Jeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The Divine • Striker • Scorpius • The Chosen • Bombproof • Azazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. P • Vortex • Behemoth • Bee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo Fizz • Larson • Calliope • Tingles • Wally Wackford • TillaCash Buckzo • Loo Loo • Crimson • Alessio
Lust Ring Fizzarolli • Verosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von Eldritch • Hellsa Von Eldritch • Bethesda Von Eldritch • Fin • The Kraken • Mishelle
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrap • Karen • Scavenger Units • Hellhound Adoption Foundation • Ms. Sweetruby • Belle-phegor
Heaven God • Lux • Archangel Forti • Manco • Charlie's Angels • Adina • Molly • Azrael • Exterminators • Lute • Chieftess Adina • Ebony • Alastor's mother • Sera • Serenity • The Speaker of God • Ophanim • C.H.E.R.U.B • Leo Lightheart • Cletus • Collin • Keenie • Deerie • Rachel • Honey • Bea • Beau • Seraphiel • Mr. Tree • Archangel Michael • Archangel Gabriel • Archangel Uriel • Archangel Sandalphon • Archangel Raphael • Archangel Cassiel • Archangel Barachiel • Archangel Zadkiel • Annie
Other characters Death • Roo • Vaggie's father • Spindle • Azathoth • Queen Spider • Army of Darkness • Santa Claus • Krampus • Valentine

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