Updated on 2024-01-26 07:59:33 (4 months ago)
Checked by Online Virus Scanner
This website is affiliated with the Russian Federation, a nation that initiated a military attack, thus committing a crime against humanity in the form of war against Ukraine for the past two years. Our company, Gridinsoft, is based in Ukraine.

The ongoing war has resulted in tragic losses, with our children, parents, and friends facing daily hardships due to the deliberate actions of the Russian military. Homes are being destroyed, and millions of our fellow citizens have been forced to leave their residences.

This is not a political statement but rather a heartfelt plea. We earnestly ask that you refrain from utilizing services provided by websites from Russia. We appeal to your sense of humanity—please avoid purchasing their products or engaging in business transactions with them.

It is critical to recognize that each individual's choices contribute to the financial resources available to the Russian Federation, which directly impacts its ability to sustain this war. Your conscientious decisions can play a role in promoting peace and stability in Ukraine.

PTSecurity is a leader in results-oriented cybersecurity. They provide comprehensive solutions and services to protect organizations from cyber threats. With their expertise and advanced technologies, they help businesses enhance their security posture and safeguard their critical assets.


Gridinsoft Anti-Malware does not block This domain was registered 21 years ago through the company Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER and had the owner Privacy protection service - The contact email for complaint is [email protected] or by phone at +7.4959944601.


Positive Technologies


Leader in results-oriented cybersecurity

Keywords cybersecurity vulnerability management compliance management threat intelligence application security
Registry Domain ID 88406671_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server
Registrar URL
Updated Date 2022-05-23T01:49:13Z
HostingAS51115 HLL LLC (Moscow, RU)
Trust Score*100%
* The Trust Score is based on the ScamAdviser rating
and does not influence our rating. It is a second opinion.

Positive Technologies

Positive Technologies is a global provider of enterprise security solutions and services. The company specializes in vulnerability management, compliance management, threat intelligence, and application security. With a focus on helping organizations protect their critical infrastructure and sensitive data, Positive Technologies offers a wide range of innovative cybersecurity solutions.

  • MaxPatrol
    MaxPatrol is a comprehensive vulnerability and compliance management solution. It helps organizations identify and prioritize vulnerabilities, assess compliance with industry standards, and implement effective remediation strategies.
  • PT Application Firewall
    PT Application Firewall is a web application security solution designed to protect against various types of attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and remote file inclusion. It helps organizations ensure the security and availability of their web applications.
  • Penetration Testing
    Penetration Testing is a service offered by Positive Technologies to assess the security of an organization's IT infrastructure and applications. Highly skilled ethical hackers simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for improving security.
  • Threat Intelligence
    Threat Intelligence is a service provided by Positive Technologies that helps organizations proactively identify and mitigate potential cyber threats. It involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and reporting of emerging threats, enabling timely response and effective risk management.

Whois Record

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DB Version:2024-01-26 07:02:30

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware

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Gridinsoft Anti-Malware

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