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时间:2020-09-09 09:00:29 稿件来源:苏州规划









  征集 | 《太湖科学城战略规划与概念性城市设计》国际方案如下



  Announcement of International Solicitation for 

  Strategic Planning and Conceptual Urban Design of Taihu Science City




  Urban Planning Society of China (the undertaker) is commissioned by Suzhou National High-tech District (Huqiu) Sub-bureau of Suzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and SND Education Industry Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (the organizer) jointly to launch this open international solicitation activity for the Strategic Planning and Conceptual Urban Design of Taihu Science City. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:


  I.Solicitation Objectives


  Suzhou is a national historical and cultural city and a scenic tourist city, a national advanced manufacturing base and a national independent innovation demonstration zone, and one of the core cities in the world-class Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations. Suzhou National High-tech District (SND) is the first batch of national high-tech industrial development zones in China and the core area of the Southern Jiangsu Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone.


  Taihu Science City is located in the west of SND, with Suzhou Science & Technology Town on the east and Taihu Lake on the west, with a superior ecological environment; the planning area is about 10 square kilometres. Taihu Science City is an important carrier to implement the national strategy of Integration in the Yangtze River Delta and the construction requirements of Beautiful Jiangsu, to create a national innovation centre in the Yangtze River Delta, and to build a world-class ecological and innovative lake area; it is also an important strategic space for Suzhou to build "a modern international metropolis, a beautiful and happy paradise", and an important strategic space to realize SND’s goal of "creating a world-class innovative highland".


  In March 2019, the Suzhou Municipal Government and Nanjing University signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build the Suzhou campus of Nanjing University in Taihu Science City. The Suzhou campus of Nanjing University aims at the construction goal of "a world-class university campus". Facing the national strategic needs and the regional industrial layout of Suzhou, the Suzhou campus will strengthen the construction of "new engineering", focus on the establishment of five subject groups and ten colleges; and now construction has started.




  Taihu Science City will make full use of the university's resource advantages, give full play to the synergies of major scientific facilities clusters, and gather regional innovation elements to build a collaborative innovation platform for industry-university-research and attract international innovative talents, lay out major scientific and technological infrastructure clusters, and becomes a global leading technological innovation highland with international influence.


  In order to realize the high-quality development path of "Innovation + Ecology" of Taihu Science City, aim at the goal of building a world-class science city, lead a new model of green development, and set a new benchmark for liveability and workability, the Strategic Planning and Conceptual Urban Design of Taihu Science City is now held. Based on the principles of openness, justice, and fairness, we sincerely invite domestic and foreign design institutes with excellent level and rich experience to participate in this activity and propose first-class planning and design schemes, broadening ideas, applying advanced planning and design concepts and development strategies, to build a high-quality, international Taihu Science City as a world-class national innovation centre.


  II.Solicitation Requirements


  1. Strategic Planning Research: In order to make the Taihu Science City better integrate, connect and serve the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, to clarify the development goals, development positioning and industry-city integration strategies of the area west of Dayang Mountain to Taihu Lake within SND from a strategic level; to explore the high-quality development and construction model of “innovation + ecology”; to construct a new path of urban-rural relations, industry-city integration, and liveability and workability; to coordinate mountains, waters, lakes and forests; to optimize the spatial pattern; to propose overall spatial characteristics scape guidance; and to coordinate development timing, etc.


  2. Conceptual Urban Design: In order to create a high-quality, international industry-university-research environment, and build an open, inclusive, convenient, friendly, and innovative Taihu Science City, to further refine the functional positioning and industry formats of Taihu Science City based on strategic planning research; to anchor the spatial structure framework and creatively organize the space and morphological style; to protect the ecological pattern of “mountain as core and water as veins”; to handle important nodes and interfaces, establishing a distinctive image of new Suzhou; and to construct an implementation framework to provide basis and reference for follow-up development, construction and operation.


  III.Planning Research and Design Scope

  1. 战略规划研究范围:主要为绕城高速以西区域,涉及科技城(东渚街道)、度假区(镇湖街道)及通安镇区域。战略规划研究范围约77平方公里(具体范围详见附图)。

  1. Strategic Planning Research Scope: Mainly the area west of the Belt Highway, involving the Science & Technology Town (Dongzhu Street), the resort area (Zhenhu Street) and the Tongan Town area. The strategic planning research area is about 77 square kilometres (Refer to figures for details).



  2. 概念性城市设计范围:东至230省道、西至渚镇河、南至高新区边界、北至昆仑山路,面积约10平方公里。为表现区域城市设计完整性,应纳入北部太湖沿线和东南侧山体范围。

  2. Conceptual Urban Design Scope: East to provincial road 230, west to Zhuzhen River, south to the border of SND, and north to Kunlunshan Road, covering an area of about 10 square kilometres. In order to show the integrity of the regional urban design, the Taihu lakeside area on the north and the mountain range on the southeast side are included.


  IV.Application Requirements


  1. This activity opens application to domestic and foreign institutes that are legally registered and have similar design experience to this project. The domestic applicant institutes must have one of Grade-A qualification of urban and rural planning formulation or Grade-A qualification of architecture and construction engineering; foreign applicant institutes must have one of the relevant qualifications of urban and rural planning or architecture design issued by the competent authority of the country, region, or relevant industry organizations. This project encourages application by consortium, but the consortium shall not have more than three members, and the members of the consortium are not allowed to apply separately on their own or form another consortium. If a foreign applicant institute consorts with a domestic applicant institute, qualification requirements for the domestic institute are the same as above. Applications by individuals or individual groups will not be accepted.


  2. The professionals involved in this project must be the current registered staff of the applicant institute; the chief designer must have experience in directing several similar projects and must participate in the whole process of the competition activity. The project team shall be fully equipped with all professional types of work. The professional team of the foreign applicant institute should include at least one member who is proficient in Chinese to ensure the accurate understanding of the regional background and relevant requirements.


  3. The applicant institute shall provide complete prequalification application materials in accordance with the requirements of the Prequalification Document.


  4. In addition to the above terms, when the competition organizer raises reasonable requests, the applicant institute shall continue to provide supplementary certification documents that meet the corresponding requirements.


  V.Fees and Payment


  Five applicant institutes will be selected through the prequalification review. After the applicant institutes submit valid application documents in accordance with the requirements of the Solicitation Document, the jury committee will review and determine the ranking of schemes. The organizer will pay the first applicant institute a bonus of RMB 2.0 million (including tax); pay the second applicant institute a bonus of RMB 1.5 million (including tax); pay the third and fourth applicant institutes a bonus of RMB 1.0 million (including tax) each; pay the fifth applicant institute compensation fee of 0.8 million (including tax).


  However, the applicant institute who fail to submit application documents within the prescribed time, or whose application documents are not acceptable according to the requirements of the Solicitation Document, or whose qualifications have been revoked, will not be paid the design compensation fee.




  It is planned to determine the shortlisted applicant institutes in mid-September 2020, and organize the site survey and hold the project release conference in late September 2020. The chief designer and other team members of the applicant institutes are required to attend the conference. The design period of the scheme formulating stage is about 90 calendar days.


  VII.Special Notes


  Any applicant who intends to participate in this solicitation activity shall register first. After downloading the application form (Appendix 1) and completing the application information, the applicant shall send it to the designated email address zxb@planning.org.cn. After receiving the registration form, the undertaker will reply with the Prequalification Document by email.


  Prequalification application documents shall be made in strict accordance with relevant requirements, and can be submitted by on-site submission or express delivery. Due to the special circumstances of the epidemic, if submit by express delivery, please reserve enough time for the express transportation; a letter of authorization by the legal representative shall be presented if submit on site.


  Submission time and place for the prequalification application documents: The applicant institutes should submit the printed prequalification application documents to the designated address before 16:00 on September 2, 2020, and send all electronic prequalification application documents to the designated email address (zxb@planning.org.cn). The submission address for the printed documents is as follows: Urban Planning Society of China, North Annex Building of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, No.9 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, Miss Zhang (addressee), 010-58323854. The time for submission is 09:00-16:00 on working days. Prequalification application documents that are overdue or do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.


  Announcement of prequalification result: The selecting result of shortlisted applicant institutes will be announced within 30 calendar days after the deadline for submission of prequalification application documents.




  Contact: Miss Lei 010-58323868, Miss Zhang 010-58323854

  Telephone consultation time: 09:00-11:00 am, 14:00-16:00 pm on working days

  Email: zxb@planning.org.cn


  VIII.Announcement Platforms


  This announcement is issued simultaneously on the Website of Urban Planning Society of China (www.planning.org.cn) and Website of SND Management Committee (www.snd.gov.cn). The amendments and supplements to this announcement are subject to the contents published on the above websites. If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English in this announcement, the content in Chinese shall prevail.


  August 19, 2020







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