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Black Widow (2021)

Black Widow (2021)

Scarlet Johannsen really is awesome. Her sister Florence Pugh's awesome too. Fake sister - in-movie sister. Actually her whole family's awesome. Fake family - in-movie family. But still. Family. I like the values. I like how they get together. I like the way their relationship builds along the way, and how Natasha goes from the lone wolf entirely to... well, to having at least a few allies on her side. Though the after-credit bit doesn't look too promising...

The special effects are great. Avalanche. Whole world falling down. All that stuff. The initial car crash was maybe a bit less great. It's not all perfect, but for the most part...

They mix desperation and comedy cleverly too, as usual. The script's good. The intrigue's there. The cast reminds me a little bit of the G.I. Joe one.

I don't know what more to say about this.

I'm glad the Marvel realm movies continue, and if you're on for action then this is really for you, but it does feel like they might've passed their peak somehow. Or did the Zack Snyder/Marvel Guy dilemma somehow skew my positive impressions of these? Sometimes I feel Marvel are a bit more fast-paced and ferocious than they need to be now, and the balance between real and cgi isn't always perfect, and the villain here doesn't always seem to speak Russian. And little things like that.

All in all though it is awesome. Visually - and action-wise - I loved every second of it. The timing's perfect. The music's perfect - especially the two bits in the intro. The sequencing is just right. The script's balanced just perfectly. Especially the beginning seemed impeccable in all areas - and not just because it's a throwback to the heavy (and awesome) eighties.

It gets over the top and crazy after that but still close and personal somehow, with classy batshit flip action choreography and plenty of tech in the mix. Moving to sci-fi quick this is, even if Natasha seemed like one of the more grounded gals in the group before.

Anyway, TLDR: It's awesome.

Family reunion. I love it. Post-credit bit brought it down a bit though, and sometimes it feels a little imbalanced and rushed.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Tenet (2020)

Tenet (2020)

You'll understand the palindrome when you see this, and why it's so goddamn cryptic in the beginning.

It's been a while since I saw a movie like this. Like Memento. Where you learn more as you go. But I don't remember being as annoyed at that factor with movies of the past as I was with this one.

Maybe because they don't clue you in.

Maybe because it takes a while to learn you're learning. Or maybe I was just a little too thickheaded this time around?

For the first hour or so I didn't like this. For the second half of it... I'm starting to. Though I don't follow it quick enough.

I thought the flames not being inverted as they escape the free port was a mistake. I don't catch the movements. I knew that one person was keeping a secret from the Protagonist (literal movie credit name - ain't that creative) during their first visit there. I knew something was going to start unveiling after that strange incident at the Opera. But I don't catch all.

I don't catch quick.

Maybe they could've explained things a bit more thoroughly when the female doctor first appears?

I also feel like the action moves seem a little strained and unnatural - the chases too, and not just because they're in reverse. Because it's not all fluent. Because the punches seem to lack power. Then again it must've been a real challenge to make both directions and times meet. In all the scenes. Whatever techniques they used for it. Even if they just film things twice and then overlap. Must've been tricky, and I don't mean to be picky.

Maybe I'd appreciate this more if I see it again... for now not feeling it.

I love the premise though.

I love the soundtrack. I love the initial Opera scene, and the final scene, and plenty of bits between. It's just personal encounters that seem impersonal. Conversations that - at least for a long time in the beginning - didn't feel natural at all.

Not sure the protagonist feels like the most natural protagonist either, even if he does have confidence almost to the point of an Idris Elba.

But maybe I'm wrong.

I need to see this again. Maybe I'll give it a top score next time.

It's one of those rare movies that when it ends... you know it isn't over. It's just the beginning.

Maybe it takes a few watches for it to grow on you too.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Bigfoot Famous (2021)

Bigfoot Famous (2021)

When a viral video of Bigfoot emerges, a once-popular influencer launches a mission to film a vlog with Bigfoot and regain her fame.

You know from the start it won't be one of the best ones this one... and it isn't. But it was a bit better than I thought it'd be. It wasn't entirely characterless. It had that exaggerated; awkward American idiot type humor that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, and here... it didn't.

But it pokes fun at influencers, highlights how little importance the social media tropes really hold, and does a pretty good job of just showcasing the ridiculousness of all.

And the filmography's beautiful.

I feel a little sorry for the kind-hearted dude with the big J, and the nature spirit just leading his life in peace when these violent peeps all barge into his home, but had they known...

The ending's a down to Earth one. I like that.

Nice contrast to all that came before it.

 rated 3/5: not bad

Night Teeth (2021)

Night Teeth (2021)

Boyle Heights... why not have that in the title? Such an awesome intro here. Such an awesome movie...

It's another bad-ass Netflix original, with Jack Black as a professor cameo...?!

That's but a bonus though, truly this is why I love this movie:

Read on...

Smokin' Aces 2 - Assassin's Ball (2010)

Smokin' Aces 2 - Assassin's Ball (2010)

Unofficial sequel? It has to be, cause it sucked. It really did.

They had a good premise, they had a bunker and everything too, but in the end the only thing that redeemed this one was... the end.

When it's all over not only is there finally a little clarity, but suddenly the quality seems better, and the only re-occurring hitman since the last movie is a bright point in an otherwise bleak showcase.

For a moment he almost made this seem official after all.

It's not terrible, but for the most part it's just not good.

The dialog doesn't lead anywhere. The build doesn't build towards anything worthwhile. The actors are decent, but the sets are disappointing, the choreography's basic and none of them really reach their full potential.

Except for the second girl, maybe. She had a good run. And the only ending in here that felt just a little unfortunate.

Didn't seem as evil re-incarnate as the other Tremors did somehow.

Decent movie as is. Compared to the original? Terrible.

 rated 3/5: not bad

Secret Headquarters (2022)

Secret Headquarters (2022)

Teenage movie. Clean visuals. Comical moments. Owen Wilson the immortal - like seriously he doesn't change it's crazy!

It's immaculately made, there's lotsa awesome gadgetry, and it stars an awkward teenage hero who of course both gets the girl and excels at all things he initially thought he was inferior at.

Twenty years ago I would have LOVED this.

I'm not the right age group now, but it is good.

I also seriously wondered if this might've actually been a Scooby Doo movie for a moment at the beginning. Owen looks a lot like Shaggy, speeding down a mysterious forest road in an old green VW bus... just the rest of the mystery gang's missing there.

After that I wondered if it might turn into something like E.T. instead.

But no. Very different.

I really get into it after a while though, and it's not as harmless as it seems either... even if the main villain's more harmless than expected (is this the third time I see him in a superhero movie though?! Ant-Man first, and then... some other one...).

Feel sorry 'bout that Hawaii guy, the only positive moral-inclined villain in the bundle.


 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

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