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Frisco, Texas Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Dallas, Texas Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Do you need prospective customers to easily find your website in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others? Your website’s position (ranking) in these search engines can have a major impact on your bottom-line and the overall success of your business. It’s estimated that the majority of search users won’t take the time to go past the first page of search results. So if you’re website isn’t on page one, then prospective customer won’t find you and you will be losing business. If you’re website’s ranking is important to your success, then we can assist you with a custom, on-going program to improve your site’s position in the major search engines. We can help aggressively improve your website ranking and drive traffic.

Why Isn’t My Website Ranking Better in Google?

Perhaps you’re a business owner who recently launched or upgraded their website only to find that it’s not ranking in the search engines as well as you had hoped.  Your company’s ranking can have a major impact on how many new customers you attract. It’s estimated that 76% of people will turn to search engines like Google vs. the phone book when they are looking for business information. Want to know what are the critical elements that affect your websites ranking in major search engines? Contact us for a free website SEO evaluation.

Our Search Engine Optimization Service Includes:


Search Engine Optimization Strategy

We perform research and analysis of your company, website, and primary competitors which helps us in developing an overall SEO strategy for your company to meet your goals.

SEO Keyword Research

Extensive research of your what your audience is searching for and what their intent is.  Based on your goals, we provide recommendations on which keywords and phrases will be most beneficial to optimize. Or, if you prefer, you can identify which keyword phrases you would like to target based on your knowledge of your customers and target market.

Meta Tags Copywriting

Rewriting and optimization of the Title Tag, Meta Tag Description, Keyword Meta Tags, H1 Tags and Image Tags for each page of your site.

SEO Copywriting Recommendations

A thorough review of the existing content of your site and recommendations on how to optimize the keywords and phrases that you have chosen within the content of your site pages. If needed, we have writers that can create new, optimized content for your website.

Sitemap & Other Search Engine Optimization Changes

If needed, we will create or revise your existing Sitemap, No Follow Tags, Robots.txt files, etc. We will also perform a careful link analysis to ensure you don’t have any inbound or outbound links that are broken and setting up 301 redirects to ensure proper link flow, integrity and will seek to help you avoid other content related search engine penalties.

Implementation of SEO Changes

We can work to directly implement our search engine optimization recommendations directly within your website, or we can provide the site change information to your existing web developer so they can make the changes..

Search Engine Optimization Reporting

Initially we will benchmark where we start and continue monitoring search engine rankings to demonstrate increases in traffic and rankings from our SEO efforts. We will help you setup and implement Google and Bing Analytics tracking so you can see the changes to your website traffic over time, view keywords and keyword phrases that are driving you site traffic, and understand the demographics of your site visitors.

Follow-Up Communication

Timely communication when the phases of your SEO project are completed. You will always know what we are working on for you and you will have direct access to your own dedicated search engine optimization expert.

Our SEO Process

When it comes to finding an SEO company, there is a lot of information available and much of it can be confusing. At 380 Web Designs and Marketing, we do things a little bit differently. We know that you want tangible, measurable results and ROI on your SEO investment, not ambiguous, empty promises and slick sales talk. Some SEO companies will use tricks and gimmicks to temporarily boost your sites ranking for certain keywords. These are often refereed to as “black-hat” SEO tactics, and in the long run they will hurt your ranking more than it helps. At 380 Web Designs, everything we do is strictly above board. We use strictly Google Approved “White-Hat” Techniques to help build your natural search engine ranking.

In order to create the best possible results for our clients, we follow a systematic five-step process to build your ranking in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Step 1- Keyword Research and Analysis

We start by helping you determine which keywords and phrases you should be trying to rank for. By using systematic research methods, we can use real world data to find out what words will produce the most traffic for your business. People are often very surprised to learn that the words they thought would be the most profitable and productive really aren’t. For instance, let’s say you run a tennis school and you thought that “learn tennis” was the word you really wanted to rank well for on Google. However, it turns out that “tennis school” will bring you almost twice as much traffic to your website. This is why it’s so critical to make sure you’re targeting the most effective keywords possible. We can help you look at potential keywords to target and optimize those within your site’s content, meta tags, page titles, etc.

Step 2- Optimizing Your Site

Next we go through your website and optimize the various pages make them rank well for the keywords you’re targeting. This is a very important process and takes a knowledgably, experience professional. There is a lot of bad information floating around about what will make a web page rank well in search engines like Google. We cut through all the myths and urban myths to produce tangible measurable results for you.

Step 3- Build Inbound Links

Every time another website links to yours, Google looks at it as sort of a vote for your website. It’s critically important to not just have sites linking to yours, but to have the RIGHT websites. We work to build high-quality, inbound links from relevant sites to help boost your search engine ranking.

Step 4- Monthly Reports

We provide you with ongoing monthly reports about how your website is ranking, where you’ve improved, and what still needs work. These detailed SEO reports have a lot of very useful and relevant information to help you evaluate how the SEO process is working for your company and site.

Step 5- Rinse and Repeat

It’s important to know and understand that there is no instant fix for your search engine ranking. It takes a consistent, ongoing effort to actually improve your ranking in a meaningful and tangible way. Some SEO companies will use gimmicks to try and trick the search engines into ranking your site higher, but many of these tactics are temporary and can hurt you and your standing with Google, Bing and other search engines in the long run.

Contact 380 Web Designs and Marketing today and we will consult with you and then provide a customizes SEO Program Quote and Program specifically tailored to your company’s goals and budget. 

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